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229 Cards in this Set

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What is plankton?
Organisms that live in the water column that are at the whim of currents, pelagic
Types of plankton?
1.) Phytoplankton
2.) Zooplankton
What are the types of phytoplankton? (4)
1.) Diatoms
2.) Dinoflagellates
3.) Coccolithophores
4.) Cyanobacteria
What are the general characteristics of plankton? (5)
1.) Small (Zooplankton range from .2 mm to 20 cm, phytoplankton range from .2 um to 200 um)
2.) Weak swimmers
3.) Dispersal controlled by physical processes
4.) Suffer high mortality (>99%)
5.) Live in a world of low Reynolds numbers (Re)
Why do plankton have a high mortality rate?
Currents can take them to where they don't want to end up
What is the Reynolds number used for?
1.) Marine organisms of different body sizes interact with the surrounding fluid differently (Plankton vs. whale shark)
2.) To understand how seawater affects locomotion of organisms of different sizes, we can calculate their Reynolds number (Re)
What does Reynolds number represent?
A dimensionless number that represents the ratio of inertial force to viscous force
What is inertial force?
Force under control by the organism
What is viscous force?
Thickness of the fluid versus the organisms movement
What is the equation to calculate the Reynolds number?
Re = density x size x velocity
What does the Reynolds number indicate?
1.) At high Re, inertial force predominate
2.) At lower Re, viscous forces predominate
Reynolds number for larger organisms? (3)
1.) Larger organisms by virtue of size or high velocity or both move in a world of high Re
2.) With increase body size, fluid viscosity becomes less significant
3.) But, inertia becomes more important
Why does inertia become more important?
Inertia works in favor of a large animal by carrying it forward when it stops swimming; inertia imparts motion to the water
Reynolds number for smaller organisms? (3)
1.) Smaller organisms generally move in a world of low Re
2.) Inertia (and turbulence) are virtually non-existent
3.) Viscosity becomes important
Based on this, the obstacles a larger animal swimming through sea water?
Are very different from those of a smaller animal
Marine phytoplankton are?
Main primary producers in the ocean
What are diatoms? (6)
1.) Distributions: Dominate in temperate and polar regions (high latitudes)
2.) Evolved 100 mya
3.) Unicellular, 2 um to 100 um (microns)
4.) Occurs as single cells or in chains (reduce drag or sinking rates)
5.) Have a lot of chlorophyll
6.) Two morphologies: Penate (elongated) and centric (radial)
Diatom skeletons? (4)
1.) Possess an external skeleton (frustule) of silica consisting of two valves
2.) Silica makes up 4-50% of body weight
3.) Frustule exhibits species specific patterns (spines, pores, ribs, ect.)
4.) Seafloor deposits where more than 30% are diatom skeletal remains: diatomaceous ooze
What is the external skeleton of a diatom called?
What are the diatoms adaptations to reduce sinking? (3)
1.) Larger surface relative to volume increases drag
2.) Produce and store oils, reduces cell density
3.) Living near the surface where waters are more turbulent
Diatom life cycle?
1.) Diatoms reproduce by fission with each parent valve going to each daughter
2.) After successive generations of cell division, cell size gets smaller and reaches a threshold at which they reproduce sexually
What are diatom gametes called?
What are dinoflagellates? (4)
1.) Dominate subtropical and tropical phytoplankton; may be abundant during temperate summers
2.) Free-living in water column; mutual symbionts (Lack flagella) in many invertebrates (Zooxanthellae)
3.) Free living species have 2 flagella
4.) Two morphologies: With cellulose body plate (theca - most common) Lacking plates (naked)
Some dinoflagellates cause?
What are HAB's?
Harmful Algae Blooms (Aka red tides)
What causes HAB's?
HAB's result from rapid population growth (Can reproduce by fission or asexual reproduction which leads to this rapid population growth)
HAB's, some species have? (4)
1.) Produce neurotoxins
2.) Classified as saxitoxins (The variety of neurotoxins in dinoflagellates)
3.) Enter the food web
4.) Have a pigment that can leech out into the water causing the red
What is paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP)?
