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120 Cards in this Set

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Whose responsibility is it to check EMS gear

The entire crew

Who do you report exposures to?

Battalion 2

Who is responsible for the personal accountability at the fire scene?

The first due engieneer

Where do you start a search with the TIC ?

At the fire and work away from it

Where should the 1st. Due truck position at a fire

Across and in front of the address

Where should the 2nd due truck position at a fire

The rear of the building

What is the trucks 3rd responsibility

Forcible entry (behind vent and search)

How often should a company officer check personnels PPE?


What do you do if you have blood on turnouts?

Wash off, bag, and send to wash

How long do you have to submit an accident to the chief?

24 Hours

A RIC company is a minimum of how many people?

3 personnel

When backing an apparatus how far will the back up man be?


When is it okay to not be wearing a seat belt while riding on a fire apparatus?

While loading hose

How many hours of emergency vacation does an employee get a year

48 hours

Station visitation ends at what time?

9 pm

A day care manager what to schedule a station tour, who do you refer them to?

The public education cordinator

Who is responsible for making sure personnel know the process of writing official documents?

The Company Officer

Firefighter comes to you with unofficial business where that go?

The unofficial Bulletin board

Who can the company officer transfer command of a fire

To a higher ranking officer

How many parts per million of CO is required for not using a SCBA at a fire?

Less than 25 ppm

What are the workout times at a double house?

9 am to 11 am

1 thing the RIC must have

A hoseline

Size up should include all the following except:

Fire conditions


Building construction

Incident command post


How far out does an agenda need to be put out before a meeting?

14 days

What needs to happen if an electrical line goes down at a incident scene

Safety message and have dispatch announce

If a firefighter Does not sign a disiplinary letter?

It's not a form of punishment

When can you backfire?

In a life safety situation and you can't contact ops.

What constitutes a level 1 haz-mat

Less than 55 gallons, and no immediate threat to life and health.

When should pass along info be done?

As close to shift change as possible

Oxygen less than _______ for a confined space?

Search responsibility falls to who at a incident

2nd due Engine
1st Due Truck Priorities?

Ventialation or Rescue
When will a roof ladder be used?

Roof with steeeper than 30*
What is the Climbing angle for a ladder being used for a window rescue>


What is the Climbing angle for a ladder being used at roof top?

75* with three rungs above the roof

What companies are RIC companies?







Who is contacted for odor complaints?

Bay Area Air Quality Mangemnt District
What are the Core Values of the organization?



Customer Service

Stategic Management

Regional Cooperation

What is the 1st step of the Philosophy Document?

Self Disipline

Who is responsible for the release of operational elements to the Media?

Deputy Chief of Operations
What descibes; gathering info, develop procedures, and remaining current?

Pre incident planning
After size up, what should be done next. Assuming there is no immediate rescue?

Develop on IAP

What are the three types of laws?




Define Division of Labor

Assigns Responsiblity

Prevents Duplication of Effort

Makes Specific, Clear cut assignments

Define Supervising
The act of directing, overseeing, or controling the activites and behavior of emloyees who are assigned to a particular supervisor.
A divsion in ICS is?

A Geographical Location
What are the componants of a strike team?

5 like resources

Common Communications

A Leader

The 1st. Step when someone makes a mistake on a training evolution?

As a supervisor your job is to?

Teach subordinates

Steward of position

Student of positions you aspire

When do you give up authority of a scene?

When the last person leaves
What is the most important trait of a Company Officer?

Understatnding somebodies feelings is called?

What kind of decision satisfies minimal requirements for a situation?

Bounded rational

Who decides the method of DECON at a haz-mat incident?

The HAZ-MAT group supervisor, DECON team leader, and Safety Officer

Rule of Thumb, how many F.F.s can a company officer effectivly control?

3 to 7
What are the incident priorities?

Life Safety

Incident Stablization

Property Conservation

Define Divsion of Labor

Breaking big tasks into small tasks

A fire sprinkler system that all sprinklers open at once?

A Deluge system
What type of fire sprinkler system always has water in it?
A wet system

What % of all fires are residential?

