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162 Cards in this Set

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how is cell and molecular biology "reductionist"
it is based on the view that knowledge of the parts of the whole can explain the character of the whole
To whom is the discovery of cells generally credited to?
Robert Hooke
Who began constructing high quality, simple microscopes; first to view water and saw "animalcules"; & first to describe bacteria?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Late 1600's
Which German botonist, in 1838, concluded that tissues were made of cells and a plant derived from a single cell?
Matthias Schleiden
Which German zoologist, and colleague of M. Schleiden, proposed 2 of the 3 tenets of the cell theory?
Theodor Schwann
What two tenets of the cell theory did Theodor Schwann propose?
1. all organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. the cell is the structural unit of life
Which German pathologist, in 1855, proposed the third tenet of the cell theory?
Rudolf Virchow
What was the third tenet of the cell theory proposed by Rudolf Virchow?
Cells can arise only by division from a preexisting cell -- religious challenge
life is the most basic property of cells, and cells are the smallest unit to exhibit this property
Who was the first to culture human cells?
George Gey of Johns Hopkins in 1951
What cells did George Gey culture, what did he name them, how long were they cultured?
Cultured -- malignant tumor
Named them -- HeLa cells (from donor Henrietta Lacks)
Culture -- continues today
Why are cells cultured outside the body and what is this procedure referred to?
1. simpler to study than cells in the body
2. in vitro (process or reaction occuring in an artificial environment)
Scanning electron microscope
examines detailed surfaces of the cells
transmission electron microscope
reveals detailed internal structures of the cell
What are the 9 basic properties of cells?
1. highly complex & organized
2. possess genetic program & means to use it
3. capable of producing more of themselves
4. acquire and utilize energy
5. carry out a variety of chemical reactions
6. engage in mechanical stuff
7. able to respond to stimuli
8. capable of self-regulation
9. evolve
what do more complex structures require?
1. > number of parts in their propper place
2. > regulation/control to maintain system
3. < tolerance for error
What is the error rate of DNA duplication?
< 1 mistake every 10 million nucleotides -- most of these quickly corrected
what consistancy can be found across a type of cell?
1. cell apperance -- particular shape and location of organelle
2. organelle -- consistent composition of macromolecules arranged in a predictable pattern
what are some basic processes which are similar in all living organisms?
1. synthesis of proteins
2. construction of membrane
3. conservation of chemical energy
describe gentic material relative to organism construction
organisms are built from information encoded in genes which are packaged into a set of chromosomes and found in the cell nucleus
what 3 major activities are genes involved in?
1. blueprints for constructing cellular structures
2. directions for running cellular activities
3. program for making more of themselves
what aspect of genes, at the level of molecular structure, allows for the biological basis of evolution?
molecular structure of genes allow for changes in genetic information (mutations)
Discuss cells ability to produce more of themselves
1. reproduce by division
2. somatic = diploid - diploid x2
3. gamete = diploid - haploid x4
*sperm x4; egg x1 + 3 polar bodies
why do cells acquire and utilize energy?
necessary to maintain complexity and organization -- prevent natural gravitation toward increased entropy (s)
where does virtually all energy for life on earth come from?
electromagnetic radiation from the sun
how does sunlight become energy?
light captured by light-absorbing pigments in photosynthetic cells & converted via photosynthesis into chemical energy stored as sucrose or starch
in what form is energy primarily packaged / delivered to humans?
what organ releases glucose into the bloodstream?
in what form is glucose stored in humans?
what form of energy is utilized to power the energy-requiring functions of the cell?
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
why do the same chemical reactions in the body occur more rapidly than they would outside the body?
enzymes -- molecules that greatly increase the rate of a chemical reaction, without being used up
the sum total of the chemical reactions in a cell represents that cells _______.
give 3 examples of mechanical activities in cells
1. transfer of material from place to place
2. assembly / disassembly of structures
3. movement of entire cell
give an example of a type of protein employed by cells to carry out mechanical activities
motor proteins -- change shape and initiate mechanical action
how do cells repond to stimuli?
single cell -- whole cell move
multicellular -- receptors
what are cell receptors sensitive to?
