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16 Cards in this Set

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Describe what a red blood cell is,
where it's found,
what its main function is and
how it is specialised for its job
found in the plasma (liquid part of the body
carries oxygen around the body
small, lots of them, contain haemoglobin, large surface area, biconcave - short diffusion time as its thinner
Describe what a white blood cell is,
where its found
what its main function is and
how its specialised for its job
found in the plasma
defends against disease
produces 2 types of antibodies

1. lymphocytes - specific
2. Phagocytes - enzymes engulf pathogen

Describe what a platelet is,
where its found
what its main function is and
how its specialised for its job
found in the plasma
forms clots
small, quick to move to where it's needed and there are lots
Label the heart
Label the heart
1. Right
2. left
3. Aorta
4. Pulmonary Artery (blood TO lungs)
5.Pulmonary Vein (blood FROM lungs)
6. Left atrium
7. Left Ventricle
8. Atrioventricular valves (AV Valves)
9. Vena Cava
10. Right atrium
11. Right ventricle
12. Semi lunar valves
What does the vena cava do
Carries deoxygenated blood TO the RIGHT atrium
Pulmonary artery

Carries de-oxygenated blood AWAY from the RIGHT ventricle to LUNGS

Carries oxygenated blood AWAY from LEFT ventricle - pumps it around whole body
Pulmonary Vein
Carries oxygenated blood TO the LEFT atrium
Explain each stage of 1 and 2 of the cardiac cycle
Explain each stage of 1 and 2 of the cardiac cycle
1. Atrial system
- atrial contracts and force blood into ventricles
- semi lunar valves close
- AV valves open
2. ventricle system
- Ventricles contract and force blood into arteries
- semi lunar open
- AV valves close
What is an artery
what is its job and
how is it adapted to its job
a blood vessel

carries blood away from the heart to organs
has a thick layer of elastic and muscle fibres, they can recoil to help push blood along, narrow lumen, thick wall - high blood pressure

what is a vein,
what's its job
how is it adapted for its job
a blood vessel

carries blood from organs to the heart
has a thin lining - low blood pressure and a large lumen - as lots of blood needs to pass through

What is a capillary
what's its job
and how is it adapted to its job
a blood vessel carries blood through organs, bringing blood to the cells in the organs
it is small enough to fit between cells and allow materials to pass through walls easily
Why are the veins and arteries shown in different colours?
The arteries are shown in red as the blood has been through the lungs and so have been oxygenated by the alveoli
The veins are shown in blue as the blood hasn't been through the lungs and so still have CO2 in them and so are de-oxygenated.





