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8 Cards in this Set

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Jackson Vs Common wealth (96 va.101.1898)

right to defend ones possessions, have the right to resist unlawful arrest

Tennessee V. Garner 471u.s. 1 (1985)

Sets the standard for the use of force of a fleeing felon.

McCoy v Commonwealth 125 Va. 771 (1919)

If one is unjustifiable or unlawfully arrested, he has the right to retreat or stand ground

What is the spirit of the law?

The legislative intent behind the law, true purpose of the law

What is the letter of the law?

The strict, literal interpretation of the law/statute

What is a civil law?

Laws concerned with private rights and remedies, as opposed to criminal laws

What is a criminal law?

A violation of any law or ordinance that subjects the offender to public punishment or any act or omission prohibited by public law in order to protect the public

What was the basis of Commonwealth v. Jernigan (1905)

To distinguish the difference between a crime and tort.