1. hormones
2. growth factors
3. extracellular materials
4. substances on the surface of other cells
give three examples of cellular response, via receptor excitation or inhibition
1. alter metabolic activities
2. cell moves
3. apoptosis
the importance of a cell's regulatory mechanisms becomes most evident when they ____.
break down....consider failure to correct DNA error
what are the two fundamentally different classes of cells?
1. prokaryotic
2. eukaryotic
what distinguishes prokaryotic cells from eukaryotic cells?
size & type of organelles
what does prokaryotic include?
what does eukaryotic include?
1. protists
2. fungi
3. plants
4. animals
prokaryotic life began?
2.7 bya
simple eukaryotic life began?
1.6 bya
complex multicellular animals began?
600 mya
similarities and differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
see table 1.1 pp9
the distinction between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells is based on ___ and not ____.
structural complexity; phylogenetic relationship
what 2 domains are prokaryotes divided into?
1. archaea (archaebacteria)
2. bacteria (eubacteria)
which prokaryotic domain is more closely related to eukaryotes, than to the other prokaryote domain?
species which can live in extreamly inhospitable environments are often referred to as "___," and are part of which major cell type and domain?
extremophiles; prokaryotes; archaea
capable of convertine CO2 and H2 gases into methane (CH4) gas
live in extreamly salty environment
acid loving prokaryotes; pH as low as 0
live at very high temps
thermophils & autoclave
thermophil > hyperthermophils > strain 121. grow in H2o heated 121C (temp used to sterilize via autoclave)
prokaryotes > bacteria include ___ cells
smallest known cells
what is the only known prokaryote to lack a cell wall & conatain a genome w/ fewer 500 genes?
prokaryote > bacteria > mycoplasma (0.2um diameter)
what are the most complex prokaryotes?
what are 2 characteristics of cyanobacteria?
1.photosynthesis by splitting water molecules which release molecular oxygen
2. nitrogen fixation, the conversion of nitrogen gas into reduced forms of nitrogen that can be used by cells in the synthesis of nitrogen containing organic compounds
*can survive on the barest of resources
what % prokaryotes have been cultured?
<1/10 of 1%. 5,000/millions
what method can we utilize to better understand the biological diversity of prokaryotes that might be difficult to isolate and view?
(RNA sequence analysis)
RNA sequencing suggests there are how many different species of bacteria living in the subgingival cavities of our mouth?
90% of prokaryotes are thought to live where?
subsurface sediments well beneath the oceans and upper soil layers
In many regards the most complex eukaryotic cells are?
-unicellular protists
-all the machinery required for the complex activities in which the organism engages is housed within the confines of a single cell
multicellular cells become specialized by a process called ____?
the pathway of differentiation followed by each embryonic cell depends primarily on ____?
signals it receives from the surrounding environment; these signals in turn depend on the position of that cell within the embryo.
why do we use model organsims?
