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5 Cards in this Set

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What are the responsibilities of the Breached?

*Ensures the team is properly outfitted with breaching tools.

*Provides PMS checks on all tools and equipment.

*Defeats most barriers and obstacles that may impede the team from entering an area

*Maintains proficiency with tools and equipment and SOP

*Proactively establishes breaching training opportunities

*Develops new TTP

Responsibilities of the Assistant Breacher

*Aids breacher in all responsibilities

*Marks obstacles with most efficient cut while breacher readies tools

*Positions security and personnel as needed

*Reports breaching progress to team in percentage

*Stages equipment for immediate use.

*Stages rods with quick ignitors.

*Ensures personnel and equipment are clear of hazards during breaching.

*Assists in removal of material.

Characteristics of the cutting rods

18 inches long

3/8in diameter

Stainless Steel, braided core


Types of blades used in the saw

14in or 12in

Diamond tipped - yellow

Steel - blue

Masonry - Red

Actions of the Breacher/a-breacher during execution countdown

5 - nothing

4 - steps out of stack

3 - marks cut (if applicable)

2 - start saw/light torch/ready tools

1 - nothing

Execute - begin breach