Potentially fatal paralysis resulting from ingestion of shellfish containing saxitoxins
What are coccolithophores? (2)
1.) Found in tropical environments
2.) Single-celled flagellates covered by a mosaic of tiny calcareous (CaCO3) plates called coccoliths
3.) Can be quite abundant, blanketing the deep seafloor in some areas
What are the tiny calcareous plates called?
The White Cliffs of Dover?
The cliffs are mainly composed of soft, white, chalk composed primarily of coccolithophores
What are cyanobacteria? (4)
1.) Part of Bacteria Kingdom
2.) Commonly called blue-green algae but they are not protists - they are bacteria
3.) Common in coastal and estuarine environments
4.) Not only are the photosynthetic, they can also fix nitrogen from the atmosphere, producing ammonium ion (NH4+)
What is nitrogen fixation?
Nitrogen in air cannot dissolve into sea water most primary producers need nitrogen, some primary producers can convert atmospheric nitrogen and put it in sea water
All other phytoplankton except cyanobacteria are in what kingdom?
Cyanobacteria is in what kingdom?
What are the three domains?
1.) Archaea
2.) Bacteria
3.) Eukarya
What groups are in Archaea?
thermophiles, halophiles
Archaea likes?
extreme conditions
Based on this, thermophiles?
Love heat and can tolerate extreme temperatures
Based on this, halophiles?
Love salt and can tolerate extreme salinities
What groups are in Bacteria?
Cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria
Heterotrophic bacteria?
Can't photosynthesize, eat other things
What groups are in Eukarya?
Fungi, protists, animals, and plants
What are the six kingdoms?
Archaea, Bacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Which of these kingdoms are prokaryotes?
Archaea and Bacteria
Prokaryotes are?
Lack organelles and nucleus
Which of these kingdoms are eukaryotes?
Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
Eukaryotes are?
Have organelles and nucleus
Which domains contain primary producers?
All of them, Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya
Which kingdoms contain primary producers?
Archaea, Bacteria, Protista, Plantae
What is primary production?
Production of organic compounds (contain carbon) by primary producers
Primary production provides?
producers and heterotrophs energy for biochemical processes
What is the chemical equation for primary production?
inorganic compunds ---(energy source)--> organic compunds
Organic compounds are synthesized by?
Chemosynthesis or photosynthesis
What is chemosynthesis?
Energy derived chemical reactions from inorganic compounds to synthesize organic matter (Usually deep ocean)
Chemosynthesis involves?
Some bacteria and archaea
Chemosynthesis is independent of?
Independent of light energy
In chemosynthesis energy is obtained by? (4)
The oxidation of:
1.) Hydrogen sulfide (HS-) into sulfate (add oxygen)
2.) Metals from a reduced (Fe) to an oxidized form (Fe2O3)
3.) Hydrogen into water
4.) Methane into CO2 and water
Chemosynthesis is?
More widespread and important then realized
Archaea inside organisms?
Are the chemosynthesizing agents
The organism uses?
The energy released from the use of oxygen from the bacteria to help make organic compounds to help itself grow
Photosynthesis is?
Primary (1°) producers convert light energy into chemical energy by utilizing two inorganic compounds (CO2, H2O) to form carbohydrates and oxygen
What is the chemical equations for photosynthesis?
6CO2 (Readily dissolved) + 6H2O ---(visible light)--> C6H12O6 + 6O2
What is the major reason primary producers do photosynthesis?
For the sugars, O2 is a byproduct
Light is captured by?
Chloroplasts, which contain chlorophyll a and accessory pigments
All primary producers have?
Chlorophyll a but the accessory pigments vary (Chlorophyll b and c, xanthophyll, phycobilins)
Why are accessory pigments needed?
Chlorophyll a usually absorbs 400-650 nm, accessory pigments collect light energy at wavelengths at which chlorophyll a absorbs light poorly
The energy collected by accessory pigments?
Energy is transferred to chlorophyll a
Each primary producer has?
