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98 Cards in this Set

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Common causes of Brachial Plexus injuries

compression, traction, stab wounds

Upper lesions usually include


Lower lesions usually include


Injuries that happen above the clavicle/supraclavicular usually involves

roots and trunks

Injuries that happen along the infraclavicular usually involves

divisions, cords, and terminal branches

The erb-duchenne's palsy can happen (MOI) ________________ or ___________________

in infants during a difficulat delivery

in adults following a fall or a blow to the shoulder

What nerves are involved in the erb-duchenne's palsy?

Suprascapular, nerve to subclavius, musculocutaneous, and axillary nerve

What muscles are affected in erb-duchenne's palsy?

Abductors (supraspinatus and deltoids) and Lateral Rotators (infraspinatus and teres minor)

Subclavius (due to nerve to subclavius)

biceps, brachialis, and coracobrachialis (due to musculocutaneous nerve)

This deformity manifests due to the loss of shoulder/arm abduction and external rotation

Porter's Tip or Waiter's tip deformity

This is usually caused by excessive abduction of the arm

Klumpke's palsy

What roots are involved in the erb-duchenne palsy?


What roots are involved in the Klumpke's palsy?


The klumpke's palsy can manifest as _______________ and ________________

Claw hand deformity and Horner's syndrome

The horner's syndrome can manifest in 4 ways

Ptosis, Miosis, Anhidrosis, Enophthalmos

This is otherwise known as sunken eyeballs


This is otherwise known as the loss of facial sweating


This is otherwise known as drooping eyelids


This is otherwise known as pupillary constriction


What roots are affected in the erb-klumpke's paralysis?


Three manifestations of erb-klumpke's paralysis

Waiter's tip, claw-like hand deformity, horner's syndrome

What nerves are damaged when there is erb-klumpke's paralysis

sympathetic nerves

Caused by traction on the shoulder, but not an obsteric palsy

Burner's Pain

Another name for Burner's Pain

Stinger's Pain

Another name for stinger's pain

Burner's pain

What roots are affected by the Burner's/Stinger's pain


MOI of burner's/stinger's pain

Traction to the nerve root or traction of the shoulder

What is the clinical manifestation of burner's/stinger's pain?

tingling paresthesia on the whole upper extremity

How does the dorsal scapular nerve get damaged? (MOI)

Direct trauma on the portion of the shoulder region & neck area caused by a knife wound/gunshot wound

How does the DSN injury manifest?

Mild winging or inferior/posterior tipping of the scapula

Forward head posture

How does the Long Thoracic Nerve get damaged?

Knife wound on the medial wall of the axilla (Axillary nerve might also be damaged)

How does an injury to the Long Thoracic Nerve manifest?

Medial winging, open book deformity

If there is an lesion due to the Long Thoracic Nerve, what are the possible causes?

Scalenus medius entrapment

Compression & traction

Carrying heavy objects

How does the Long Thoracic Nerve Lesion manifest?

Medial winging

Inability to raise the arm above horizontal

This nerve injury causes a person to lack stability of the Sternoclavicular Joint

Nerve to subclavius injury

In the event that the nerve to subclavius is damaged, how does the clavicle move?

It moves posteriorly and superiorly

When the suprascapular nerve gets damaged, what are the muscles that get affected?

Paralyzed supraspinatus (abduction) and Infraspinatus (External Rotation)

This syndrome happens when there is a compression of vessels and nerves in the area of the clavicle

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Where are the sites of the suprascapular notch entrapment

suprascapular and spinoglenoid notch

What can cause a suprascapular nerve entrapment?

Ganglion cyst

Ossification of the superior transverse scapular ligament

Repetitive trauma

What is the MOI of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome?

Direct trauma

Severe cubitus valgus


Fracture to medial epicondyle

Another name for Cubital tunnel syndrome

Tardy Ulnar Palsy

What are the boundaries of Canal of Guyon

Pisiform, hook of hamate, & pisohamate ligament

What is the MOI of the Biker's syndrome?

Impingement of ulnar nerve at the canal of guyon

What muscles are weak when there is Biker's Syndrome

Adductor Pollicis and Hypothenar Muscles

The sensory lost in biker's syndrome

Ulnar aspect of the hand (4th to 5th digits)

In a passive papal benedictine sign, what digits can move? what cannot?

