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44 Cards in this Set

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Psychoactive drugs are those that affect

The nervous system to alter consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods

Drug injection is common in medical practice because the effects of injected drugs are relatively __________ in comparison to most other conventional routes of drug administration

Strong, fast, and predictable

Many chemicals are kept from passing from the circulatory system of the CNS into CNS neurons by

The blood brain barrier

A state of decreased sensitivity to a drug as a result of precious exposure to the drug is called


Individuals who suffer drug withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking a drug are said to be

Physically dependent

The primary defining feature of addiction is

The inability to stop using a drug despite efforts to do so

According to the research of Siegel, heroin users are more likely to die from an overdose when they

Take heroin in an environment in which they have never taken it before

Which of the following drugs produces hypothermia (a reduction in body temperature)


Marijuana contains over 80


Which of the following drugs is a stimulant


Which of the following drugs in high doses produces a syndrome of psychotic behavior that is similar to paranoid schizophrenia


Which of the following opiates is an analgesic?

Morphine, OxyContin, pain relievers

The early physical dependence theories of drug addiction were discredited by the observation that

Detoxified addicts almost always return to their drug taking

Olds and Milner argued that the brain circuits that support intracranial self-stimulation are the same ones that mediate

The pleasurable effects of natural rewarding stimuli such as food, water, and sex

Many of the dopaminergic neurons with cell bodies in the ventral tegmental area synapse in the

Various cortical and limbic sites

The branch of the mesotelencephalic dopamine system that projects from the ventral tegmental area is called the

Mesocorticolimbic pathway

Laboratory animals have frequently been shown to self-administer micro injections of addictive drugs directly into the

Nucleus accumbens

The anticipated pleasure associated with an action is its ___________, whereas the actual pleasure experienced is its ___________

Positive incentive value; hedonic value

According to the incentive sensitization theory of drug addiction, as an addict habitually consumes the drug, the

Positive incentive value for the drug increases

Recent research suggests that dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens is more related to _________ than to __________.

The wanting of a drug; the liking of a drug

Recent research suggests that during the transition from initial drug taking to habitual drug taking

Striatal control of drug taking is shifted from the nucleus accumbens to the dorsal striatum. There are impairments in the function of the prefrontal cortex.

Drug addicts have been found to make poor decisions and to

Engage in excessive risk taking and have deficits in self control

Modern theories of drug addiction suggest that addicts relapse after lengthy drug-free periods because the effects of

Stress, drug priming, exposure to cues

"Song of praise" was written by Freud about


Recent research shows that dopamine is most closely associated with


The left and right hemispheres are connected by the

Cerebral commisures

The two hemispheres, although similar in appearance, differ in function. The study of these functional differences is commonly referred to as the study of

Lateralization of function

____________ first reported evidence of the lateralization of language functions, but he received little or no recognition for his insightful observations.

Mark Dax

Brain damage produced deficits in the language related ability are generally referred to as


Broca's area is in the _________ cortex

Inferior prefrontal cortex of the left hemisphere

Sporadic patients

Can't follow motor commands

During the conventional dichotic listening test, most participants correctly report

One stimulus perthal

During language tests, PET and fMRI typically reveal greater activity in

Left hemisphere

The results of sodium Amytal tests suggest that the percentage of healthy right-handlers in the general population that are left hemisphere dominant for speech is


Which of the following investigators, along with sorry, played a major role in testing the original series of human split-brain patients


After the picture of a familiar object is flashed in the left visual field of a split-brain patient, the patient can

Reach into a bag containing several test items with the left hand and pull out the object that was presented

A spoon is presented in the left visual field of a split brain patient and an apple is simultaneously presented in the right. The patient is instructed to reach into two bags(one with each hand) and feel around until he comes up with the object that was presented on the screen. However, before the objects are withdrawn, the orient is asked to tell the experimenter what he has in each hand. The patient is likely to say

"I have an apple in each hand"

Left hemisphere damage is more likely than right-hemisphere damage to be associated with

Motor problems of the left hand

Evidence that the perception of music is lateralization comes from the demonstrations that

The left ear is superior to the right in melodicdichotic listening tests

The hypothetical neural mechanism in humans that continuously assesses patterns of events and tries to make sense of them is termed the

Theory of cognitive development

The left planum temporal roughly corresponds to

Wernicke's area

A structural MRI study found that the ___________ in the left hemisphere in musicians with perfect pitch than it is in musicians without perfect pitch.

Planum temporal is larger

The motor theory of the lateralization of cerebral function is that

Left hemisphere is specialized not for the control of speech specifically but for control of fine movements

Although adults have difficulty discriminating among many language sounds that are not present in the languages that they speak, ____________ can discriminate among the sounds of all languages
