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75 Cards in this Set

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Passive Transport uses ATP to Move molecules against their concentration gradient?
T or F?
Refer to the illistration on pg.1. Reproduction ensure the ongoing success of both species. T or F
Refer to the illistration on pg 1. The sand dollar and the paramecium both exhibit organization. T or F
Refer to the illistration on pg.1. Unlike the sand dollar, the paramecium does not have to maintain a stable internal environment. T or F
Refer to the illistration on pg.1. Both species have DNA in their cell. T or F
Refer to the illistration on pg 1 (top)Both species are mulitcelluar. T or F
A cell placed in a strong salt solution would probably burst because of osmosis. T or F
The independent variable is the variable that changes in an experiment. T or F
Refer to the illustration on pg 1 (bottom). the diagram shows the lipid bilayer that froms the framework of the cell membrane. T or F
Exocytosis does not use energy to expel proteins from the cell. T or F
Cell surface marker protein face the inside of the cell T or F
Diffusion through ion channels is a form of active transport. T or F
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek concluded that all plants are composed of cells. T or F
The sodium potassium pump uses ATP. T or F
Facilitated Diffusion moves molecules and ions against their concentration gradient, while active transport moves molecules and ions down their concentratin gradient. T or F
Two different structures that all cells have are a cell membrane and a cell wall. T or F
The cells of animals are prokaryotic. T or F
Water will diffuse out of a cell when the cell is placed in a hypertonic solution. T or F
Mitochindria contain DNA. T or F
Diffusion is an active process that requires a cell to expend a great deal of energy. T or F
Robert Hooke observed cork cells under a microscope. T or F
Which type of molecule forms a lipid bilayer within a cell membrane? Protein, phospholipid, nucleuic acid, carbohydrate
Which of the following does not require energy?
diffusion, sodium potassium pump, active transport, endocytosis
When a signal molecule binds to a receptor protein, the receptor protein may....
speed up a chemical reaction
change the permiability of the membrane, cause the formation of a second messenger molecule, All of the Above
All of the above
Which of the following is characteristic of prokaryotes?
The organells in their cytoplasm are surrounded by membrane, they have a nucleus, their evolution preceded that of eukaryotes, none of the above
Their evolution preceded that of eukaryotes
Ions move through ion channel by:
passive transport, endocytosis, diffusion, active transport
passive transport
Phospholipids are molecules that? contain phosphate, have nonpolar "tails" and polar "heads", form the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane, all of the above
all of the above
observation: hypothesis::
certainty: investigation, hypothesis: prediction, guess:hypothesis, theory:observation
The variable that is measured in an experiment is ____variable?
independent, dependent, experimental, control
Surface area is an important factor in limiting cell growth because?
materials cannot enter the cell if the cell is too large,waste products cannot leave the cell if it is too small, the cell may become too large to take in enough food and too remove enough wastes, the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large
the cell may become too large to take in enough food and to remove enough waste
nucleus: chromosome, nucleus:nuclear envolepe, cell:DNA, chromosome:DNA
nucleus: nuclear envelope
The energy that drive metabolism in animals come from?
homestasis, food, hereity, water
Ions move through ion channel by?
passive transport, endocytosis, diffusion, active transport
passive transport
The interior portion of a cell membrane forms a nonpolar zone that.....
allows polar molecules to pass throught the membrane, prevents ions and most large molecules from passing through the membrane, allows food to pass through the membrane, None of the above
prevents ions and most large molecules from passing through the membrane.
In which direction does the energy flow?
plants->sun->plant eater->meat eater,
sun-> plants->plant eater->meat eater,
sun->plants->meat eater->plant eater,
plant eater->plants->sun->mat eater
sun->plants->plant eater->meat eater
Which of the following pairs contains unrelated items?
ribosomes-proteins, cell wall-animall cell, mitochondira-ATP, eukaryote-amoeba
cell wall-animal cell
The disperal of ink in a beaker of water is an example of...
diffusion, active transport, endocytosis, osmosis
The double membrane surrounding the nucleus is called the....
nucleolus, nuclear envelope, ribosome, nuclear wall
nulclear envolepe
Most of the food and waste material that move into and out of the cell pass through...
channel protein, receptor protein, enzymes, marker protein
channel protein
frogs: acid rain::...
wind:smoke, rain forests:fire, theories:prediction, salamanders:hot weather
rain forests: fire
As a result of diffusion, the concentration of many types of substances...
always remains greater inside the membrane, always remains greater outside of a membrane, eventually becomes balanced on both sides of a membrane, becomes imbalanced on both sides of a membrane
eventually becomes balanced on both sides of the membrane
The English physician Ronald Ross wanted to try to find the cause of malaria. Based on his observations, Dr. Ross suggested that the Anopheles mosquito might spread malaria from person to person. This suggestion was:
hypothesis, theory, scientific "truth", prediction
Which of the following transmit information into a cell by binding to a signal molecule?