What type of construction is ordinary construction?

Type 3

What is Type 3 contruction

Masonary exterior and wood members, not large diameter.

What is the first priority when responding to HAZ-MAT incidents?

Keep a safe distance

Define Target Hazard

Building with a high potential with a greater potential of loss of life or property.

What are the 3 common types of roofs?




What is the cause of most fire deaths?

Inhalation of Carbon Monoxide
How many stories constitutes a high rise building?


What is BLEVE

Boiling LIquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
What is the most dagerous type of roof?


What is a multi-story constuction feature that can contribute to vertical fire spread?

Ballon Construction
What is the philosophy document built on?


Polar Solvents

Dissolve in water

What percentage of foam is used for hydrocarbons and polar solvents

3% Hydrocarbon

6% Polar Sovents

What do you need to do when delegating?

Give the employee the athority

What needs to be done after size-up, unless there is an obvious rescue?

A lap around the fire building

What is a PIE (Post Incidnt Evaluation) used for?

Learning and a measuring tool to support future emergencies
What is Analyzing?

Process of examining various parts of an item, or project
What does logic involve?

When do you never flow water into a fire building?

When Firefighters are still in the building

What is the content of an idea when communicating?
The message
What is Risk assessment based on?

Attainable Risk

Who takes pictures at an accident scene ivolving department vehicles?
The Battialion Chief
What are the 5 stages of Fire?

1. Ignition

2. Growth

3. Flash Over

4. Fully Developed

5. Decay

Where is the Blower placed for positive pressure ventilation of a high rise building?

The Bottom floor
When flowing AFFF?

no more them 20' of elevation

no more than 200' from eductor to tip

200 psi

How must a person talk on the radio?

Conistant and Clear text
How many GPM flow from a 1" line?





Who is ultimatly respnsible for investigation of cause of a fire?

Chief of the department
What extinguishing agent should be used on mailbox fires?

CO2 or Dry Chem

What are in the colors on a NFPA 704 symbol?

Red - Flambility

Blue - Health

Yellow - Toxisity

White - Special Hazards

What is the first priority when preforming VES

(Vent, Enter, Search)

Close the door
How many days does the employee have to respond in writing or request a skelly hearing. How many days to appeal?

10 days to resuest and 15 days to appeal

What is a risk assessment based on?

What are Values?

Moral Concepts
How much Emergency Vaction does an employee get each year?

48 hours
What type of extinguishing agent should be used on electrical fires?

Dry Chemical

What is the philosoohy documents intent?

Help members better understand behavior expected.
What is Logic?


What is Type III construction?

What type of windows open outwards?

Casement Windows

What is Supervision?

The act of directing, overseeing, and controling the activities of individuals

How often are probationary firefighters evaluated?

Every 90 days

What is the flame color of pyrolsis?

Light yellow to Clear
What is Fire Point?

Temperture at which liquid fuel produces suffient vapors to support combustion onve the fuel is ignited
What is a higher temperture, Fire point or Flash point?

Fire Point
What is needed to inplement change?

Create a climate for change

What is the management process?





What is not part of Size- Up?

How many square feet will a 2A20BC fire extinguisher extinguish of Class B fuel?

20 Square feet

What is a major risk of vetilating a metal roof?

The firefighter falling through the hole.

In training evolutions, what must the instructor act or assign?

A safety officer

What safety equipment must be worn while responding?

A seat belt

Assuming there is no life Hazzard what should an IC do after taking command?

Identify the ICP

When should the size - up process start?

Prior to the incident

What building feature can be used to remove smoke

HVAC systems (after the fire is controlled)

What is the stack effect?

Natural air movement in a building

What is the reverse stack effect?

Temperature inside the building is hotter than outside air

What is smoke stratification

Smoke is not hot enough to reach the top of the building

Define the classes of fire sandpiper systems

Class 1. Residental water supply

Class 2 Fire dept. Water supply

Class 3. Both residential & F.D.

What is the total working length of a ladder?

Total length of the ladder divided (÷) by 1/3