A different suite of pigments optimized to collect light energy available in its habitat
This effects?
Where primary producers will be located based on the light that can be absorbed
What is extremely important in chlorophyll a?
Why is nitrogen important?
It is a trace element in sea water, hence depletion of available nitrogen stops production of organic compounds and limits primary production
What happens to the carbohydrates in photosynthesis (Primary production)?
Used by primary producers for their own growth, reproduction, and survival (Goes into cell walls, builds organelles)
What is most of the carbohydrates used for?
Most is used in primary producer respiration
The rest of the carbohydrates?
The rest (very small %) is converted to biomass and available to consumer
These carbohydrates can be modified into?
Fats (lipids), starches (store fats), oils, and cellulose (cell walls)
When these carbohydrates are combined nutrients?
Proteins, nucleic acids (used for DNA), and pigments can be made
Name photosynthetic primary producers? (6)
1.) Phytoplankton (Main primary producers)
2.) Benthic and floating algae (seaweeds)
3.) Seagrass (submerged flowering plant)
4.) Salt marsh grasses (not submerged, above high tide)
5.) Mangroves (Subtropical trees, woody plants that have adapted to very salty environments)
6.) Epiphytic algae (algae that grows on primary producers Ex. seagrass)
What is epiphytic algae?
Algae that grows on primary producers (Ex. seagrass)
Nutrients are required for?
Primary production
What is a nutrient?
A substance used in an organism's metabolism which is essential for growth and survival
What are the two types of nutrients?
1.) Macronutrients
2.) Micronutrients
What are macronutrients?
Nutrients that are needed in large amounts C, N, P, and Si (For diatoms)
What are micronutrients?
Nutrients that are needed in much smaller quantities Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Fe, ect...
What is a limiting nutrients?
Concentration is too low, limiting primary producer growth
What are the most important limiting nutrients?
Nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, silicate
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and iron are also?
Trace elements in seawater
Nitrogen is the most?
Most limiting nutrient in the ocean
Nitrogen is needed for?
Needed for pigments, proteins, and DNA
Nitrogen can be found in sea water in which forms?
Nitrate (NO3-), Nitrite (NO2-), and ammonium (NH4+)
All of these forms of nitrogen are?
Soluble in water, primary producers can uptake
In respect to the forms of nitrogen, all phytoplankton?
Have a preference with which they want to uptake
Phosphorus can be found in which form in sea water?
phosphate (PO4 3-)
Iron is seawater is?
Used in various functions to help uptake nitrogen
Silicate can be found in which form in sea water?
Silicate (H4SiO4)
Silicate is very limiting?
In higher latitudes and poles regions because of diatoms
How do marine primary producers uptake nutrients?
By diffusion
This diffusion is?
Concentration dependent
Larger surface area (small volume) allows for?
Greater uptake or diffusion
With a larger surface area?
Can come in contact with nutrients from all sides
Phytoplankton size is an adaptation?
To accessing the limited nutrients
What are the main physical factors that control global primary production?
1.) Light availability
2.) Nutrient availability
Light availability?
Decrease from the equator to the poles
Nutrient availability?
Tropics have less nutrients then poles, determined by physical processes controlling vertical mixing (upwelling, ect...)
Both light availability and nutrient availability?
Influence global productivity patterns
In tropics regions?
Year round high light intensity, but low nutrients due to permanent thermocline
In polar regions?
High in nutrients (high mixing) but low solar input (except for summer)
In temperate regions?
Moderate light intensity and nutrients; spring and fall mixing leads to higher productivity
Which of these regions has the highest productivity?
Temperate regions
Vertical distribution of nutrients?
N, P, and S all increase to the nutricline (Right at the thermocline) and then remain at a constant concentration
Why are there low nutrients at smaller depths?
Used by primary producers, uses nutrients that are there so they are used very quickly and depleted very low
How does the vertical depth profile of phytoplankton and nutrient concentration vary?
Varies season from season
In winter?
