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84 Cards in this Set

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dont use prior cases as precedent
Napoleanic Code
the judge can show bias
can ask questions to witnesses
it's the judges decision who gets put on the stand
judge can be a police officer (go to the scene of the crime)
Rule of the Judge
Juries are made up of 3 people
the judge can show bias
The code of France
you can convict someone and put them in jail by proving its more likely than not that they committed the crime
preponderance of evidence
says that there is risk there.. we know that a certain amount of people are going to die this year, but we don't know who
creates risk
courts dont have enough time to play what if
court has to attain an actual case or controversy
person filing the lawsuit
any person cant just file and kind of lawsuit -- you need a personal interest in the outcome of the litigation
standing to sue
you have to have a personal interest in a person or property if u want to insure property
insurable interest
person can not create this -- the judge must create it -- can set up as either an opt in or an opt out
class action lawsuit
judge writes a description of the class or approves it --
certifying the class
notice goes out that says if you wish to participate in this suit and you have these characteristics then you need to notify the court
if you dont wish to be in this lawuit you need to contact the court so that you are not included in it.. otherwise you are automatically in it whether you want to be or not
aluminum chair frame example
products liability case
each plantiff only has a small amount of damage and only gets a small reciprocation -- lawyers cannot be reciporcated in the ususal way
coupon case
how could u get a case into federal court
1. if its a federal question - if it involves a federal law
2. diversity of citizenship -- for example if someone from one state went into trial against someone from another state
3. must also be at least 75K worth of damages
corporation citizenship
are citizens in the state of the corporation as well as the headquarters of the company (the company must claim both)
jurisdiction over the person
im personam
if you are in a place then that place has jurisdiction over you -- if you go somewhere briefly that state has jurisdiction over you
the plantiff is consenting by coming
where you live -- where you think that your home is... is where your home is
involves situations that repeat over and over again (it happens all the time)
state long-arm statute
the county
court order that judge signs.. it says your being sued in this court and you need to show up
you have to get the runner to deliver the stamped copy to the defendant
service of process
people that serve the defendants summons (they do this for a living)
process servers
both sides know the same information -- if the parties have enough moey and the judge doesnt have a backbone this can last years
internal, your conscience
to get a conviction.. what must the agreement be
discrimination against sex
Title 7
judge made law -- case at bar decided -- case at point used as a reference
common law
stare decisis
stand by decisions
there is a list that says when you can sue the gov
statutory law
laws created by the executive (president, governor, head of the county)
executive orders
dont elect someone - vote on a ballot - ex: same sex marriage and stem cell research
Ballot initiatives/Direct Democracy
three levels of the courts
1. highest court
2. court of appelas
3. trial court
cannot sue the king or queen/gov. unless they say it is okay
sovereign immunity
judge can do this if she doesnt like how she had to rule in a case -- it is very uncommon
written opinion
3 levels of gov
1. judicial
2. executive
3. legislative
rights and duties between entities
what do you do about it? can you sue? how do you do it?
can be considered a legal entity
men, women, corporation, partnership, trust, bankrupt of state
you died with a valid will
woman that gets the estate
man that gets the estate
the person in line for an estate after the executor
person dies w/o a valid will
rights of a noncriminal nature between entities or between entities and the gov
civil law
in this type of law the plaintiff is always the gov
criminal law
in this type of trial the judge comes up with the verdict
bench trial
written questions that are submitted to the other side or you have to tell the court and the other side well in advance who your going to be calling as a witness in the trial.. these questions are answered under oath… problem is that many times the lawyers write the questions.. they are sterile and don’t give u any flexibility
written interrogatories
could be thousands of dollars, the plaintiff causes the defendant and says I would like to depose you or a witness and they come up with a time and place they want to meet, lawyer from both sides are there (expensive – plane tickets, meals, cabs, rent space) – it wouldn’t make sense to have a deposition over something that is not a lot of money
oral dispositions
you go in and sue someone your arm is messed up and I can never use it again.. I have to let the other side choose the physician that is chosen by the other side
physical exam of a person
getting letters from the other side, today this is more email – so you ask for all the emails from a certain person to a certain person – problem with this is the volume is so huge is that its so much that its not humanly possible to pick all of these out
widget broke both sides can see why something broke (airplanes crashes – gov has custody)
Tangible items
– the judge and 2 lawyers – can be extremely casual
- The judge does arm twisting at this stage (he says can u stipulate – agree to things ahead of time) – its not unusual at this time for the case to end at this time – the judge has to agree to the settlement and agree to dismiss the lawsuit it cant just happen because the lawyer said so
pretrial conference
where do jurers come from?
voir dire
you can dismiss a juror if they display a prejudice
challenge for cause
you can get rid of a juror w/o saying a reason... you cannot gid rid of them because of sex or race
peremptory challenge
guy who was there when the incident occurred
lay witness
a witness at a trial -- you want to check these people out -- where did they go to school?
expert witness
someone directly hears or sees something – report on what you see or hear -- present this in a trial
direct evidence
what you heard) – a lot of times you don’t have anything but circumstantial – there is nothing wrong with this if it is handled correctly
circumstantial evidence
lawyer doesnt get paid unless you get paid -- lawyers dont invest their time in a case they dont think that they will win
contingency fee basis of litigation
powers in the constitution are given to the federal government
enumerated powers
idea is that there is a state law and a federal law on something.. the federal law will trump state
federal pre-emption
says if the executive has come up with the law it’s a law and someone doesn’t like it they can go to the judicial branch and say I think this is unconstitutional b/c the judiciary has to interpret the law
judicial review
state powers a.k.a.
reserved powers/state police powers
talks about race, sex, national origin and more – part of the act says for public accomadations (bus, mtel, etc.) – u cant discriminate on one of these – you cant have a white only motel
Act of '64
telling a lie about someone that hurts that persons reputation
lying about a company or product and hurting their reputation
trade disparagement
4th amendment
unlawful searches and seizures
says if the police goes in and sees someone without a proper warrant it is no good because they cant bring it into evidence
exclusionary rule
if a corporation is charged of a crime -- can they plead the 5th
no they must put someone on the stand
gov can not take life, liberty, or property unless
they go through due process
some gov action takes away individual liberties and so for this to be okay u have to show that the gov has a compelling state interest
subs process
these are extra important – if the gov takes these away then not only do u have to show compelling reason for the gov to do this – the court will put the gov under strict scrutinity to see why this was necessary
fundamental rights
if the gov does something to abridge one of your freedoms, interstate travel, right to vote, right to privacy, right to marriage
fundamental rights
the gov has to treat similarily treated persons the same
equal protection clause
if people are treated diff because of sex u can go in and challenge that
intermediate scrutiny