1. can't really experiment on humans
2. models have unique valuable characteristics
3. same people using same models = increased progress
list six model organisms
1. Escherichia coli -- digestive tract bacterium
2. Saccharomyces cerevisiae -- baker/brewer yease
3. Arabidopsis thaliana -- mustard plant
4. Caenorhabditis elegans -- microscopic nematode
5. Drosophila melanogaster -- fruit fly
6. Mus musculus -- common house mouse
1. prokaryote
2. rod shaped bacterium
3. lives in digestive tract of humans/other mammals
4. much knowledgy of molecular biology of cell: mechanisms of replication; transcription; and translation was discovered with this model
5. can be grown haploid
S. cerevisiae
1. lest complex of eukaryotes commonly studies (single cell like E.coli)
2. brewers / bakers yeast
3. a number of proteins homologous to proteins in human cells
4. small genome encoding 6200 proteins
5. can be grown in haploid state
6. can be grown aerobic or anaerobic
7. Ideal for the identification of genes through the use of mutants
A. thaliana
1. mustard plant
2. small "plant" genome of 120 million base pairs
3. rapid generation time
4. large seed production
5. height of only a few inches
6. plant - where world gets food from
7. plant > complicated than animals
8. entire genome mapped
C. elegans
1. microscopic nematode
2. a defined number of cells (1000)
3. each cell develops according to a precise pattern of cell division
4. easily cultured
5. transparent body wall
6. short generation time
*micrograph showing larval nervous system, labeled with green fluorescent protein (GFP), resulted in 2002 nobel prize
7. first complicated organism to have complete genome sequenced
D. melanogaster
1. fruit fly
2. small/complex eukaryote
3. favored for animal genetic study 100 years
4. well suited for: study of molecular biology development; neurolgical basis of simple bahavior
5. certain larval cells have giant chromosomes, whose individual genes can be identified for the study of evolution and gene expression
6. regular segmented body plan
M. musculus
1. common house mouse
2. easily kept/bred
3. thousands of different genetic strains have been developed
4. many are stored as frozen embryos
5. "knockout mice" (eliminate gene/can't do this in other organisms
1. newer model organism
2. transparent larva
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
blood-forming cells in the bone marrow; normally responsible for replacing millions of red and white blood cells that age and die every minute
stem cells
undifferentiated cells that are capable of 1)self-renewal 2) differentiation into two or more mature types
embryonic stem (ES) cells
cells isolated from very young mammalian embryos, which can give rise to all various structures of mammalian fetus (pluripotent)
tumors which can result from undifferentiated ES cells -- can include hair/teeth
chemically activated oocytes (in absence of sperm), not capable of developing to term, but capable of producing pluripotent ES cells
size: paramecium; frog egg
1.5 mm long; 2.5mm diameter
epithelial cell
30 um height
12 um diameter
8 um diameter
2 um long
1 um long
250 nm diameter
100 nm diameter
30 nm diameter
actin filament
6 nm diameter
lipid bilayer
5 nm wide
4.5 nm diameter
DNA molecule
2 nm wide
water molecule
4 A diameter
hydrogen atom
1 A diameter
in general macromolecules such as ribosomes, microtubules, microfilaments
between 5-25 nm
5-10 um in diameter
prokayotic cells range in lenght
1-5 um
eukaryotic cells range in length
10-30 um
List 3 reasons why cells are small
1. most eukaryotic cells = single nucleus = 2 copy genes = limited templates for production mRNA
2. increase in cell size = decrease in surface area/volume ratio. certain point surface not sufficient to move materials needed
3. cells depend on diffusion. cell too large = too long for substances to diffuse
who filterd out smallest known bacterium, discovering filtrate was still infective?
Dmitri Ivanovsky
infectious material discovered by Dmitri Ivanovsky became knows as ___?
Wendell Stanley
thought virus responsible for tobacco mosaic disease was a protein -- was a rod shaped particle consisting of single RNA molecule surrounded by helical shell composed of protein subunits
list some examples of human disease, which viruses are responsible for
2. polio
3. influenza
4. cold sores
5. measles
6. few types of cancer
what is a common property shared by all viruses?
obligatory intracellular parasites (cannot reproduce unless present inside a host cell)
what is the term for a virus outside a cell?
what type of genetic material do viruses contain?
1. RNA or DNA
2. single stranded or double stranded
3. can contain 3-100's of genes
what surrounds the genetic material of a virion?
capsid (a protein capsule), constructed from a specific number of subunits
Are virions organisms? explain
no. macromolecule aggregates of inanimate particles.
