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42 Cards in this Set

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Non-contractile cardiac muscle

Modified to initiate and distribute impulses

Sinoatrial node

In right atrium

Rate 100AP/min (modified to 75 by parasympathetic)

Atrioventricular node

In right atrium

Rate 50AP/min

Bundle of His

Originates at AV node

ONLY route for electrical activity to go from atria to ventricles

Purkinje fibres

Terminal fibres (stimulate contraction of the ventricular myocardium)


Interartial pathways

Connects the 2 artials and makes them contract as a unit

Via gap junctions

Internodal pathway

Connects the SA and AV node (delay of .1 sec to get through AV node)

Artificial pacemakers

Stim if SA or AV node damaged

Threshold of heart muscle cells


Pacemaker potential

Slow inward leak of Na+ (channels open)

Causes slow depolarization

AP depolarization

Threshold meet

Ca++ gates open

Na gates close

AP repolarization

Ca++ close at peak

K+ opens (close below threshold)

Start of pacemaker cycle

Na+ channels open at -50mv once K+ channels close

NO RMP (it's always changing)

Phases of pacemaker activity

1. Pacemaker potential

2. AP depolarization

3. AP repolarization

4. Na+ channels open at -50mV

AP in ventricular myocardium


Resting MP = -90mV

How signals spread in heart

Via gap junctions

What type of gates allow ions through in the heart

ALL voltages gated

Phases of ventricular myocardial APs

1. Depolarization

2. Plateau

3. Repolarization


Na gates open (fast)

MP to +30


Na channel close and inactivate

Ca (SLOW) channels open


Ca++ channels close

K+ gates open

Absolute refractory period in ventricular myocardial

Very Long

Na+ channels inactivated until MP is close to -70

Excitation contraction coupling in myocardial cells

1. Ca++ voltage gated open


2. Chemically gated Ca++ channels on SR


3. Contraction

Contraction of myocardial cells

Sliding filament mechanism

Duration of AP = 250msec

Duration of twitch = 300msec

Contraction almost over when AP ends

- no summation or tentanus

- alternation of contration/reaction

3 components of cardiac cycle

1. Electrical activity (ECG)

2. Mechanical activity

3. Blood flow through heart

How do currents move through the heart

Via salty body fluids


Potential differences measured on body surface using electric pairs

Recording seen as waves

Electrode pair called

A lead

ECG waves are

Sum of electrical activity on ALL myocardial cells (NOT AP)

Changes only 2 mV (not -40 to +30)

P wave (ECG waves)

P wave = atrial depolarization followed by contraction

QRS wave

- Ventricular depolarization followed by contraction

- atrial repolarization followed by relaxation (masked by ventricular action)

T wave (ECG)

Ventricular repolarization followed by relaxation

ECG P-Q interval

Artia contracted

Signal passing through AV node

S-T interval

Ventrical contracted

Atria relaxed

T-P interval

Heart at rest


Resting heartrate above 100bmp


Resting heart rate under 60bpm


When contractions through AVnode slowed

- Increase P-Q interval

- ventricles may not contract after each atrial contraction

-ventricles follow AV node pass or purkinje rate ( bad!)

2 main mechanical events

Systole = contraction, emptying

Diastole = relaxation, filling

Initiated by electrical activity

1 complete heartbeat is

Diastole and systole of atria AND diastole and systole of venteicles

1 cardiac cycle takes how long

0.8 seconds

When does ventricle contract

0.1 second after atria for 3 msec.