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95 Cards in this Set

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The double helix of DNA is composed of building blocks called.


The rungs of the DNA ladder are formed by a base pairs.

Joined by hydrogen bonds

In DNA molecules,

Adenine pairs with thymine

The central dogma of molecular biology described by Watson and crick describes,

The directional flow of genetic information in cells.

Directional flow

How does RNA differ from DNA

1. DNA contains deoxyribose and RNA contains ribose. 2. DNA contains thymine and RNA contains uracil instead. 3. DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded. 4. RNA can catalyze done chemical reactions and DNA cannot.

What type of mRNA carries the information that specifies a protein?

Messenger RNA

What type of RNA carries amino acids to ribosomes?

Transfer RNA

In eukaryotic cells sequences of mRNA removed before translation are called?


What process converts the mRNA message into a sequence of amino acids?


A three base sequence in tRNA that is complementary to a three based sequence in mRNA is?

An anticodon

A tRNA molecule is bilingual because it bonds to?

Codons of mRNA and amino acids

A change in a cells DNA sequence is?

A mutation

What are causes of mutation?

1. Errors in DNA replication

2. Errors during meiosis

3. Exposure to radiation

4. Exposure to tobacco

If the DNA in a cell consists of 20% adenine then it will also contain ____ guanine


ATGCATGC will pair with what DNA strand?


Cells have only two copies of most genes but can make hundreds of copies of a protein from those genes power second because,

During translation multiple ribosomes can bind to the same mRNA simultaneously.

Which DNA mission leads to the change of a single amino acids in a protein?


Mutations create new alleles that

1. Are beneficial to the organisms fitness

2. Have no effect in the fitness of the organism

3. Decrease the fitness of the organism

What molecule hooks instructions for the synthesis of proteins and chores itself for the next generation of cells?


DNA's sugar phosphate backbones are joined with?

Covalent bonds

Strands of DNA are joined by?

Hydrogen bonds

The genome of an organism is all of its?

Generic material

The process by which DNA reproduces itself is?


One word

Mutations may be caused by?

1. Errors in prokaryotic replication

2. Exposure to radiation

3. Exposure to chemicals

4. Errors in eukaryotic replication

A discrete package of DNA and associated proteins in eukaryotes is a?


One of two identical attached copies of a replicated chromosome defines the term?


Sister chromatids are?

Genetically identical and attached to each other at the centromere.

The process by which a sperm cell combines with an egg cell is?


Mitosis is used for what?

1. Repair of damaged cells

2. Growth of an organism

3. Asexual reproduction

4. Production of genetically identical daughter cells.

Meiosis is used for?

Production of gametes

The phase of mitosis in which the centromeres split and sister chromatids are pulled to opposite pole of the cell is?


The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes are aligned along the equator of the cell is?


The phase of mitosis in which the nuclear envelope behind to reform around chromosomes is?


The phase of mitosis in which the chromosomes condense and centrosomes move to opposite pole of the cell is?


In an asexual life cycle, cells reproduce by?


In a asexual life cycle, a zygote (fertilized egg) grows to an adults by


When DNA replicates

One strand of the original DNA ends up in each of the new DNA molecules.

Binary fission produces _____ cells, mitosis produces _____ cells, and meiosis produces _____ cells.

Prokaryotic, eukaryotic body, eukaryotic sex

Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits are?

Homologous chromosomes

Meiosis is a process that produces

1. Sperm cells

2. Egg cells

3 gametes

4. Haploid cells

Four answers

Sexual reproduction is important to the survival of species in a changing environment because?

Sexual reproduction produces genetically different individuals.

2n is an abbreviation for


Diploid means having

Two complete sets of chromosomes

1n is an abbreviation for


A diploid germ cell will produce cells that have reduced the chromosomes number by half generating for haploid nuclei in


After the completion of meiosis in humans, a diploid germ cell has produced cells with half the original chromosome number, generating ____ haploid nuclei


A zygote is

A diploid cell

3 words

Mitotic cell division creates identical copies by replicating a cell's DNA ____ and then dividing ____.

