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80 Cards in this Set

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Peripheral Nervous System
is made up of:
spinal nerves, cranial nerves, autonomic nervous system

function: carries info into and out of CNS
spinal nerves (also called somatic nerves)
dorsal and ventral roots
(PNS) 31 pairs bring in sensory info and motor signals to and from the CNS

each spinal nerve has a dorsal (back) root: brings in sensory info
ventral (front) root: sends motor controls out
cranial nerves
List 12 pairs. Sensory, motor, or both?
(PNS) directly connected to brain's medulla
12 pairs:
I. olfactory: (Sensory) smell
II. optic (S) vision
III. oculomotor (Motor) moves eyes
IV. trochlear (M) moves eyes
V. trigeminal (S,M) face/sinuses/teeth, moves jaw muscles
VI. abducens (M) moves eyes
VII. facial (S,M) tongue, moves facial muscles/salivary glands/tear glands
VIII. vestibulochlear: (S) inner ear with auditory and balance functions
IX. glosspharyngeal: (S,M) taste, moves throat muscles
X. vagus: (S, M) info from internal organs (involuntary movement)
XI. spinal accessory: (M) neck and shoulders
XII. hypoglossal: (M) tongue
autonomic nervous system
sympathetic, parasympathetic
(PNS) controls the internal organs (involuntary)
sympathetic: "fight or flight" weekday system, hearing "pop quiz"
parasympathetic: "rest and digest" weekend system
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
mediates all sensory inputs and motor outputs, generates behavior
anatomical directions: anterior, posterior, dorsal, ventral, medial, lateral
anterior (rostral): towards front
posterior (caudal): towards back

dorsal: top
ventral: bottom

medial: in the middle
lateral: on the outsides
lobes of the cerebral hemisphere
frontal lobe: executive functions, retain long term memory
parietal lobe: spatial functions
temporal lobe: primary auditory cortex, high level vision and memory
occipital lobe: primary visual cortex, fine motor skills
outer surface of brain (CORTEX): gyri and sulci
gyri: bumps/top parts of folds
sulci: infolds
corpus callosum
2 cerebral hemisphere connected by fiber bridges. They allow communication between the right and left hemispheres
medulla, pons, hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus, fornix, pituitary gland, cerebellum, superior/inferior colliculus
be able to identify on images!
hippocampus and fornix: learning (limbic system)
thalamus: all sensory info enters thalamus, where neurons send that info to the cortex
hypothalamus: hunger, thirst, temperature regulation, reproduction drive...controls pituitary gland: controls almost all hormone secretion
protective sheets of tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord
1. dura mater (outermost, hard)
2. arachnoid mater (spiderweb like, between dura and pia)
3. pia mater (innermost, soft)
cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) and ventricular system
CSF: waterbed protections comes from middle of tube that evolved into little holes called ventricles
medium for exchange between blood vessels and brain tissue
choroid plexus
lateral ventricles line with choroid plexus makes CSF in ventricles
Ramon Y Cajal
father of neuroscience
using Golgi stains, Cajal pieced together neural tissues to see how neurons are arranged (his drawings)
Camillo Golgi
developed Golgi staining technique: visualization approach that stains axons and dendrites
stains only a few cells
used to characterize the variety of cells in a region
Neuron doctrine
neurons are independent functional and physiological units in the brain (extension of the cell theory: every structure is made up of cells)
Reticular Theory
neurons are linked by anastomosis (continuity)
Light microscopy vs. electron microscopy
resolution of the light miscoscope could not resolve this debate, because resolution was too low- could not figure it out definatively.
electron microscopy able to see a physical space between the axon terminal on one hand and the head of the spine on the other --> Cajal was right!!!
law of dynamic polarization
info flows from dendrites, through cell body, down axon
principle of connectional specificity
no cytoplasmic continuity between nerve cells
they don't form random networks
each cell forms specific connections making contact with some nerve cells and not others
axon hillock
integrates inputs
"decides" output

where action potential generates
usually 1 per cell
carries output from cell
transports chemicals from cell body to terminals
transmits electrical impulses to terminals (speed determined by size, myelin coating)
many per cell
receives input signals
no myelin
axon terminals
many per cell
output transmitted to other cells
3 common types of neurons
1. monopolar neurons: transmits touch info from body to spinal cord; one axon branches 2 directions
2. bipolar neuron: common in sensory systems; one dendrite one axon
3. multipolar neuron: most common in cortex; many dendrites one axon
Nissl stains
see density of cell bodies in particular regions (ex. we see big cell bodies in motor cortex bc they need to go the distance down long axons)
can also stain for neurotransmitters
study of cell body cytoarchitecture in the cortex (using Nissl stains)
stains of neurotransmitters, hormones to differentiate the brain
stains the density of the fiber bundles in the cortex
in cortex, glia outnumber neurons 10:1 (opposite in cerebellum)