Phytoplankton spread apart, phytoplankton nutrients high in higher depths, nutrients availability constant at depths
In early spring?
Phytoplankton migrate near top, phytoplankton nutrients a lot near higher depths, nutrients decline at top then increase to constant
In the summer?
Phytoplankton all at top, Phytoplankton nutrients concentrated at top, nutrients extreme decline at top to a very slow increase to constant
In the fall?
Phytoplankton migrate back down in depth, phytoplankton nutrients slow decline in depth, nutrients very low at top and increase slowly to constant
How does primary production change with depth?
Increase after surface, then slowly declines with depth
At the surface there is?
How does respiration change with depth?
Respiration does not change with depth
Will primary productivity and respiration equal out eventually?
Yes at the compensation depth
What is the compensation depth?
The depth at which primary producers can produce only as much organic matter as they need for respiration
At the compensation depth then?
Photosynthesis = respiration
The compensation depth (CD) varies?
1.) Deep in clear water (Light can penetrate deeper)
2.) Shallow in turbid water (Light can't penetrate as deep)
How can we measure primary productivity?
One possible method:
Measure the amount of DO
Photosynthesis ^ DO
Respiration and decomposition \/ DO
Photosynthesis can be measured?
With paired light and dark bottles
Light bottles - Photosynthesis and respiration
Dark bottles - Respiration
Primary productivity is?
Defined as the rate of C production (rate of primary production or photosynthesis)
Gross primary productivity (GPP) is?
Total energy fixed or yielded by photosynthetic activity (Using most of this for own respiration and growth)
Net primary productivity (NPP) is?
Total energy accumulated in primary producers (as biomass) that is available to consumer
So in all GPP equals?
NPP + Respiration
So in all NPP equals?
GPP - Respiration
Primary producers are?
The foundations of food webs
In a food web each level is called?
A trophic level
What are some general characteristics of marine zooplankton? (5)
1.) Small (size range .2 mm to 20 mm, larger than phytoplankton)
2.) Weak swimmers capable of movement, but still at the whim of current
3.) Live in a world low Re
4.) High mortality (>99%)
5.) Heterotrophic
Heterotrophic is?
Require organic substrates as source of chemical energy
Autotrophic is?
Make own chemical energy
Eating autotrophs
Feeding on other animals or organisms
Feeding on decaying or dead organisms
Decaying organic material
Eating combination of algae and animal
The two major plankton groups are based on?
Grouping based on length of residency in pelagic environment
Marine organisms usually spend?
80% of marine organisms spend part of all of their life in the plankton
What are the two major plankton groups?
1.) Holoplankton
2.) Meroplankton
Spend their entire life in the plankton
Spend part of their life in the plankton, benthic or nekton as adults
What is nekton?
Live in pelagic environment but can counteract currents
Groups of holoplankton (Protista)? (4)
1.) Formanifera (aka forams)
2.) Radiolaria
3.) Ciliates
4.) Dinoflagellates (Heterotrophic)
Formanifera? (5)
1.) Marine amoebae
2.) Calcareous perforated (Little holes) test with chambers
3.) Captures bacteria with rhizopodia (extension of cytoplasm from perforations)
4.) Bioindicator species (Chemistry of shell can tell us chemistry of seawater)
5.) Foraminiferan ooze
Radiolaria? (4)
1.) Marine amoebae (Slightly larger than forams)
2.) Spherical skeleton of silica (glass-like apperance)
3.) Captures plankton with sticky axopodia
4.) Radiolarian ooze
Ciliates? (3)
1.) Possess cilia for locomotion (Some use cilia to also capture food-species dependent)
2.) Feeds on small plankton
3.) Most common group: tintinnids
The most common group of ciliates, the tintinnids?
Vase-like external shells of protein, when they die, they biodegrade, no ooze
Dinoflagellates (Heterotrophic)?
