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11 Cards in this Set

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Lots of in vitro assays provide good info in a reductionist controlled experiment but

Have lost the structure, cellular interaction and complexity of the system as well as requiring manipulation to reveal function

What does genetic engineering allow us to do

Add remove specific genes

Provides us with lots if models of different disease like arthritis to Tb and malaria

Why is it important to know stuff about certain cells

Response to vaccination

Effect of drugs

Presence of infection

Diagnosis of disease

What might we want to know about a cell and what steps are required to test these things experimentally?

Isolate cells

Evaluate number of cells

Are cells proliferating?

Are cells viable/dying?

can cells carry out their functions?

Isolating cells approches can have what

A very mixed population of cells with different cell types

How do you separate white blood cells from peripheral blood

Density centrifugation

How to know quantification of cells


Flow cytometry

What causes a t cell to divide

Antigen specific responses

Mitogen induced responses

3 approches to measure proliferation




What happens when cells die and what does this allow

They loose their membrane integrity

Allow vital dyes to enter the cell and stain them

Ab based technologies that measure cells functions

Elsia elisapot flow cytometry