Communicate with each other and with neurons
Provide raw materials and chemical signals
Protection and damage control
Debris removal
4 major glia
Astrocytes: nourish & support with nutrients (ex. increasing bloog flow in a certain cappilary), scavenge extra neurotransmitters at synapse
Microglia: multiply at injury site, seal area, remove debris
Oligodendrocytes: make myelin (insulation around axons) in the CNS
Schwann cells: make myelin in PNS
multiple scelorosis
"many scars"
denegration of myelin
trouble moving muscles
myelin sheath
fatty insulation around axons that speeds conduction, protects axons
wraps around axons in layers--white matter
Nodes of Ranvier
gaps between segments of myelin
axon membrane is exposed
What defines a brain area?
1. Anatomical organization (cytoarchitectonics, myeloarchitectonics and chemoarchitectonics).
2. It’s Connections with other brain areas (Anatomical connections)
3. It’s Function (Physiology studies and lesion studies)
anterograde tracers
label axon terminals of cell bodies that take up the tracer (staining where cell bodies went)
inject in cortex (Where do these inputs project? Inject anterograde in different cortices.)
retrograde tracers
label cell bodies of the axon terminals that take up the tracer
inject in area X (What are all the inputs to area X? Inject retrograde in X)
anatomical tool box
Golgi stain
Nissl Stain
Chemical stain
Myelin stain
Anterograde tracers
Retrograde tracers
Two types of communication happen in neurons
electrical: within the neurons (from dendrite to axon)
chemical: between the neurons (transmission at the synapse)
anions, cations
anions: negative charged ions
cations: positively charged

ions are dissolved in intracellular fluid (cytoplasm), separated from the extracellular fluid by the cell membrane
resting membrane potential
-50 to -90 mV
shows negative polarity of cell's interior
resting potential is a balancing act between diffusion and electrostatic pressure that drive K+ in and out of cell
lipid bilayer
cell membrane is a lipid bilayer: two layers of lipid molecules within which many special proteins float
(gated) ion channels
ion channels: proteins that span the membrane and allow ions to pass
gated ion channels: respond to voltage changes, chemicals, mechanical actions
selective permeability
allows some substances to pass but not others
potassium ions can enter/exit freely
ions flow from high to low concentration, along concentration gradient (crystal light)
electrostatic pressure
ions flow towards oppositely charged areas (fridge magnets)
sodium potassium pump
lots of negative proteins inside cell that cannot get past membrane, making inside of cell negative (and attracting outside K+)
Pump maintains resting potential
It pumps three sodium ions (Na+) out for every two K+ ions pumped in.
when inside is -60 mV

pump causes a buildup of K+ inside. but bc of permeable membrane and diffusion, K+ will leave the inside and cause buildup of negative charge inside.
now, electrostatic pressure will pull K+ back inside.

equilibrium when any movement of K+ into the cell (by electrostatic pressure) matched by flow of K+ out of cell (by diffusion)
Nernst equation
predicts voltage needed to counterbalance diffusion force pushing an ion across membrane
This prediction is the resting membrane potential for that ion.

equilibrium potential = +40 mV
Hodgkin and Huxley
measured resting membrane potential of a living neuron (from giant squid axon)

They showed that the action potential was created by the movement of sodium ions into the cell through channels in the membrane
interior becomes more negative/increase in membrane potential

A hyperpolarizing stimulus produces a response that passively follows the stimulus.
The greater the stimulus the greater the response–the change in potential is called a graded response.
interior becomes less negative/decrease in membrane potential