--unable to reproduce, metabolize, or carry on any other activities of life
many viruses have capsid whose subunits are organized into ____?
polyhedron (structure having planar faces)
what is common polyhedral shape?
20-sided icosahedron (ex:adenoviurs; resp infections)
in many animal viruses, including HIV, how is the capsid modified?
surrounded by a lipid-containing outer envelope derived from the modified plasma membrane of the host as the virus buds from the host cell surface
1. bacterial viruses
2. among most complex viurses
T bacteriophages
1. used in key experiments that revealed structure and properties of genetic material
2. polyhedral head containing DNA
3. cylindrical stalk through which the DNA in injected into bacterial cell
4. tail fibers
**resembles landing module for moon
how do viruses attach to host cells?
viral surface proteins are able to bind to a particular surface component of its host cell
refers to the types of cells which can be acted upon
host range
refers to the range of organs or species able to be infected
how is it possible to study viruses under a light microscope?
each virus particle can first be tagged with a single fluorescent molecule, and followed like brightly lit vehicles
what are the two basic types of viral infections?
1. lytic infection -- virus arrests host's normal synthetic activities, and redirects cell to use its available material to manufacture viral nucleic acids & proteins which assemble into new virons. cell ruptures and new generation of viral cells infect neighboring cells
2. integrated provirus -- does not lead to host cell death. inserts its DNA into host DNA (provirus).
provirus can have different effect upon host depending on type of virus & host. Give 3 examples
1. Bacterial cells containing provirus behave normally until exposed to stimulus -- then activation dormant viral DNA, cell lyse, viral progeny
2. some animal cells with proviurs -- viral progeny buds leaving the host cell alive for a period (ex: HIV)
3. some animal cells containing provirus loose control over own growth and division and become malignant
what are 3 benefits of viruses?
1. b/c they mimic activities of host genes, used to study DNA replication & gene expression in their more complex host
2. used as means to introduce foreign genes into human cells (future gene therapy)
3. insect & bacteria-killing viruses might play role against pests and bacterial pathogens (consider antibiotic resistance)
T.O. Diener
reported in 1971, potato spindle-tuber disease, caused by infectious agent consisting of small circular RNA, totally lacking protein coat
viroids (x6)
-smaller than viruses
1. RNA 240-600 nucleotides
2. 1/10 size of smaller viruses
3. no evidence codes for proteins
4. utilizes hosts RNA polymerase 2
5. cause disease by interfering with cells normal path of gene expression
6. serious effect on crops
what term describes the theory of the origin of eukaryotic cells
endosymbiont theory
explain endosymbiont theory
1. anaerobic, heterotrophic, prokaryote ingested aerobic prokayote
2. ingested prokaryote become mitochondria -- ingesting prokaryote became aerobic
3. plasma membrane invagination of larger prokayote
4. invagination formed membranes that became nuclear envelope / organelles
5. animal cells formed (OR) ingested photosynthetic cyanobacterium and became agal & plant cells
what are the 3 basic cell lines and which 2 are closer together
1. bacteria, archaea, & eucarya
2. archaea are closer to eukarya than they are to bacteria, despite the fact that they lack a nucleus (based on nucleotide sequence similarities)
able to derive energy from food without molecular oxygen 02
must obtain preformed organic material from their environment
what are three methods used to determine the evolutionary relationship between organisms?
1. a comparison of nucleotide sequences
2. comparison of biochemical pathways
3. comparison of structural features
T or F:
viruses have been successfully grown in pure cultures in test tubes
If you were to study the sequences of nucleic acids in a variety of viruses and viral hosts, you would probably find more similarities:
between viruses and their hosts than among different viruses
Bone marrow transplants are to blood transfusions as organ engineering is to ? .
organ transplant.
The most powerful tool for determining evolutionary relationships among cell types is
the study of nucleic acid sequences in genomes
what are some advantages of using cultured cells to explore the answer to a question of cell structure or function?
