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75 Cards in this Set

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diverse (adjective)

very different, from various kinds


meticulous (adjective)
passing careful attention to every detail
přepečlivý, puntičkářský

liaise (verb)

to work closely with sb and exchange information with them
úzce spolupracovat
acquire (verb)
to gain sth by your own effort, ability or behaviour
získat, nabýt
preposterous (adjective)
contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous.
"a preposterous suggestion"

nesmyslný, absurdní

gale (noun)
1. a very strong wind
2. an outburst of laughter

výbuch smíchu

unanimous (adjective)
1. (of two or more people) fully in agreement.
"the doctors were unanimous in their diagnoses"

2. (of an opinion, decision, or vote) held or carried by everyone involved.
"this requires the unanimous approval of all member states"

jednotný, jednomyslný

compassion (noun)
sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
"the victims should be treated with compassion"


compassionate (adjective)
feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.
"I allowed him to go home on compassionate grounds"


immaculate (adjective)
extremely tidy or clean; containing no mistakes


vast (adjective)
a very great amount or extent; immense


resentment (noun)
bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
"his resentment at being demoted"

rozhořčení, popuzení

harbour (verb)
1. keep (a thought or a feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
2. to give a home or shelter

mít v mysli, uchovat v mysli

poskytnou útočiště

humour (verb)
comply with the wishes of someone in order to keep them content, however unreasonable those wishes might be

vyhovět, podvolit se

content (adjective)
in a state of peaceful happiness.
"he seemed more content, less bitter"

ochotný, spokojený

joint (noun)
1. a point at which parts of an artificial structure are joined
2. a structure in the human or animal body at which two parts of the skeleton are fitted together
3. an establishment of specified kind, especially where people ate meeting for eating, drinking or entertainment


despise (verb)
feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.
"he despised himself for being selfish"


lest (conjunction)
1. with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of.
"he spent whole days in his room, wearing headphones lest he disturb anyone"

2. (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case.
"she sat up late worrying lest he be murdered on the way home"

aby snad ne

ze strachu že

nicety (noun)
a fine or subtle detail or distinction


societal (adjective)
relating to society or social relations


debauchery (noun)
excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol or drugs

hýření, zhýralost

indulgence (noun)
the action or fact of indulging; satisfaction, fulfillment


malice (noun)
the desire to harm someone; ill will


menace (noun)
a person or thing likely to cause harm; a threat or danger


obscurity (noun)
the state or being unknown, unimportant or inconspicuous


philander (verb)
frequently or readily enter in to casual sexual relationships with women


repugnance (adjective)
intense disgust.
"our repugnance at the bleeding carcasses"

odpor, zhnusení

what's the noun of long/strong?
solace (noun)
comfort or consolation in times of sadness or great distress

útěcha, potěcha

prudent (adjective)
acting with or showing care and thought for the future

rozumný, opatrný

menacing (adjective)
suggests the present of danger; threatening


incessant (adjective)
(of something regarded as unpleasant) continuing without pause or interruption.
"the incessant beat of the music"

neustálý, nepřetržitý

ceasefire (noun)
a temporary suspension of fighting; a truce.
"the latest ceasefire seems to be holding"

klid zbraní

reciprocate (verb)
1. respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.
"the favour was reciprocated"

2. feel (affection or love) for someone in the same way that they feel it for oneself.
"her passion for him was not reciprocated"

opětovat, oplatit

oppress (verb)
1. keep (someone) in subjection and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.
"a system which oppressed working people"

2. cause distress or anxiety to.
"he was oppressed by some secret worry"

utlačovat, utiskovat

detrimental (adjective)
tending to cause harm
"resent politics have been detrimental to the interest of many old people"

škodlivý, neblahý

ramshackle (adjective)
(especially of a house or vehicle) in a state of severe disrepair.
"a ramshackle cottage"


draughty (adjective)
(off am enclosed space) cold and uncomfortable because of currents of cold air.
"anyone would get pneumonia. living in that draughty old house"

v průvanu

pity (verb)
feel sorrow for the misfortunes of.
"I could see from their faces that they pitied me"

lítost, soucit

frail (adjective)

1. (off a person) weak or delicate
"his small frail body"

2. easily damaged or broken; weak.
"the balcony is frail"

3. weak in character or morals.

křehký, slabý

ambivalent (adjective)

having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

"some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her"

nevyhraněný, rozpolcený

rectify (verb)

1. put right; correct.

"mistakes made now cannot be rectified later"

2. convert (alternating current) to direct current.

"the current from the transformers is rectified by high-voltage diodes"

3. find a straight line equal in length to (a curve).

"his methods of rectifying the cycloid"


spoil (verb)

1. diminish or destroy the value or quality of.

"I wouldn't want to spoil your fun"

2. harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent.

"the last thing I want to do is spoil Thomas"

zkazit, pokazit


convince (verb)

1. cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.

"Robert's expression had obviously convinced her of his innocence"

2. persuade (someone) to do something.

"she convinced my father to branch out on his own"


prosperous (adjective)

1. successful in material terms; flourishing financially.

"prosperous middle-class professionals"

2. bringing wealth and success.

"we wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year"



spanking (adjective)

1. (especially of a horse or its gait) lively; brisk.

"a spanking trot"

2. (informal) very good.

"we had a spanking time"

3. (informal) fine and impressive.

"a spanking white Rolls Royce"

rychlý, svižný

concise (adjective)

giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

"a concise account of the country's history"

stručný, výstižný

sorrow (noun)

1. a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others.
"a bereaved person needs time to work through their sorrow"

2. an event or circumstances that causes sorrow.
"it was great sorrow to her when they separated"

3. the outward expression of grief; lamentation

smutek, zármutek

lamentation (noun)

the passionate expression of brief or sorrow; weeping.
"scenes of lamentation"

naříkání, bědování

acquire (verb)

to gain sth by your own efforts, ability or behaviour

získat, nabýt, pořídit se

despicable (adjective)


callousness (adjective)

bezcitnost, necitelnost

prerogative (noun)

výsada, privilegium

benevolent (adjective)

laskavý, přívětivý

relentless (noun)


intrepid (adjective)

neohrožený, nebojácný

gruelling (adjective)

vyčerpávající, namáhavý

idyllic (adjective)


exquisite (adjective)

nádherný, vybraný, dokonalý

holding up (phrasal verb)
used for traffic (instead of holding someone back)
"what may be holding Katya up is the g heavy traffic "


seething (verb)

zuřit, dusit v sobě

depiction (of something) (noun)

vyobrazení, vylíčení

cunning (adjective)


sly (adjective)

potutelný, šibalský, lišácký

fragility (noun)


detrimental (adjective)

škodlivý, neblahý

desensitization (noun)

snížení citlivosti

obligation (noun)
oblige verb

závazek, povinnost

instigate (verb)

vyvolat, vyprovokovat

culprit (noun)
the person or thing to blame for something that happened

viník, pachatel

insurmountable (adjective)
to hard/big to overcome


decisive (adjective)

rozhodující, rozhodný

insinuating (verb)

nepřímo naznačující

concede (verb)

připustit, přiznat

delusion (noun)

klam, falešná představa