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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe the initial formation of the inner ear.

-Composed of ectoderm near the wall of the Rhombencephalon

-Forms placode, then otic pit, then otic vesicle

-Also gives off vestibuloacoustic ganglion (in between otic vesicle and the rhombencephalon)

What forms the vestibulo and spiral ganglia?

Statoacoustic (vestibuloacoustic) ganglia

What gives rise to the membranous components of the inner ear?

Otic vesicle

Note: this is filled with endolymph

What forms the cartilage of the ear?


Note: also gives rise to the perilymphatic space as it vacuolizes

What gives rise to the middle ear?

Pharyngeal pouch, cleft, and membrane from arch 1

Adjacent mesenchyme from arch 2

What Innervates the middle ear? Why?


-Due to the fact that arch 3 (CN IX) overgrows arch 2 and saddles up against arch 1 during oral cavity development

-Arch 1 (which is chiefly responsible for middle ear development) is lined by the mucosa of arch 3

What does the first pouch form?

-Tubotympanic recess, which develops into the following:

-Eustachian tube

-Middle ear cavity

-Mastoid air cells (occurs after birth)

Note: tympanic cavity covers the ear bones

*Surrounds them with mesoderm

What is the eardrum composed of?

First pharyngeal membrane:

Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm

Note: endoderm comes from pharynx

What forms the ear bones?

Maleus and incus- cartilage of arch 1 (Meckel’s cartilage)

Stapes- cartilage of arch 2 (Reichter’s cartilage)

What forms the tensor tympani and the stapedius muscles?

Tensor tympani- arch 1 (CN V3)

Stapedius- arch 2 (CN VII)

What forms the external ear?

Hillocks from arches 1 and 2

*Each arch forms three hillocks (six total)

What pre-natal illness can lead to congenital deafness?


What are auricular pits?

-Cysts or fistulas that form anterior to the external ear

-Due to duplication of the first arch cleft

Note: these may or may not be attached to the actual ear

What are auricular tags?

Duplication of auricles

*Caused by duplication of hillocks from arches 1 and 2

What is the meatal plug?

Pre-natal membrane that covers the external acoustic canal

*Will go away by the time of birth (usually)

What is anotia?

Congenital absence of an auricle

Note: underlying structures are normal (same with microtia)