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25 Cards in this Set

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What do all the cells in your body need


Where do your cells get oxygen from

Red blood cells

Where do red blood cells get oxygen from


What is the main organ of the respiratory system

The lung

What does the respiratory system do

Exchanges gas with the outside air and releases co2 from the cells into air

How many stages are in the respiration system


What happened in stage 1 of respiration

Are taken into the body and carbon dioxide is released into the outside air

What happens in the second stage of respiration

Oxygen is carried to all the cells in the body and carbon dioxide is carried away from every cell

What are the steps in respiration

1.) Breathing

2.) Gas exchange between the air and blood

3. Gas transport by the blood

4.) Gas exchange between the blood and cells

Where does the gas exchange take place

The alveoli in the lung

What is each alveolus surrounded by

A network of capillaries

What does the difference in oxygen concentration do

Cuz oxygen to diffuse from the and into the blood

What do cells in the body have

A lower concentration

Oxygen diffuses from the blood into what

The cells

Carbon dioxide which cells produce in what

Cellular respiration

What is more concentrated in the cells

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide diffuses what

Out of the cells and into the blood

What is mechanical digestion

Occurs when large chunks of food are broken down into smaller pieces. Which happens in the mouth and stomach

What is chemical digestion

Occurs when large food molecules are broken down into smaller nutrients molecule.this process begins in the mouth and stomach but occurs mostly in the small intestines

What is absorption

The process in which nutrients or other molecules are taken up by the blood

After food is broken down into nutrient molecules what happens

The molecules are absorbed by the blood

Where is absorption

Happens in the small intestine

Where can nutrients travel

In the bloodstream to the cells throughout the body

What are food and oxygen in the cells used to make


How is ATP made

Through cellular respiration