receptor protein, end proteins, channel proteins, marker proteins
receptor protein
As a characteristic of living things, homestasis relates most directly to which of the following biological themes?
stability, evolution, scale and structure, interacting systems
Dr. Ross knew that the parasite Plasmodium was always found in the blood of malaria patients. He thought that if the Anopheles mosquitoes were responsible for spreading malaria, then Plasmodium would be found in the mosquitoes. this idea was a.....
scientific truth, prediction, theory, hypothesis
____is the sum of all the chemical reactions carried out in an organism.
Receptor proteins can change the ____ of the cell membrane
Refer to the illistration above (pg.8. Cells often engulf extracellular particles and fluid, as shown in figure A. This is called__
Refer to the illustration above(pg.8) the process shown in figure B is called ___
Carrier proteins ___ shape to transport sugars to the interior of cells.
The organelles that are the site of protein synthesis in a cell are called ______
If a cell is placed in a(n) __ solution, water flows into the cell at a rate that is equal to the rate at which ater flows out of the cell
To function properly, all living things maintain a constant internal environment through the process of ____
An educated guess, or ____,may be tested by experimentation
A(n)___ experiment is one in which a group that recieves some experimental treatments is compared to a group that does not recieve the experimental treatment.
Receptor proteins may act as ___, speeding up chemical reactions inside the cell.
The statment that "cells arise only from exsisting cells" is part of _________
cell theory
Modern prokaryotes are generally known as _____
When the concentration of free water molecules is higher outside a cell than inside the cell water will diffuse ___ the cell
Scientist think that ___ cells evolved 1.5 billion years ago.
If a cell is placed in a(n) _____ solution, water will flow out of the cell.
Proteins that aid in moving substance into and out of the cell are called ____ proteins
A unifying explanation for a broad range of observations is a(n) _____ theory
Molecules of ____ inside cells encode information to direct their growth and development.
How do you explain the observed relationship between salt concentration and rate of contractile vacuole contraction?
The lower the salt concentration it is able to contract more water.
If something happened to a paramecium that caused its contractile vacuole to stop contracting, what would you expect to happen? Would this result occur more quickly if the paramecium was in water wit a high salt concentration or in water with low salt concentration?
The cell would swell up because its retaining water, it would work in low salt concentration because it has water to take out because of this water is accumulated rapidly when put in low salt concentration.
Describe three ways in which the binding of a signal molecule to a receptor protein can change the functioning of a cell?
Receptor Protein in which the activities changes in cell.
Receptor Protein can act as an enzyme or active enzyme in the cell. This chemical changes molecules in the cytoplasm.
Receptor Protein can cause the formation of the second messenger- changes the function of the cell by activating enzymes or opening ion channels.
Receptor protein can open a channel in the membrane
Describe the movement of proteins through the internal membrane system of the cell?
1) Power protein made by ribosomes by the rough ER and once made proteins move from the ribosomes ER where they are transported to the cell
2) Portions of the endoplasmic reticulum forming vesicles
3) Vesicles containing newly made protein that move through the cytoplasm to the Golgi apparatus
4) Golgi apparatus modifies protein that is received by the vesicle.
5) New vesicle formed from the Golgi apparatus membrane repackages them
6) New vesicle move through the cell membrane where modified proteins are released outside the cell.
Name the six characteristics that are considered distinct properties of all living things.
1)Metabolic Reaction
5)Response to the environment
6)Growth and Development
The results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis that the experiment was designed to test. Was the experiment a waste of time? Explain.
No the experiment was not a waste of time because even though it didn’t go with your hypothesis you learned something new and your learning something either way, and no experiment is a waste of time.
Why is it dangerous for humans to drink sea water?
It is dangerous because too much slat can cause cells to swell up and burst because of the hypertonic solution increases concentration of the bodily fluids which is dangerous to the body.
A unifying explanation for a broad range of observation is a(n)____
Which of the following statements is correct?
As the population continues to grow, the demand for food is going to strain our ability to feed all the people, Biologists are seeking new crops that grow more efficiently in tropical soils, Genetic engineers are transplanting genes into plants to create crops that are more resistant to insects, All of the above
All of the above
The destruction of rain forests leads to.....
the extinction of many species of plants, a lessinging of the worlds biological diversity, the extinction of many species of animals, all of the above
all of the above
The control and experimental group are desinged to be identical? T or F
Most typically, the order in which the steps of scientific investigations are applied is.
prediction,observation,hypothesis,conclusions,controlled testings,questions:
observation,questions,hypothesis,predictions,controlled testings,conclusion:
observations,predictions,hypothesis,controlled testing,conclusions,questions:
observations,hypothesis,predictions,controlled testings,questions,conclusions
observation,questions,hypothesis,predictions,controlled testings,conclusion