1st, 2nd, 3rd can move

4th and 5th cannot

True or false: You cannot open the digits when you close your hand in a passive papal benedictine sign


Thickening of palmar fascia

Depuytren's contracture

Sites of the compression of the radial nerve


Spiral groove

Injury to the deep branch (supinator tunnel)

Injury to the superficial branch

This is the largest nerve in the UE; superficially located

Radial nerve

Highest level of injury

Axilla (Radial nerve)

A radial nerve injury in the axilla can show problems in the motor functions such as

Elbow extension and wrist drop

Highest point of compression

Cubital tunnel (axilla)

Lowest point of compression

Carpal tunnel

A radial nerve injury in the axilla can show problems in the sensory functions such as

Loss over the dorsal aspect of the lateral 3 1/2 fingers

True or False: A problem in the ulnar nerve can also cause crutch palsy (chronic)

False, it is caused by a damaged radial nerve in the Axilla

A radial nerve injury in the spiral groove can show problems in the motor functions such as

Wrist drop only

A radial nerve injury in the spiral groove can show problems in the sensory function such as

Loss over the dorsal aspect of the lateral 3 1/2 fingers

What muscles are affected when the deep branch of the radial nerve is injured?

APL, EPB, EPL, EIP (Tunnel 1, 3, 4)

When the Deep branch of the radial nerve is injured, what motor function is weakened?

MCP extension weakness

True or false: there is no wrist drop when the deep branch of the radial nerve is injured


What sensory functions are affected when the deep branch of the radial nerve is injured


This is known as a pure motor injury

deep branch of radial nerve injury (PIN) elbow

The superficial branch of the radial nerve injury is also known as

handcuff injury

This is also known as a pure sensory injury

Superficial branch of the radial nerve injury (wrist)

What motor functions are affected when the superficial branch of the radial nerve is injured?


What sensory functions are affected when the superficial branch of the radial nerve is injured

Loss of sensation on the dorsal surface of the roots of the lateral three fingers

When the musculocutaneous nerve is injured, what motor muscles are affected?


Biceps brachii


When the musculocutaneous nerve is injured what sensory function is affected?

Lateral aspect of the forearm

The musculocutaneous nerve emerges _______ to the _________

laterally to the biceps tendon

The musculocutaneous nerve provides sensory innervation to the ____________ of the forearm

antero-lateral aspect

Is the musculocutaneous nerve injury pure motor or pure sensory?

Pure sensory as it crosses the elbow joint

This nerve is rarely damaged

Musculocutaenous nerve

What causes the musculocutaneous nerve to get injured?

Anterior shoulder dislocation; clavicular fractures; repetitive trauma

How does an injury to the musculocutaneous nerve manifest?

Causes weakness in elbow flexion and supination

Sensory disturbance on lateral aspect of the firearm

Where are the sites of median nerve

At the elbow

Wrist above the flexor retinaculum

In the carpal tunnel

Highest level of entrapment of supracondylar process syndrome

Ligament of struthers

What motor functions are affected in the Supracondylar process syndrome?

Paralysis of the proator teres, finger flexors, and lateral half of FDP FPL

Two manifestations of the supracondylar process syndrome

Wasting of thenar eminence (ape hand deformity) & active papal benedictine sign

What is highest level of entrapment near the medial epicondyle

Ligament of struthers

In an active papal benedictine sign, what fingers can move? what cannot?

4th and 5th fingers can move

1st, 2nd, 3rd cannot

This is known as a dynamic contracture

Active papal benedictine sign

Guttering at palmar aspect is a problem with what nerve

Median nerve

Guttering at the dorsal aspect is a problem with what nerve

Ulnar nerve

What sensory function is affected with the supracondylar process syndrome?

Loss of sensation over lateral 3 1/2 digits

An injury to the median nerve is between _______

pronator teres/ compression b/w 2 heads of pronator teres

When there is an injury to the median nerve, what muscle is spared?

Pronator teres

What is wasted in an injury to median nerve?

Wasting of flexor and thenar eminence (deformity)

An injury to the median nerve is purely motor, which affects the muscles

Pronator Quadratus

2 Lateral FDPs


An injury to the median nerve can manifest as


active papal benedictine sign

claw hand deformity

The entrapment of the forearm is known as

Anterior Interosseous Nerve syndrome

When there is an entrapment of the forearm, there is a compression under ________

the ganzter muscle (accessory head of the FPL)

When there an entrapment at the wrist, it is known as

Carpal tunnel syndrome

When there is entrapment at the wrist, there is compression _________

beneath rthe flexor retinaculum

What demographic is mostly common with the entrapment at the wrist?

Female, 40-60, dominant hand

This is MC associated with pregnancy

Entrapment at the wrist/carpal tunnel syndrome

In carpal tunnel syndrome, there is _______ and ___________

weakness and atrophy of thenar muscles

Another term for an injury of nerve to subclavius

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome