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70 Cards in this Set

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The story of Prince Siddhartha Gautama
Siddhartha's father did his best to shield him from the vicissitudes of life, according to tradition, he built special towers supplied with all that the boy would need and kept him in them. Story of Siddharta talking to his charioteer – to be understood in more naturalistic terms – young man coming to term with what life is like – gradually dawning on him that it doesn’t last forever & he wants to find the meaning of life
The four passing sights: definition etc.
Despite his father's efforts, Siddhartha could not be protected from life's ills. Siddhartha became deeply disturbed by the realization that (a) all grow old, (b) all succumb to disease of one form or another, (c) all die and (d) some people seem at peace with themselves despite these things.
The four passing sights: List them
old age, disease, death, the holy man (monk)
Siddhartha's wife, princess Yashodara, his cousin. He married her at 16.
Siddhartha's son whom he had with Yashodara at age 29
What demonic figure tempted Siddhartha to abandon his quest during meditation?
Buddhists do not necessarily view Mara in literalistic terms. Mara may be symbolic of Siddhartha's own internal conflicts to return to a life of normalcy, to his wife and son, for example. Also Mara is symbolic of the temptation to remain satisfied with a "spiritual high" and not to press on to deeper levels of awareness.
Buddha sat under the ______ - a peepul tree - determined not to budge until he found that for which he was searching.
Bodhi tree
As Siddhartha resisted Mara he came to the threshold of enlightenment, nirvana, and he realizes that there is a middle path between ______ and a life of seeking pleasure, ______. With this Siddhartha became the Buddha, also known as one who is _____.
asceticism, hedonism, awake
Buddha decided to come back from _____ and enlighten the world.
The four noble truths that the Buddha preached are set out in the manner of a physician diagnosing a _____ and then offering the ____.
disease, cure
The four noble truths: List
suffering (dukkha), the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, the noble eight-fold path
The first of the noble truths says that Life is _____. The doctrine of suffering covers the entire gamut of ills, from minor physical pains to the deepest anxiety about existence. t is not a denial that we sometimes experience pleasure and happiness. Yet as we mature we realize that all happiness is precarious and transitory, inseparable from a melancholy penumbra of awareness, however dim,of the inevitability of old age, disease, and death.
The second noble truth says that their is a cause of suffering which is the ____ or _____ for what we _____ (3 words). The craving is traced to the five aggregates.
craving, aching, do not have
The third noble truth says that there is a _____, a stopping of suffering (_____). There are two forms of nirvana, residual (living being continues to exist in an earthly life) and nonresidual (the being is utterly extinguished). Nirvana can only be ____ rather than fully ____.
cessation, nirvana, experienced, explained
The fourth noble truth says that the way to the cessation of suffering is to follow the noble ______.
eight-fold path
The noble eight fold path includes what three groupings?
wisdom (prajna), morality (sila), and contemplation (samadhi)
The wisdom group includes right _____ and right _____.
understanding, thought
The morality group includes right ____, right ____, and right ____
speech, action, livelihood
The contemplation group includes right _____, right ____, and right ______
effort, mindfulness, contemplation
being informed of buddhist teaching and testing it against experience
right understanding
self-examination of our motives, from the most obvious to the most subtle, so that we gradually excise all forms of self centered cravings for power, wealth or happiness
right thought
one is to watch what one says, to utter words that heal and build up people rather than to use words that cause harm and tear people down
right speech
one refrains from causing harm to others (including animals), to refrain from taking what does not belong to you, to refrain from misuse of the sense, to refrain from lying, and to refrain from self-intoxication through drugs and alcohol.
right action
one seeks ways of making a living that help rather than harm others. one is to avoid business in arms, in living beings, in meat, in intoxicants, and in poison.
right livelihood
generic effort towards non-attachment and being awake in each moment
right effort
the two sides of meditative practice and experience
right mindfulness and concentration
The three marks of existence:
suffering, impermanence, no-self (anatman)
The substantial self according to Buddhism is an ____.
Just as there is no permanent self, so all of existence is _____, in the sense that no substance endures forever.
impermanence (2nd mark of existence)
The doctrine of impermanence:
1. what is, comes to be.
2. what comes to be, passes away.
3. what is, passes away
dependent origination includes: list
objectivity, necessity, invariability, conditionality
The things that come to be and pass away do so not in a haphazard or random fashion but according to regular causal patterns.
(dependent-origination) Causation is real whether or not we exist and whether or no we desire to exist. In other words, causation is something we discover, not something we create or that is merely in the mind.
No events are uncaused. IT is a necessary feature of events that they have causal antecedents.
Causally related events occur in a regular pattern. For example, water that is heated to a sufficient temperature turns to steam. It never occurs that heated water turns to ice.
The most important feather of causality. Every event is causally condition, but some events are such that their causal conditions do not uniquely determine the outcome.
word for no self
The three Jewels of Buddhism
the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha
the path to enlightenment
the dharma
the community of buddhists, usually in the sense of those helping others to follow the dharma; early buddhists recognized both monks and lay persons as its members
the sangha
the one that teaches the path to enlightenment and provides its paradigm example
the Buddha
five aggregates (skandhas): list
body, sensation, perception, disposition, consciousness, emptiness (sunyata)
The thing that gets reincarnated in Buddhism is not the jiva, but the bundle of five ______
The Wheel of rebirth includes what six realms? and which are considered more fortunate?
Humans, Gods, Titans - more fortunate
Ghosts, Hell, Animals
Theravada Buddhism is known as the way of the _____ or also, _____, meaning the lesser vehicle.
elders, Hinayana
Buddhists who seek out their own enlightenment and expect others to do the same refers to which subdivision of Buddhism's beliefs?
Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism is known as the greater _____.
Buddhists who want a vessel large enough to include all sentient creatures, all who are in need of enlightenment refers to which subdivision of Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhism
In Theravada Buddhism, the Theravadan ideal is the ____, the holy person who works out his or her own salvation.
In Mahayana Buddhism, the Mahayana ideal is the _______, the being of wisdom who undergoes countless incarnations and delays final entry into nirvana out of compassion for all sentient creatures.
King Asoka decreed that stone monoliths, now called "the edicts of Asoka" be set up all across the kingdom declaring the ______. This may be the first example of official declarations of ______.
dharma, religious tolerance
The oldest Buddhist scriptures are referred to as ________.
The Three Baskets
The Three Baskets include The Basket of ______, _______, _______
Order, Instruction, Higher Teaching
The Three Baskets are also referred to as the ______ since they are written in ______.
Pali cannon, Pali
A distinctive form of Buddhism that arose in China as a unique blend of Buddhism and Taoism..
Zen or Ch'an
a public document that sets a legal precedent
Who brough Zen rom India to China? 1,000 years after the Buddha
Who was the person that tears the cat in half, was either completely senile or wise?
sitting meditation
a brief session with the Roshi (master) who judges the student's grasp of koans
master who judges the student's grasph of koans
two schools that Zen splintered into that were the most durable
Rinzai and Soto
A school of Zen that includes zazen
Soto Zen
A schol of zen that emphasizes zazen, but includes sazen
rinzai zen
another word for enlightenment
The successor to Hung-Hen that caused a split between northern and southern schools
Hui Neng