1.) Feeds on small plankton by flagellated-generated water currents
2.) Noctiluca often occurs at high densities (common)
Most abundant, holoplankton invertebrates? (4)
1.) Copepods
2.) Euphausiids (Krill)
3.) Pteropods (planktonic snails)
4.) Chaetognaths (arrow worms)
Some areas as much as 70% of biomass, have a median eye, swim with antennae
Euphausiids (Krill)? (3)
1.) Abundant near Antarctica (Southern Ocean)
2.) Commercially harvested
3.) Main food for baleen whales
Pteropods (planktonic snails)? (4)
1.) Thin calcareous shell (So thin, transparent)
2.) Modified foot ("wings"), uses to swim
3.) Aka "sea butterflies"
4.) Feed on plankton by a mucus web
Chaetognaths (arrow worms)?
1.) Transparent, elongated (4 cm)
2.) Carnivores, lay-and-wait ambush prey using oral hooks
Gelatinous holoplankton? (3)
1.) Cnidarians
2.) Ctenophores
3.) Salps
1.) Jellyfish (Palou, Jellyfish Lake, no stinging cells, no predators, so lost ability)
2.) Sea nettle
Comb jelly - don't sting, transparent
Occur in colonies, use mucus to catch plankton
Temporary planktonic residence (larvae + juveniles), planktonic for a few minutes to several months, adults are benthic or nekton
Most common meroplankton? (7)
1.) Barnacles
2.) Turnicates
3.) Molluscs
4.) Annelids
5.) Coral
6.) Echinoderms
7.) Crustaceans
1st stage - nauplius - few weeks
2nd stage - cypris
Turnicates (Sea squirts)?
Tadpole larval stage - few days or hours
Molluscs (snail, bivalve)?
Snail larva - veliger (not all snails have larval form)
Bivalve larva - veliger
Annelids (segmented worms)?
Larva - trochophore
Larva - planula, find an empty space to settle down and develop into adult
Echinoderms (brittle stars, sea stars, sea urchins)
All have larval stage
Crustaceans (crabs)?
1st larval stage - zoea
2nd larval stage - megalops
Meroplankton (Fish larva)?
Longnose butterflyfish, chichlid, both nektonic - almost all fish are this, very few are planktonic whole life
Types of planktonic development?
1.) Planktotrophic larvae
2.) Lecithotrophic larvae
Planktotrophic larvae? (6)
1.) Feeding - mouth parts, guts, structures to help capture food
2.)Long dispersal duration (days - months, long so currents distribute them widely)
3.) Small in size
4.) Produced in large numbers by parent
5.) "Cheap" to produce
6.) Most common (~70% marine inverts have planktotrophic larvae, sea urchin - 20 mil gametes)
Lecithotrophic larvae? (7)
1.) Non-feeding - no mouth parts, or gut/nothing associated with feeding
2.) Supplied with energy from parents (yolk, fat)
3.) Short dispersal duration (hours - days)
4.) Relatively larger
5.) More expensive to produce
6.) Produced in small numbers
7.) Not as common (~15% of marine inverts, the last 15% is non-larval like eggs) (Ex. Sea squirts)
Given that most marine organisms spend the larval phase in the plankton, what are some advantages of plankton development? (3)
1.) Colonize new habitats, expand geographic range
2.) Exploit different resources (food and space), reduces competition (also between parent and offspring)
3.) Promotes genetic exchange, decreases inbreeding
These advantages are offset by their high mortality which is caused by? (3)
1.) Larval transport by physical processes (currents, too far offshore, this is the #1 reason of mortality)
2.) Finding enough to eat (plankton occurs in patches so may not be enough to eat)
3.) Predation
Some examples of plankton predators? (7)
1.) Sponges
2.) Barnacles
3.) Bivalves
4.) Jellyfish
5.) Atlantic herring
6.) Whale sharks
7.) Manta rays
Many species possess anti-predator defenses such as? (3)
1.) Behavioral
2.) Morphological
3.) Physiological
Behavioral defenses? (3)
1.) Larval release during periods of low predation (like at night - most fish can only see during the day)
2.) Diel vertical migration
3.) Passive sinking in response to predators
Morphological defenses?
1.) Possess spines, shells
2.) Be small, be transparent
Physiological defenses?