1.ability to study a single cell type
2.ease of obtaining large numbers of cells
3.ability to minimize number of unknown variables by using carefully controlled in vitro conditions
what would be the advantage of using an organism to study cell structure or function?
more meaningful in understanding the role of the process in the overall activity of the organism. (ex: study glucose transport across the plasma membrane of cultured liver cells in response to insulin)
what is the advantage of the microvilli on intestinal epithelial cells
They greatly increase the surface area/volume ratio of the cell, allowing much greater exchange between the cell and the lumen of the intestine (folding = surface area)
was there an advantage to culturing "malignant" cells
1. Cancer cells grow in a much less controlled manner than normal cells, which is why they continue to proliferate in the body
2. fewer requirements for growth
though viruses are not "living," what features would you consider if making a case that they were
1.contain genetic material
2.capable of producing more (though inside host)
3.contain complex biological macromolecules
4.they evolve
why the name "cell biology?"
1. study of life at the cellular level
2. study of single cell organism
3. study of cells at molecular level
what is the focus of cell biology at the cellular level
plasma membrane; cell communication
what is the focus of cell biology at the molecular level
molecules -- DNA, RNA, proteins, amino acids, nucleotides
what is the challenge of the "reductionist" concept
overlooks synergystic / emergent properties -- might not be able to explain how something works collectively by examining individual parts
what new name has been proposed for HeLa cells
Helacyton gartleri
List 2 characteristic of the HeLa cells
1. non-native # chromosomes
2. ecological niche
higher order complexity referred to as "layers within layers," and is seen mostly in __
metazoans (multicellular organisms)
list 5 marks of higher complexity as seen in metazoans
1. specialization
2. division of labor
3. communication (facilitates #4)
4. co-ordination
5. similarity of structures between tissues
who demonstrated cells are capable of self-regulation
Hans Driesch, 1891. split sea urchin embryo & developmental pattern re-organized itself and two embryos arose
list 3 reasons why cell processes might involve so many steps
1. usual longer pathway provides multiple points of regulation & control
2. early evolution didn't have enzymes necessary to jump from step 1 to step "last"
3. intermediates might serve valuable regulatory functions in their own right
how did the first cells arise
we dont know
list 2 theories of cell evolution and their associated personalities
1. small gradual transitions; darwin
2. sudden giant transitions (punctuated equilibria); eldridge & gould
prokaryote vs eukaryote...how was this defined
1. differences; not on similarities as things are usually defined
2. lack of a nucleus (prokaryote)
what was wrong with the early definition of prokaryote vs eukaryote
1. says nothing about how the bacteria are related
2. it implies non-eukaryotes are monophyletic (need similarities, not just differences, to determine this)
are there more differences or similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
more differences
1. most complex of the prokaryotes
2. capable of photosynthesis
3. probably caused the most catastrophic climate change on planet earth ever..generated 02
4. food gathering advantage over competitors
5. 02 killed of competitors
what is the approximate time and cost required to sequence the genome of a microbe
4.5 hours; $10,000
what is the approximate time and cost to sequence the genome of higher vertibrates
2-3 days; $50,000
which type of stem cells are the most promising
ES cells; most plasticity
where is the greatest supply of adult stem cells
bone marrow of large bones in the legs
how do mitochondria contribute to the theory of endosymbiosis
1. mitochondria have their own DNA
2. have double membrane (developed second membrane when engulfed)
Carl Woese
1. 1960's compared rRNA between organisms to determine relationship
2. third lineage, archaea, arose in addition to previous eukaryotic & prokaryotic
what are the advantages of using rRNA sequence analysis to compare organisms
1. all organisms have rRNA for protein synthesis
2. rRNA is very "conserved"
who did Carl Woese argue with & what about
1. C. Woese used reductionist approach to sort out archaea (molecules)(phylogenetics)
2. Ernst Mayr (Harvard) was opposed to this & classified according to morphology
3. Woese won !!!