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116 Cards in this Set

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not a component of normal feces
does not result in watery or diarrheal stools
decreased intestinal motility
lactose intolerance caused by the lack of sufficient lactase primarily presents with
osmotic diarrhea
This test assists most in the differentiation of secretory from osmotic diarrhea
fecal osmolality
the inability to convert dietary foodsutffs into readily absorbable substances is called intestinal...
intestinal motility is not stimulated by...
sympathetic nerve activity
This condition is characterized by the excretion of greasy, pale, foul-smelling feces
the daily amount of fat excreted in the feces is normally less than
6 g
this test is required to diagnose steatorrhea
fecal fat
the amount of feces produced in __ hours correlates ______ with food intake
24, poorly
fecal specimens are often tested for
fat, blood, carbs
____ is responsible for the characteristic color of normal feces.
a fecal ______ determination aids in differentiating the cause of diarrhea
____ stains with Sudan III of Oil Red O stains.
Neutral fats
These types of fat requireacidification and heat before they are stained with Sudan III or Oil Red stains
fatty acids and soaps (FA salts)
With the two-slide qualitative fecal fat determination, the first slide produces a normal amount of staining fat present, whereas the second slide, following acid addition and heat, produces an abnormally increased amount of fat present. These results indicate
mass screening in adults for occult blood in the feces is performed primariluy to detect
colorectal cancer
this dietary substance can cause a false negative fecal occult blood slide test.
ascorbic acid
this action can cause a false positive fecal occult blood slide test
rehydration of the speciment on the slide before testing.
this substance is the indicator of choice in fecal occult blood slide tests
This condition can result in the excretion of small amounts of occult blood in the feces
hemorrhoids, bleeding gums, peptic ulcers, intake of iron supplements (all of the answers)
A ___ color following alkali treatment indicates the presence of ____ hemoglobin
pink, fetal
____ and _____ are clinical manifestations of disaccharidase deficiency
a postitive fecal clinitest, fecal pH of 5.0
this test can differentiate inadequate carbohydrate metabolism from inadequate carbohydrate absorption
xylose absorption test
seminal fluid analysis is performed routinely to evaluate
postvasectomy status
These structures contribute to secretions in seminal fluid
epididymis, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, seminferous tubules (all the answers)
This structure performs an endocrine and an exocrine function
the primary function of seminal fluid is to
transport the spermatozoa
produces and secretes testosterone
interstitial cells of Leydig
site of spermatogenesis
seminiferous tubules
concentrates and stores sperm
secretes fluid rich in zinc
prostate gland
secretes fluid high in fructose
seminal vesicles
transports sperm to the ejaculatory duct
vas deferens
only complete collections of the _____ ejaculate are acceptable for analysis
this condition adversely affects the quality of a seminal fluid specimen
storage of specimen at refrigerator temps
following liquefaction, the viscosity of normal seminal fluid is _____ to that of _____
similar, water
spermatozoa motility should be evaluated ______ and at _ hours after collection
initially, 2
sperm concentration in a normal ejaculate ranges from 20 to ___ million per ml
stained smears of _____ semen are used to evaluate sperm _____.
fresh, morphology
this parameter directly relates to and provieds a check of the spermatozoa motility evaluation
vitality assessment
microscopically, immature spermatogenic cells are often difficult to distinguish from
a seminal fluid pH > 7.8 is associated with
infection of the male reproductive tract
Fructose in seminal fluid assists in the evaluation of...
the secretory function of the seminal vesicles and the functional integrity of the vas deferens
____ can be used to evaluate the secretory function of the prostate gland.
the concentration of ________ can be used to positively ID a fluid as seminal fluid
acid phosphatase
amniotic fluid is not a medium for _____ of oxygen
amniocentesis usually is performed at 15-18 wekks of gestation to determine
genetic disorders
solute and water exchange occure between the fetus and amniotic fluid in the following ways:
fetal swallowing of amniotic fluid, transudation across fetal skin, fetal urination into the amniotic fluid, respiration of smniotic fluid in the fetal pulmonary system (all answers)
describes a decreased volume of amniotic fluid present in the amniotic sac
amniotic fluid specimens are immediately protected form light to preserve
when present in amniotic fluid, is affected adversely by refrigeration...
fetal cells
high centrifugation speeds in preocessing amniotic fluid must be avoided to prevent error in the detection of
analysis of these substances can aid in the differentiation of amniotic fluid from urine
urea, glucose, creatinine, and protein (all the answers)
normally, amniotic fluid contains fetal ___, ___, and ___.
hair, cells, vernix
is not a test to evaluate the surfactants present in the fetal pulmonary system
delta A 450
these test results would indicatre fetal lung immaturity
a lecithin:sphingomyelin < 2.0
a lecithin:sphingomyelin > 2.0, with phosphatidylglycerol absent
this condition can cause erythroblastosis fetalis
maternal immuniztion by fetal antigens
a deltaA450 calue that falls into zone III indicates that the fetus is experiencing
severe hemolysis
CSF is produced primariily from
secretions by the choroid plexus
CSF is found between the
arachnoid and pia mater
CSF is produced
____ does not pass through the blood brain barrier
during a lumbar puncture procedure, the first collection tube of CSF removed should be used for
chemistry tests
the _____ of the _____ is not an anylytical concern when the processing and testing of CSF is delayed
lability, Ig
pleocytosis is a term used to describe
an increased number of cells in the CSF
increased numbers of leukocytes can not cause
when found in CSF, this indicates a traumatic puncture
uneven distribution of blood in the CSF collection tubes
number of leukocytes that are normally present in the CSF of an adult
what type of cells may be present in small number in normal CSF
which cell type predominate in CSF during a classic case of bacterial meningitis
cell type that predominates in CSF during classic case of viral meningitis
when choroid plexus cells and ependymal cells are present in CSF they
closely resemble clusters of malignant cells
this protein is not normally present in CSF
does not result in an incresaed CSF total protein
trauma to the CNS, resulting in fluid loss
this protein is used to monitor the integrity of the blood brain barrier
an IgG index > 0.70 indicates
intrathecal synthesis of IgG
an unknown fluid can be identified positively as being CSF by determining the
presence of carbohydrate deficient transferrin on electrophoresis
true or false:
oligoclonal bands usually correlate with the stage of disease and can be used to predict disease progression
true or false:
increased CSF glucose values are diagnostically significant
normal CSF lactate levels are commonly found in patients with
viral meningitis
this procedures frequently provides a rapid preseumptive diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
CSF gram stain
India ink preps and microbial antigen tests on CSF can aid in the diagnosis of
fungal meningitis
providing lubrication for a joint and transporting mutrients to articular cartilage is a funtion of
synovial fluid
true or false:
synovial fluid is viscous
this is not normally present in synovial fluid
this substance does not increase the turbidity of synovial fluid
abnormally decreased viscosity in synovial fluid results from
depolymerization of hyaluronate by neutrophilic enzymes
a synovial fluid specimen is received in the lab 2 hours after collection. what change to the fluid will most likely have taken place
crystals may have precipitated or dissolved
this anticoagulant should be used with a synovial fluid specimen when needed
sodium heparin
a synovial fluid specimen has a high cell count and requires dilution to be counted. which diluent should be used
normal saline
this result from synovial fluid analysis indicates a joint disease process
a diff count showing greater than 25% neutrophils
differentiation of synovial fluid cyrstals, based on their birefringence, is achieved using
compensated polarizing microscopy
the microscopic examination of synovial fluid for crystals can be difficult because
(all answers)
this crystal characteristacally occurs in patients with gout
monosodium urate cyrstals
these crystals are not birefringent in synovial fluid
hydroxyapatite crystals
assuming a pt is fasting, these analytes are normally present in the synovial fluid in essentially the same concentration as in the blood plasma
glucose and uric acid
this provides a definitive diagnosis of a specific joint condition
staph bacteria ID by gram stain
synovial specimen reveals: cloudy, yellow-green fluid of low viscosity, total leukocyte count of 98,000 cells/microliter, plasma-synovial fluid glucose differnece of 47 mg/dl

