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91 Cards in this Set

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Whats innovation?
- something entirely new.
What are domestic goods?
- products made by firms in the USA
What are foreign goods?
- products not made by firms in the USA
what does effectiveness mean?
- it means making the right decisions about what products or service to offer customers and the best ways to produce and deliver them
what does efficiency mean?
- it means producing products and services quickly at a low cost without wasting time and materials
what is GDP?
- its the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year.
what is an entrepreneur?
- its someone who starts, manages, and owns a business.
what is a franchise?
- its a legal agreement in which someone purchases the right to sell a company's product or service.
what is an intrapreneur?
- its an employee who is given funds and freedom to create a special department within a company in order to develop something new.
what is the baby boom?
- is the high birth rate period from 1945 to 1965
what is the baby bust?
- is the low birth rate period following the baby boom period
what is labor force?
- mostly people aged 16 or over who are available for work, whether employed or unemployed
what is the labor participation rate?
- is the percentage of the labor force either employed or actively seeking employment
what is comparable worth?
- paying workers equally for jobs but not identical job requirements
what is generation x?
- people in the post baby boom generation
what is net generation?
- people born between 1977-1997
what is business ethics?
- of rules that define right from wrong conduct of an organization
what is a code of ethics?
- formal published collection of values and rules that reflect a firm's goals
what are stakeholders?
- any individual or groups affected by the firm's actions such a s owners, customers, suppliers, employees, creditors, and government public
what are nongovernmental organizations?
- independent groups that renew businesses regarding social responsibilities
what is economics?
- body of knowledge that relates to producing and using good and services to satisfy human wants
what is non economic wants?
- desire for non material things that are no scarce, such as air, sunshine, and friendship.
what are economic wants?
- desire for scarce materials goods and services, such as cars, houses, clothes
what is utility?
- ability of a good or service to satisfy a want
utility - form?
- (created by changes in the form or shape of a product to make it useful [swimsuit = particular fabric and style])
utility - place?
- (created by having good/service at the place where it is needed or wanted [swimsuit = available in nearby store where it can be purchased])
utility - time?
- created when a product or service is available when its needed/wanted[swimsuit = is it available when i want to buy or use it])
utility - possession?
- (created when ownership of good/service is transferred from one to another, through buying or renting [swimsuit = good price to pay])
what are the four factors of production?
natural resources, labor, capital goods, and entrepreneurship.
what is capital formation?
- the production of capital goods
what is an economic system?
- organized way for a country to decide how to use its productive resources
what are the three types of economic systems?
- market economy, command economy, and mixed economy
market economy?
ex: USA} (individual buying decisions in the marketplace - people own everything),
command economy?
ex: Cuba} (central planning, authority under the control of the country's government - government controlled),
mixed economy?
(uses aspects of a market and command economy).
what is privatization?
- transfer of authority to provide a good/service from a government to individuals or privately owned businesses (ex: selling telephone services to private firms)
what are the three types of economic-political systems?
- capitalism, socialism , communism
market economy]
(private citizens are free to go into business for themselves. produce whatever, and distribute what they produce)
mixed economy] (government controls the use of the country's factors of production; it limits the individual's right to own property for productive purposes),
command economy] (all or almost all production is controlled by government).
what is private property?
- of items of value that individuals have the right to own, use and sell
what is a profit?
- how much you earned by subtracting the total costs of production from the total received from purchases by customers.
what is supply?
- number of products that will be offered for sale at a particular time and for a certain price
what is demand?
- number of products that will be bought at a given time at the given price
what is economic growth?
- when a country's output exceeds its population growth
what is a business cycle?
- pattern of irregular but repeatitive expansion and contraction of the GDP lasting about 5 yrs before it starts over.
what is a recession?
- decline in the GDP that continues for six months or more
what is a depression?
- long and severe drop in the GDP
what is an inflation?
- rapid rise in prices caused by inadequate supply of goods/services
what is international business?
- business activities that occur between two or more countries
what is a trading bloc?
- group of two or more countries who agree to remove all restrictions between them and the sales of goods and services while imposing barrier with non bloc countries
what are the government policies?
- tariffs, dumping, quotas, non-tariff barriers, embargoes, sanctions
- taxes on foreign goods to protect domestic industries and to earn revenue
- selling of goods in a foreign market at a price below cost or below what it charges its home country
- the quantity or dollar value permitted to enter a country
non-tariff barriers?
- non-tax methods of discouraging trade.
- when a government restricts a company from doing businesses in certain countries (ex: Cuba)
- milder form of embargo; it bans specific businesses ties with a foreign country (ex: americans cant sell nuclear technology with pakistan)
what is an exchange rate?
- value of one country's currency expressed in the currency of another country
comparative advantage theory?
- gains a trade advantage by
countries specializing in goods/services that it can provide better than other countries can
product life cycle theory?
- good/service goes through four stages which include introduction, growth, maturity, and then decline
what are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
- self-starter, independent, leader, creative, personable, experienced, well informed, and energetic
what are the elements of a business plan?
- nature of business, goals and objectives, marketing plan, financial plan, organizational plan
what does sole proprietorship mean?
- business owned and managed by one person
what is a partnership?
- business owned by two or more people
what is a corporation?
- business owned by a group of people and authorized by the state in which it is located to act as if it were a single person
who are stockholders?
- owners of the corporation
who are the BOD?
- ruling body of the corporation
who are the officers?
- top executives who are hired to manage the business
what are shares?
- -ownership equally divided parts
what are dividends?
- profits given to the stockholders
what is a joint venture?
- an agreement between two or more businesses to team up and work together to provide a good/service
what is a virtual corporation?
- network of companies that form alliances among themselves as needed to take advantage of fast-changing marketing conditions
what is a cooperative?
- a business owned and operated by its user-members for the purpose of supplying themselves with goods/services
what is an s-corporation (limited liability corporation)?
- special type of corporation allowed by states that is taxed as if it were a sole proprietorship or partnership
what are non-profit corporations?
- organizations that do not pay taxes and does not exist to make profits
when do monopoly exist?
- when one company provides a good/service without competition from other companies.
what is a natural monopoly?
- a monopoly that usually involves providing public services, such as public utilities and have a stable demand but are also costly to make.
what is a patent?
- an agreement in which the federal government gives an inventor the sole right for 20 yrs to make, use, or sell invention.
what is a copyright?
- its gives the author the right to reproduce, publish, and sell work for the their life plus 70 yrs after.
what is a trademark?
- its a unique name, symbol, or special mark on product/service that is reserved for the author.
what does information liability mean?
- for physical or economic injury arising from incorrect/wrongful use of data
what are cookies?
- files of information about the user that some Web sites create and store on the user's own computer
what is a license?
- a way to limit and control those who plan to enter certain types of businesses
what is a public franchise?
- a contract that permits a person or organization to use public property for private profit
what is a proportional tax?
- tax that remains the same regardless of the amount of purchase
what is a progressive tax?
- tax based on the ability to pay
what is a regressive tax?
- tax in which the actual tax decreases as the taxable amount increase
what is a income tax?
- a tax on the profits of businesses and the earnings of individuals
what is a sales tax?
- tax levied on the retail price of goods/services at the time they are sold
what is a property tax?
- tax on material goods owned