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20 Cards in this Set

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What is crude oil?

A mixture of hydrocarbons, made out of carbon and hydrogen

Crude oil is split into separate groups, hydrocarbons

the shorter the molecules the more flammable. The ones at the top of the cylinder are more flammable eg gases, petrol, naphtha...

The shorter the chains the..

more runny it is, less viscous (gloopy)

When does complete combustion happen?

When there is plenty of oxygen, hydrocarbons burn to produce only carbon dioxide and water.

Blue flame = more energy

What is incomplete combustion?

When there isn't enough oxygen, carbon dioxide is produced as well as carbon monoxide and carbon. Less energy = yellow flame

Describe Carbon monoxide CO

colourless, odourless and very toxic.

What is there to consider when choosing the best fuel?

Ease ignition, energy value, ash and smoke, storage and transport.

When fossil fuels are burnt what is released into the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide and Water vapour

Sulfur dioxide, causes acid rain..

when the sulfur dioxide mixes with clouds it forms dilute sulfuric acid = falls as acid rain

What does acid rain cause..

Acid rain causes lakes to become acidic = animals die, kills trees and damage limestone buildings = ruins stone statues

What do Catalytic converters do?

Clean up and convert exhaust gases

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas..

which effects the atmosphere acting as an insulating layer = absorb most of the heat

Human activity = affects carbon dioxide levels

released when trees are burnt to clear land, micro-organisms feeding of dead-wood = product of respiration

What is iron seeding ..

needed for photosynthesis, blooms of phytoplankton absorb for photosynthesis

Biogas is made by microorganisms..

which are used to decompose living organisms' waste or dead plants = biogas

How can biogas, can be burned to heat water = power a turbine..

this can be used to generate electricity = it's renewable- can replaced quickly.

Dead plants - photosynthesised when alive - removing CO2 - balancing the releases of CO2 and the burning of biogas

Alcohol, made from sugar ..

ethanol = produced by using yeast to ferment sugar, sugar cane and sugar beat = source of sugar in ethanol

Alkanes = have all C-C single bonds

made up of chains of carbon atoms with single bonds - saturated hydrocarbons - no spare bonds

Alkenes = have a C-C double bonds


What is Cracking?

Splitting up long-chain hydrocarbons. Makes them shorter and much more usual. A form of thermal decomposition - breaking molecules down = simpler by heating