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25 Cards in this Set

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What three steps are part of the EIR DECISION process

Consider and certify e i r, approve project, issue permit

Three types of post EIR documents

Subsequent eir, supplemental eir addendum to eir

Screening criteria for alternatives

Infeasible, failure to meet most of project objectives, does not reduce environmental impacts

What is effective mitigation

Requires explanation of objectives and

Who is responsible for implementation/oversight

What performance criteria/steps if criteria aren't met

How implemented



Definition of feasible mitigation

Capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable amount Of time taking into account, economic environmental social legal Tech factors

All categories of environmental impacts

Direct, indirect, growth inducing, cumulative, long-term, short-term, residual

Contents of a project description

Project objectives, location, characteristics, foreseeable future phases, required approvals or permits, agencies using the e i r, phasing

Required contents of an e i r

Executive summary, project description, environmental setting, environmental impact analysis, Alternatives analysis, significant irreversible changes, references and organizations consulted, statement of insig. Impacts

Contents of the EIA section of an eir

Project impact, growth inducing impacts, cumulative impacts, mitigation measures, residual impacts

(all) Phases of an e i r process

Initial study, NOP, scoping , admin draft eir, draft e i r +public circulation, public notice of availability, notice of completion , review periods, final e i r + response to comments, certifying final with findings, agency decision making such as findings/mmrp/SOC, noticing requirements

3 Phases or stages of e i r process

Initiation, preparation, finalization

Fair argument standard threshold

An e I R must be prepared when it can be fairly argued, based on substantial evidence, and light of the whole record, that a project may have a significant environmental effect

Four phases of CEQA process

Preliminary review, initial study, Nd/mnd/eir, decision documents

Three primary components of eia

Description of the affected environment, prediction of impacts, impact mitigation

Definition of eia

The process of identifying predicting evaluating and mitigating the biophysical social and other relevant effects of development prior to Major decisions being taken

Key components of the executive summary

Significant effects, mitigation measures, areas of known controversy, issues raised by agency / public, unresolved issues

Contents of environmental setting

Description of physical environmental conditions at the time of the NOP, site description of, project vicinity, Regional description, policy and planning context

Mitigation measure - avoid

For the impact all together by not taking certain actions or parts of them

Mitigation measure - minimize reduce or eliminate

Minimize impacts by limiting degree of action and implementation, reduce or eliminate the impact overtime through preservation and maintenance during action

Mitigation measure - rectify

Rectify the impacts by repairing rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment

Mitigation measure - compensate

Compensate for impacts by replacing or providing substitute resources or environments

Difference between improper and proper deferral of mitigation

Proper deferral generally has more commitments, standards as well as methods for implementation. Improper is "prepare erosion plan"

Importance and creation of mmrp

Designed to ensure compliance during project implementation, is adopted and certified separately from the e i r

Objectives of mmrp

Answers implementation of mitigation, allows for adaptive management, provides feedback on mitigation, provides learning opportunities for improving mitigation in future, identifies need for enforcement action to prevent damage

Contents of an NOP

Description, location, public hearing agency, discussion of the probable env. Effects, address where docs can be viewed