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31 Cards in this Set

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Gregor Mendal (1822-1884)

Experiment on pea plants

Advantageous: self fertilizing (shows true breeding lines), many character traits

What are the traits Mendel studied of the pea plants?

1. Pea shape

2. Pea color

3. Flower Color

4. Flower Piston

5. Pod Shape

6. Pod Color

7. Plant Height

Dominant and Recessive trait for pea shape

Round (R) &

Wrinkled (r)

Dominant and Recessive for pea color

Yellow (Y) &

Green (y)

Dominant and Recessive for flower color

Purple &


Dominant and Recessive for flower position

Axial flowers &

Terminal flowers

Dominant and Recessive for pod shape

Inflated &


Dominant and Recessive for pod color

Green &


Dominant and Recessive for plant height

Tall & Short

What is a Single-Factor cross?

Experimenter follows the variants of only 1 trait

P generation

True-breeding parents (First parents in tree)

F1 Generation

Offspring of P cross

Monohybrids: When one parent has a different allele than the other parent

F2 Generation

Offspring from F1 Generation

What is one point that Mendel concluded from a single factor cross?

1. Dominant & recessive traits: Dominant is displayed but recessive is "masked" by dominant

What is the second point Mendel concluded from a single factor cross

2. Genes & Alleles

- Mechanism of inheritance

- "unit factors" = Genes

- Every individual has 2 genes for a trait

- Gene has two variant forms or alleles

What is Mendel the father of?

He is the father of genetics

What is a hybrid?

A hybrid is the offspring of two plants with different alleles of the same trait

Mendel's 1st Law of Segregation

One sperm or egg carries only one allele. (Explains the 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive phenotype)

T x t & T xt = TT, Tt, Tt, (3 dominant), tt (recessive)


Genetic composition


Observable Characteristics

What is a Test Cross?

Testing for genotype of an organism

Two-factor cross

Inheritance of two different traits

- linked or unlinked

- 9:3:3:1 = independent assortment

Law of Independent assortment

Alleles of different genes assort independently during gamete formation

What are Dihybrid offspring?

Offspring are hybrids with respect to both traits

Why are the behavior of chromosomes and genes similar?

- 2 copies

- Unchanged complements from parent to offspring

-Segregate indepedently

-1/2 from mom, 1/2 from dad

Who was Walter Sutton?

Studied grasshopper spermatocytes.

Parent cells contained 22 chromosomes plus an X and a Y

Determined XX = females

Determined XY = Males

Sex Chromosomes

X-Y = males XY and females XX (mammals)

Z-W = male ZZ and female ZW (Birds)

X-O = males X or XO, female XX (insects)

What is incomplete dominance?

Neither trait is dominant

(Ex: Red X White = Pink)

What is Pleiotrophy?

Mutation in a single gene has multiple effects


Blood types: A and B express both genes equally

What is PKU?

Increased levels of phenyalanine in the blood.