A depolarizing stimulus is the same as a hyperpolarizing one, to a point.....
If the membrane reaches the threshold–about –40 mV–it triggers an action potential.
The membrane potential reverses and the inside of the cell becomes positive.
local potential
as potential spreads, diminishes as it moves away from stimulus
action potential

brief but large reversal of the membrane potential that momentarily makes inside of the membrane positive

originates at the axon hillock
action potential threshold
stimulus intensity just enough to trigger action potential at the axon hillock
all or none property of action potentials
fire at full amplitude or not at all (flushing)

opposite of graded responses
positive or negative change following action potential
voltage gated Na+ channel
open when depolarization reaches threshold (at -40 mV)
and close when membrane potential reaches +40 mV
voltage gated K+ channel
open as inside of cell becomes more positive
K+ moves out and the resting potential is restored
refractory period
absolute refractory phase
relative refractory phase
Refractory period–only some stimuli can produce an action potential
Absolute refractory phase–no action potentials are produced
Relative refractory phase–only strong stimulation can produce an action potential
conduction velocity
speed of propagation of action potentials (determined by diameter of axon, thicker=faster)
saltatory conduction
action potentials jump from one node of Ranvier to the next because of myelinated axons
excitatory post synaptic potential
produces small local depolarization
pushes cell closer to threshold
caused by opening Na+ channels
inhibitory post synaptic potential
produces small hyperpolarization
pushes cell farther from threshold
caused by opening Cl- channels
Charles Sherrington

spatial summation
temporal summation
spatial summation: summing of potentials that come from different axon terminals
If the overall sum–of EPSPs and IPSPs–can depolarize the cell at the axon hillock, an action potential will occur.

temporal summation: summing of potentials that arrive at the axon hillock at different times
The closer together in time that they arrive, the greater the summation and possibility of an action potential.
Loewi and Vagustoff
chemicals are required for synaptic transmission

Stimulation of vagus nerve slowed the
heart of a frog. Placing fresh heart into same
solution slowed second heart without stimulation.

Deduced that stimulation of vagus released chemical into solution containing original frog
calcium ions Ca+2 and voltage gated calcium channels
The sequence of transmission:
1. Action potential travels down the axon to the axon terminal.
2. Voltage-gated calcium channels open and calcium ions (Ca2+) enter.
3. Ca2+ entry causes synaptic vesicles fuse with membrane and release transmitter into the synaptic cleft

endogenous ligands
exogenous ligands
anything that binds to a receptor-could activate or block
endogenous: neurotransmitters/hormones
exogenous: drugs and toxins from outside the body
Acetylcholine (ACh) and its two types of receptors
can be excitatory (open Na+, K+ channels) or inhibitory (open Cl- channels)

motor functions (heart and muscles), learning, and memory--Alzheimers

Nicotinic: most are ionotropic and excitatory
(Ex. muscles use nicotinic ACh receptors–paralysis can be induced with an antagonist)
Muscarinic–metabotropic and can be excitatory or inhibitory
agonist vs. antagonist
agonist: molecules that act like the transmitter at a receptor
antagonist: molecules that interfere/prevent action of a transmitter at its receptor
iontropic vs. metabotropic receptors
iontropic receptors: open when bound by a transmitter (ligand gated ion channel) (faster than metabotropic)

metabotropic: (no direct ion channel activity) first recognizes transmitter but instead activated G proteins
G proteins, or first messengers, sometimes open channels or may activate another chemical to affect ion channels.
The chemical is known as the second messenger–it amplifies the effects of the G protein and may lead to changes in membrane potential.
degradation and reuptake
synapses inactivated briefly:

degradation: chemical breakdown of a neurotransmitter
reuptake: released transmitter molecules are taken up and reused by the presynaptic neuron, thus stopping synaptic activity
what defines a neurotransmitter
Exists in pre-synaptic axon terminals
Substance is released when AP reach terminals
Specific receptors recognize the substance
Application of the substance produces changes in postsynaptic potential
Blocking release of the substance prevents nerve impulses
major excitatory neutransmitter
uses AMPA and NMDA receptors (all ionotropic)

There are also metabotropic glutamate receptors as well
GABA and glycine
major inhibitory neurotransmitters

GABA A–ionotropic, producing fast, inhibitory effects via a Cl- channel (ALCOHOL)
found in
mesostriatal pathway: originates in the midbrain, specifically the substantia nigra, and innervates the striatum
important in motor control and neuronal loss (separate from reward system) (parkinson's)
mesolimbocortical pathway (ventral tegmental area VTA): originates in midbrain, projects to limbic system and cortex (involved with reward, reinforcement learning) (schizophrenia, addiction)
found in raphe nucleus
sleep, mood, sexual behavior, and anxiety

Prozac increases serotonin
act via neurotransmitter systems

many drugs are exogenous ligands
can be agonists or antagonists
can mess with your receptors
binding affinity and efficacy
binding affinity: chemical attraction between a ligand and a receptor
efficacy (or intrinsic activity): ability of a bound ligand to activate the receptor
limbic system
involved in emotion and learning
amygdala (almond shaped head of seahorse), hippocampus, fornix (tail of the seahorse)