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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the relationship between resistance and pressure?
R is proportional to P
If P1=100 mmHg, and P2=20 mmHg, how much greater is resistance in P1 than in P2?

Q cancels out
R1/R2 = 5
A chest tube has been inserted through the 5th intercostal space at the mid-axillary line to drain the pleural cavity. Name the major tissue planes and muscles that have been traversed, from superficial to deep.
Superficial fascia
Deep fascia
External Intercostal Muscle
Internal Intercostal Muscle
Innermost Intercostal Muscle
Parietal Pleura
Why does blood pressure drop when nervous output from the spinal cord is eliminated?
At rest, there is continuous sympathetic tone (output); when blocked, heart rate decreases, resistance of vasculature decreases, contractility decreases. Parasympathetic nervous system is not affected by this block.
What is the range of normal aortic pressure?

How would the pressure change if there were narrowing of the aortic valve?

How would the pressure change if there was increased peripheral resistance?
Normal: 80-120mmHg

Aortic valve stenosis = decreased pressure

Increased peripheral resistance = increased pressure
What two events occurs at the P wave of an ECG? Provide a physical and electrical event.
Electrical: Atrial depolarization
Physical: Atrial contraction
What physical and electrical events occur during the QRS wave of an ECG?
Electrical: Atrial repol, Ventricular Depol
Physical: Ventricle contracts, MITRAL VALVE CLOSES
What electrical events occur during the T wave of an ECG?

Where would this occur on a chart of aortic pressure during the cardiac cycle?
Electrical: Ventricular repol
Chart: Peak of aortic pressure
Where on a chart of aortic pressure during cardiac cycle would take a reading for diastolic pressure? Systolic?
Diastole: Right before pressure begins to rise
Systole: At peak of curve
What causes the lub sound? Dub?
Lub: Mitral valve closes
Dub: Aortic valve closes
How would intrapleural pressure change with pneumothorax?
Would equal atmospheric pressure on affected side
Would stay negative on unaffected side
How would intrapleural pressure change with hemothorax?
Would go positive
Hyperextension of proximal phalanges at metacarpophalangeal joint (claw hand) would result from damage to what nerve?
Hyperextension means you have no flexion
There is damage to flexor nerves
Flexors in fingers (not thumb) innervated by ULNAR nerve
Wrist-drop can result from damage to what nerve?
Wrist-drop = flexion
Have no extension
Have damaged extensors
Results from damage to Radial nerve
An inability to oppose the thumb to the little finger can result from damage to which nerve?
Inability to flex in thumb
Median nerve