Bioluminescence - may scare predators
Example of using defense to ward off predator?
Marine polychaete flares its bristles in response to predators
What is diel vertical migration (DVM)?
Zooplankton move towards the surface at night and descend to deeper waters during the day
During DVM, at night zooplankton?
Must actively swim towards the surface, but passively sink downwards
The first scientific observation of this were made by?
The Challenger Expedition (1872 - 1875), copepods were only found in surface sample at night (Best time to do plankton tote at night)
DMV occurs mainly in?
Epipelagic (surface - 100m) and mesopelagic (200m - 1000m)
Some copepods and jellyfish migrate as much as?
400m per day
Importance of DVM?
1.) Enhance genetic exchange by mixing members of a population
2.) Facilitates the transport of organic materials that are produced in the euphotic zone to deeper areas
(DVM by zooplankton can actively transport carbon and nutrients is the Sargasso Sea)
Why vertically migrate everyday? (3)
1.) Avoid visual predators (But most zooplankton migrate far deeper than necessary to avoid predators)
2.) Conserve energy (Spend say in cooler waters, lower metabolic rates -not much known on energetic costs of migration, some copepods go to deeper water to lower energy expenditure after phytoplankton abundances decreases)
3.) Ascending to new plankton feeding area each night (but new area may have less food then the area occupied the night before)
What is bioluminescence?
Energy is released by a chemical reaction in the form of light emission
Bioluminescence reactions involve? (3)
1.) An oxidation of an organic molecule called luciferin
2.) Reaction is catalyzed by an enzyme (Protein that helps facilitate reaction) called luciferase
3.) Reaction product is light (hv) and the protein-bound oxyluciferin
What is the overall chemical reaction of bioluminescence?
Luciferin + O2 -- (luciferase) --> oxyluciferin + CO2 + hv
Who does bioluminescence?
More organisms than not bioluminesce
Why can the light be produced in the animal?
The light can be produced inside an animal because it does not require heat (or get hot), blue light is most visible but there are many colors
Functional significance of bioluminescence? (4)
1.) Mate location or form aggregations for reproduction
2.) Species recognition
3.) Lure or attract prey
4.) Predator defense
What is nekton?
Organisms that live in the water column that are capable of swimming counter to come ocean currents
General characteristics of nekton? (3)
1.) Larger in size
2.) Live in a world of high Re (viscosity matters less, inertia more important, when nekton stop swimming, they will not stop immediantly)
3.) They have swimming structures that allow them to move great distances
(Ex. cephalopods, bony fishes, cartilaginous fishes, marine mammals, sea turtles (reptiles))
Phylum Mollusca, class cephalopoda?
600 living species, includes octopods. squids, cuttlefish, nautili, and extinct ammonoids
Octopods are?
1.) Demersal - they move over the substrate using muscular and flexible arms, equipped with suction cups
2.) Only group that lack a shell (8 tentacles)
Possess an internal porous cuttlebone used in buoyancy control (8 tentacles)
Possess a internal "pen" that support body (8 tentacles)
Nautilus (species name)?
Possess 90 tentacles, only living cephalopods with external shell, shell is chambered and animal occupies largest chamber, others used in buoyancy control
First appeared ~400 Ma, became extinct in Cretaceous (65.5 Ma) along with dinosaurs, shell is calcified so good fossil history
Cephalopods have an active lifestyle, how is this achieved? (3)
1.) Swimming biology
2.) High concentration of ganglia (nerve cells) form a brain
3.) Possess closed circulation
Swimming biology?
Squids and cuttlefish use jet propulsion - expelling pf water from mantle cavity (Relax muscles, water rushes in cavity, contract muscles to force water out, move in "pulses")
High concentration of ganglia form a brain?
1.) Nervous tissue concentration exceeds any invertebrate
2.) Sophisticated visual eye (Complex eye, can see contrast very well)
Possess closed circulation?
