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18 Cards in this Set

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Sub-cellular structures

Structures inside a cell (all cells have them)


A Nucleus

Controls the activities of the cell and contained the genetic material


Most chemical reactions take place

Cell membrane

Controls the passage of substances into and out of the cell


Where proteins are synthesised (made)

What do plant cells and agal cells contain?

They contain all the sub-cellular structures found in animal cells

Cell wall and cellulose

Plant cells and algal cells have these. They strengthen the cells


This is permanent in the plant. They are filled with cell sap and this supports the plant

What do plants contain to make their own food?

They contain chloroplast to male their own plants


These absorb light to make food (glucose) by photosynthesis

This is a diagram of a plant cell from a leaf


Eukaryotic cells (one of the main type of cells)

Plant, animal and fungal cells are eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic cells (one of the main type of cells)

Bacterial cells

About Prokaryotic cells

- the genetic material is not enclosed in a Nucleus

- the genetic material is a single DNA loop and there may be one or more small rings of DNA called Plasmids

- they do not contain mitochondria or chloroplasts

Bacterial cells sizes

-many different shapes some are round some are rod-shape and some are spirals but they are all prokaryotic cells

What are the roles of the mitochondria and chloroplasts taken over by?

They are taken over by Cytoplasm


Are tail like structures that move the bacterium

What to plasmids allow bacteria to do?

Plasmids allow the bacteria cells to move genes from one cell to another. They represent the loops of DNA that can be transferred from one cell to another.