Once, once

Human cells have

23 pairs of chromosomes

In meiosis DNA replicates during

Interphase prior to meiosis 1

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during

Prophase 1

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during

Anaphase 1

In meiosis, chromosomes containing sister chromatids (not homologous chromosomes) align along the center of the cell during

Metaphase 2

In meiosis 2, cytokinesis results in the production of

Four haploid daughter cells

The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material

Is crossing over

Alternate forms of the same gene are


What process creates daughter cells with a mixture of paternal maternal chromosomes?

Independent assortment

What is an advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction?

Generic variability during an ecological disaster.

Homologous chromosomes contain the same ____ but may contain different ____.

Genes, allels

Genes A and B are in the same chromosome. What gametes could an individual with the allele combination AABB produce


What occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis

Crossing over

If a chromosome in one of your bone cells becomes mutated, you will not pass this mutation into your children because.

Somatic cells cannot undergo meiosis

Haploid cells lack what

Homologous chromosomes

What creates genetically different offspring in both asexual and sexual reproduction?


What two processes results in genetically different products

Meiosis and sexual reproduction

What two processes results in genetically identical products

Mitosis and asexual reproduction

Generic information is passed from one generation to the next through

1. DNA

2. Asexual reproduction

3. Sexual reproduction

4. Gametes

4 answers

What is DNA and why is it important?

It stores the information that each cell needs to produce proteins, DNA tells cells how they are going to function ,without it there would be no division or growth.

What is the structure of DNA?

DNA is a double helix made up of subunits called nucleotides.





What is central dogma?

describes the two-step process, transcription and translation, by which the information in genes flows into proteins: DNA → RNA → protein.

complementary bases

Adenine to thymine

Cytosine to guanine

Where does translation occur in the cell and what does it produce?

In ribosomes and it produces proteins.

Where does transcription occur in the cell and what does it produce?

In the nucleus and produces a specific amino acid chain or a polypeptide.

What are the differences between DNA and mRNA messenger?

mRNA is single stranded and contains nucleotide uricel DNA is double stranded and contains nucleotide thymine

What are mutations and what causes them?

A change in a cell's DNA sequence. Cause by exposure to radiation, exposure to tobacco, errors in DNA replication, errors during meiosis

Why are viruses considered not to be alive?

They have no energy metabolism, they do not grow, they produce no waste products, and they do not respond to stimuli. They also don't reproduce independently but must replicate by invading living cells.

What are prions, and what diseases do they cause?

A infectious agent also known as "proteinaceous infectious particle" it causes cells of the nervous system to die. And the brain eventually fills with holes.

What are the functions of cell division?

Reproduction, growth, and repair

Phases of mitosis

Interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, cytokinesis

What is a benign tumor?

Are slow growing and harmless unless they become large enough to disrupt near by tissues and organs.

What is a malignant tumor?

It invades adjacent tissue.

What is metastasis?

Its cells can break away from the original mass and travel into the bloodstream or lymphatic system to colonize other areas of the body.

What are the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction?

1. Asexual only requires one organism sexual requires a male and female to reproduce.

2. Asexual reproduction is completed in a short time while sexual reproduction takes several months.

3. Asexual cell divides by fission sexual cell divides by meiosis.

What are the similarities between asexual and sexual reproduction?

1. Both produce an offspring

2. Both use cell division

What are some disadvantages to asexual reproduction?

1. One plant disease can wipe out an entire population.

2. Increased competition

What are some advantages to asexual reproduction?

1. Reproduce quickly

2. You only need yourself to reproduce you don't have to have a partner.

What does a diploid contain?

Contains two full sets of chromosomes one set from each parent.

What does a haploid contain?

Contains only one full set of genetic information.

What are homologous chromosomes?

A matching pair of chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits.

What is crossing over?

Exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase 1 of meiosis.

What is fertilization?

The union of two gametes

What is zygote?

The fused egg and down that develops into a diploid individual.

Phases of meiosis.

Interphase, prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, telophase 1, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, telophase 2

What are the sources of genetic variation?

Mutation, gene flow, sex

Comparison of mitosis and meiosis.

1. Both associated the cytokinesis

2. End result of both are daughter cells

3. Both have cell division