specimen would most likely be classified as
an analysis of synovial fluid specimen reveals: yellow fluid of high viscosity, total leukocyte count of 300 cells /microliter, plasma-synovial fluid differnece of 17 mg/dl

the specimen would be classified as
statement about serous fluid-filled body cavities
all 4 are true
this mechanism is responsible of the formation of serous fluid in body cavities
ultrafiltration of circulating blood plasma
this condition enhances the formation of serous fluid in a body cavity
increased capillary permeability
the pathologic accumulatino of fluid in a body cavity is called
an effusion
para centesis and seroud fluid testing are performed to
remove serous fluids that may be compressing a vital organ, determine the pathologic cause of an effusion, ID an effusion as a transudate or an exudate
thoracentesis refers specifically to the removal of fluid from the
pleural cavity
which paramaters best IDs a fluid as a transudate or an exudate
total protein ration an dlactate dehydrogenase ratio
chylous and pseudochylous effusions are differntiated by their
triglyceride concentrations
this condition is most often associated with the formation of a transudate
congestive heart failure
neoplasms, infections, RA, trauma
hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
this lab finding on an effusion does not indicate a specific diagnosis
serous fluid glucose concentration less than 60 mg/dl
abnormally low fluid pH measurements are useful in evaluatin conditions associate with
pleural effusions
a pleural of periotneal fluid amylase level 2 times higher than the serum amylase level can be found in effusion resulting from
a glucose concentration difference greater than 30 mg/dl between the serum and an effusion is associated with
rhematoid arthritis
this action can adversely affect the chances of obtaining a positive stain or cultrue when perfoming microbiologic studies on infectious serous fluid
storing serous fluid specimens at refrigerator temps