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55 Cards in this Set

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Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


1 byte


Positive integer from 0 to 255

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


1 byte


Signed integer from -128 to 127

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


2 bytes


short integer from -32,768 to 32,767

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


2 bytes


unsigned integer from 0 to 65,535

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


4 bytes


signed integer from ~ -2 billion to ~ + 2 billion

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


4 bytes


unsigned integer from 0 to ~ + 4 billion

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


8 bytes


signed integer from ~ -9 billion to ~ + 9 billion

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


8 bytes


unsigned integer from 0 to ~ +18 billion

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


4 bytes


signed float w/ 7 sig figs

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


8 bytes


signed float w/ 14 sig figs

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


16 bytes


signed float w/ 28 sig figs

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


2 bytes


single unicode character

Give number of bytes, .NET structure, and description for the C# keyword:


1 byte


on or off

keyword to declare a constant in C#


variable naming convention for C#

camel case

how do you identify a literal value as a float in C#?

append f or F

how do you identify a literal value as a decimal in C#?

append m or M

Naming convention for constants in C#

Pascal case (not all upper)

Order of precedence for arithmetic operators in C#

1. Increment and decrement

2. Positive and negative

3. Multiplication, division, modulus

4. Addition, subtraction

Does C# allow implicit casting for widening conversions?

yes, it will automatically promote but will not automatically demote

Syntax to explicitly cast for narrowing conversion


int grade = (int)myDecimal;

Five static methods of the Math class in C#, including appropriate capitalization

Math.Pow(int 1, int power);

Math.Round(decimal [, precision [,roundingMode]]);


Math.{Min|Max}(decimal1, decimal2);

Default rounding mode in C#

banker's rounding: if you round a decimal that ends in 5, it is rounded to the nearest even decimal value

create a new string that concatenates string1 and "a"

string newString = string1 + "a";

Any difference in escape sequences for C#?


verbatim string literal

lets you use characters that would normally require an escape sequence without using an escape sequence. Prepend with @ and enclose in double quotes

string path = @"c:\c#\files";

How do you enter double quotes within a verbatim string literal?

double double quotes

string x = @"Enter ""x"" ";

structure vs. class in C#

structure: variables are value types. Each variable retains its own copy

class: variables are reference types. Does not store the data itself. Each variable contains a reference to the area of memory where the reference is stored

When you use a C# keyword like double or string, what are you actually doing?

using an alias for the associated data structure or class

is double a C# keyword for a structure or a class? Is it a value type or a reference type?

.NET structure: Double


is string a C# keyword for a structure or a class? Is it a value type or a reference type?

.NET class: String

reference type

can two or more variables refer to the same double object? What about the same string object?

double: no. they each store their own copy

string: yes. it's a reference type (class), not a value-type (structure)

method to convert to a string


//format is optional

static method that converts the specific string to to an equivalent data value. If the string can't be converted, an exception occurs.




static method that converts the specified string to an equivalent data value and stores it in the result variable. Returns a true value if the string is converted. Otherwise, returns a false value.

bool wasConverted = Decimal.TryParse(myString, out resultVar)

Conversion statements using the Convert class

//static methods for converting to built-in types






Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number as current with the specific number of decimal places


C or c with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number as a percent with the specified number of decimal places


P or p with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number with thousands separators and the specified number of decimal places


N or n with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number as a decimal with the specified number of decimal places:


F or f with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats an integer with the specified number of digits


D or d with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number in scientific (exponential) notation with the specified number of decimal places


E or e with number appended

Standard numeric formatting codes:

Formats the number as a decimal or in scientific notation depending on which is more compact


G or g with number appended

Where can you declare variables with class scope?

After the code that is generated for a form

(After InitializeComponent())


set of related constants that define a value type where each constant is known as a member of the enumeration

What are enumerations provided by the .NET framework generally used for?

setting object properties and specifying the values passed to methods

Give an example of a common enumeration provided by the .NET framework




this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;

//normally you would use the properties window to code this

When does it make sense to write your own enumeration?

When a user needs to select one option from a group of related options. Create an enumeration to keep them together

Syntax to create an enumeration of shorts. What is the default data type if you leave out short? What are the default values if you don't assign values?

enum MyTerms : short {

Net30Days = 30,

Net60Days = 60,

Net90Days = 90


default data type: int

default values: 0, 1, 2 (whatever indexes would be)

How do you refer to an enumerator constant?


How do you refer to the name of the constant in the enumeration instead of its value?


In C#, can value types store null values? What about reference types?

Value types: no, not by default. Must use nullable types

References types: yes

How do you declare a nullable type?

Question mark after type

double? myDouble = null;

Once you've declared a nullable type, how do you check if it has a value? How to do you get the value?



null coalescing operator


Returns value of left operator if not null and value of right operator if it is

int? quantity = null;

quantity ?? = 52;