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22 Cards in this Set

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what is the endocrine system?

-made up of glands that secrete chemicals called hormones into the bloodstream (directly)

name 4 endocrine glands

-pituitary gland- master gland

-ADH - affects amount of urine produced by kidney

FSH- stimulates ovaries to make oestrogen

TSH- stimulates thyroid gland to make thyroxine (controls rate of metabloism)

where are the thyroid, pituitary, pancreas, adrenal, ovary and testis gland located?

thyroid- throat

pituitary- base of brain

ovary- ovaries

testis- testicles

pancreas- pancreas

adrenal- kidneys

what is a hormone

provide chemical coordination and control for the body and produced by endocrine glands.

what does the pancreas do

constantly moniters and controls blood glucose concentration using two hormones. (insulin+glucagon)

how does the pancreas work

insulin produced allows glucose from blood into cells where its used.

what happens to glycogen stores once full

converted into lipids and stored, aka fat and you will become obese xxx

what does glucagon do

makes liver break down glycogen, converting back into glucose, and released back into blood

what is type 1 diabetes

pancreas does not make enough (or any) insulin so blood concentration is not controlled

without insulin what happens?

lack of energy and feeling tired, loose weight

who is more succestiable to type 2 diabetes

older, linked to obesity, lack of exercise or both, genetics

difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

type 1 affects mostly younger children and teenagers

type 2 affects older, obese people and way more common

How is treating type 1 diabetes different than treating type 2 diabetes?

type 1- replacement insulin before meals, watch amount of carbohydrates you eat, exercise.

type 2- eating balanced diet, losing weight, exercising,

how can we cure type 1 diabetes?

pancreas transplant, (difficult and risky)

transplanting pancreatic cells have been tried, but limited success rate:(

(HT) what does thyroxine do in the body

controls basal metabolic rate (how quickly substances are broken down and built up)

growth and development

(HT) what does adrenaline do for the body

-heart rate and breathing rate to incrwase

-stored glycogen in liver to be converted to glucose for respiration

-pupils to dilate in light

-mental awareness to increase

prepares body for fight or flight.

3 hormone based contraceptions

-contraceptive pill (use female hormones to prevent pregnancy)

-contraceptive implant (lasts for 3 years, hurts like a bitch xx)

-contraceptive patch (contains oestrogen and progesterone, replacement every 7 days)

1 chemical method of contraception , one barrier method



other methods of contraception

-vasectomy, abstinence, intrauterine devices (inserted into uterus, lasts 3-5 years)

3 infertility treatments


advantages and disadvantages of fertility treatments

-IVF is expensive

-not always successful

-health risks for mother (emotionally and physically)

-IVF increases chance of multiple pregnancy

-eggs frozen