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30 Cards in this Set

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Circadian Rhythms
Endogenous, humans’ last around 24.2h, examples: activity, temp, waking & sleeping, secretion of hormones, eating & drinking.
Stages of Sleep
Relaxed Wakefulness
1) NREM Stage 1
2) NREM Stage 2
3) NREM Stage 3, 4/ Slow Wave Sleep
4) REM
Reduced muscle tension throughout body, minimal movement, low temp & low energy consumption, heart rate, respiration, & kidney function slow down, increased digestive process, brain is resting, detailed, entertaining dreams rare.
“Dreaming Period,” EEG almost indistinguishable from that of an active brain, high oxygen consumption, increased & irregular heart & respiration rates, muscle atonia, body temp drops, sexual arousal.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Can not really kill you, 2 weeks of Total Deprivation: immune dysfunction, organ damage, stress, reduced ability to conserve heat, increased metabolism. Fatal Familial Insomnia can’t sleep for a couple of months. Sleepiness/ Loss of Motivation/ Attentional Problems/ Reduced Body Temp/ Aches & Pains/ Reduced Creative Thinking & Multi-Tasking/ Anti-Depressant/ Memory Impairment
Sleep Deprivation & Emotional Memory
sleep deprived individuals often unaware of deficits, 6 hrs for many days.
Sleep & Memory Consolidation
sleep appears to consolidate or solidify newly formed memories. Integrates new memories w/ existing knowledge & older memories.
The Power of Naps
more improvement w/ naps (across day vs. overnight), naps better at facilitating info just learned.
Theories of Dreaming
Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis Dreams result from random activation in brain which is synthesized w/ existing knowledge & memories. Dreams Help Consolidate & Prune Memories info either removed/ strengthened during sleep depending on its usefulness (mental housekeeping). Dreams as Experimental Simulations testing schemas & reactions to certain situations, prepare you for the future.
Content of Dreams
80% of Dreams have Negative Emotional Content (failure, attacked), anxiety most prevalent/ Correlated w/ More Nightmares (imagery vividness, fantasy proneness, increased emotional reactions, anxiety disorders)/ 5% Dreams sexual in Nature/ Not Recurrent/ Phantasmagoric.
REM Dreaming
hallucinatory, emotional, narrative, w/ frequent movements.
NREM Dreaming
more thought-like & less hallucinatory.
Remembering Dreams
vast majority never remembered/ neurochemistry necessary for consolidation is suppressed during REM sleep/ What we recall usually what we remember waking up.
Sleep & Creativity
Sleep doesn’t just consolidate & strengthen memories, intelligently assimilates & generalizes our memories. Dreams may help build informational schemas of knowledge, provide predictions about world & implicitly facilitating creative next day insights.
Lucid Dreaming
deaming while knowing you’re dreaming, Begins Midst of Dream, Triggered by Noticing Impossible or Unlikely Occurrence, Controversial, Need to create Effective Event-Based Prospective Memory Cues (recognize dream signs). EX: read & look away, time, flip light switch, run through wall.
White Bear Effect
after engage in suppression, spend more time thinking of white bear.
Ironic Errors
fail to suppress unwanted thoughts, ironic b/c tell someone to not think makes them more likely to think about it.
Rebound Effects
think about to-be-suppressed thoughts more often in future after period of attempted to suppression, occurs even if initial suppression is relatively successful, in long-run more likely to do it.
Ironic Process Theory
Explains why thought suppression is so hard in Two Mental Processes:
1) Operator conscious, effortful process that creates desired mental state.
2) Ironic Monitoring Process: unconscious search for unwanted mental state.
Cognitive Load & Thought Suppression
causes errors when system underlying conscious mental control or under cognitive loads/stressors (If told to relax, don’t relax, trying to relax is counter-productive.).
~Suppression & Recovered Memories
Setting Bears Free Focused Distraction/ Reducing Stress & Cognitive Load/ Thought Postponement/ Exposure or Expression/ Acceptance & Commitment Therapy/ Meditation & Mindfulness/ Focused Breathing/ Attention Training/ Disclosure or Writing.
Think/ No-Think Effect Anderson & Green (2001)
subjects guess & paid, told attempting to avoid thinking about things make them more accessible, told avoid saying response out loud (no suppression instructions). RESULTS: more time you think of something, more improve memory, more not to think= less likely retrieve in future, not Ironic Error.
White Bear vs. TNT
conflicting results= nature of the task and duration of suppression attempts/ White Bear effect more robust & reliable than TNT effect.
Embodied Cognition
idea our bodies contribute to our intelligent behavior, including memory. Knowledge is not just something stored in out heads.
~Mind-Body Dualism
Cartesian Dualism idea that the mind is separate from the body. Mind= brain, rational, objective, high level cognition, uniquely human. Body= heart, emotional, subjective, low level automatic functions, animalistic.
The Embodied Dynamic View of Mind
memory is not a disembodied process takes place in your head or in one particular module in the brain. Memory is a dynamic reactivation of various resources. Activations include embodied parts of brain, body can facilitate/ inhibit ongoing reactivations create instances of explicit & implicit memories.
the reenactment of perceptual, motor, & introspective states acquired during experience w/ the world, body, & mind/ Reenactments rely on embodied memory/Lang comprehension involves rich, meaningful representations that reflect embodied experiences/ Experience & content highly important/Words be used to evoke simulations/ Simu not full blown, conscious sensory experiences but subtle, implicit, automatic occurrences.
Botox Study
For Facial Feedback & Lang
Stimuli: Happy, Sad or Angry Sentences. INSTRUCT: read, answer, get botox injection, come back 2 weeks after treatment & complete task again. RESULTS: 2nd session P’s were significantly slower after having Botox injections at comprehension Task for Sad Items (p=.024) Angry (p=.025) Not for Happy Items.
Conceptual Metaphor Theory
use knowledge provided by our bodies to talk about emotional experiences. Source Domain Embodied/ Concrete/ Experiential Domains. Target Domains Abstract/ Subjective/ Difficult to Conceptualize.
Metaphor Theory & Conceptual Metaphor
conceptual metaphors are not merely ornaments of lang, they are cognitive devices that shape much of thought→ evidence: simulation of embodied, experiential source domains at the cognitive level.