1..) Blood is confined to vessels. allowing oxygen to get to tissues quickly (Oxygen can easily get transferred to tissues, need this for high activity)
2.) Allows for greater size, body volume, and rapid locomotion
Sea turtles are? (6)
1.) Reptiles
2.) Cold - blooded (reptiles)
3.) Egg laying (nesting behaviors)
4.) Has shell (Not all reptiles)
5.) Has scales called scutes (Various types which can help describe different species)
6.) Breathe air
Sea turtles also?
1.) Evolved from terrestrial ancestors (Earliest forms ~120 Ma)
2.) All sea turtle species are threatened or endangered
Green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas? (6)
1.) Scutes are not overlapping
2.) One pair of pre-frontal scutes (located between eyes)
3.) Small head, large body
4.) Herbivores: Eats seagrass (hence the name)
5.) Meat is edible and prized
6.) Global distribution (Atlantic, Pacific - subtropic, tropic locations)
Major threat to sea turtles? (7)
1.) Predators dig up nests
2.) Boat strikes
3.) Coastal development (Beach alteration - beach nourishment, lights - disorient hatchlings)
4.) Fishing lines and nets (TED - turtle exclusion device - turtle can escape through "hole" in net)
5.) By-catch (Only certain species of fish kept, rest thrown away)
6.) Marine plastics (Ex. plastics, fishing line)
7.) Disease (fibropapilomatosis - FP caused by virus, causes skin tumors)
Marine mammals evolved?
From terrestrial ancestors, based on bone morphology of pectoral fins
Three major groups of marine mammals?
1.) Cetacea - whales, dolphins, porpoises
2.) Pinnipeds - seals, sea lions, walruses, sea otters
3.) Sirenia - manatees, dugongs
What are the two suborders of Cetacea?
1.) Mysticeti: baleen whales
2.) Odontoceti: toothed whales
Mysticeti? (4)
1.) Baleen
2.) Feeding structure consisting of rows of baleen plates (with hairy edges) that hang down from upper jaw
3.) Filter zooplankton (euphausiids (krill), copepods, small fish)
4.) Feeding only occurs when prey are at high density (drag occurs when mouth is opened)
Odontoceti? (3)
1.) Teeth to capture prey (fish, squid, seal)
2.) Asymmetric skull (Right larger then left) designed for echolocation (generate high frequency clicks and sounds that bounce off prey; reflected sound tells them where prey is located (as well as obstacles))
3.) Great divers -they can restrict blood flow between lungs and rest of circulation to prevent storage of gas that might be released due to increasing pressure, they also do not breathe compressed air at great depths
Bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus? (4)
1.) Streamline, fusiform body - hydrodynamic (convergent evolution - evolving similar body design based on similar environmental conditions)
2.) Thick skin (10x thicker than humans), sloughed off every 2 hours
3.) Countershading - darker on top, lighter on the bottom
4.) Possess 80 - 100 cone shaped teeth, swallows food whole
Hair, lack thick layer of fat, rear limbs modified as flippers (sea otter, sea lion, crab eater seal)
Sirenia? (5)
1.) Herbivores - feed on seagrass
2.) Shallow water environments, vulnerable to boat strikes and hunting
3.) Drink fresh water (Crystal river)
4.) Evolved from terrestrial mammals (closest relatives - elephants and hyraxes)
5.) Tail - paddle-like - manatees, fluke-like - dugongs (West Indian Manatee at St. Pete)
All marine mammals are protected under?
The Marine Mammals Protection Act (MMPA) of 1972
The law?
Prohibuts "take" in U.S. waters, "take" is defined as "to (to attempt to) harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal" (Even chasing or following)
Marine fishes are?
The largest nektonic group with >20,000 living species
What are the major groups of marine fishes? (3)
1.) Cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes)
2.) Bony fishes (Osteuchthyes)
3.) Jawless fishes (Agnatha)
Cartilaginous fishes?
Sharks, skates, rays, skeleton is cartilage and not mineralized except for jawbone and vertebrae (Under immense pressure)
Bony fishes?
Mineralized skeleton with calcium phosphate and collagen mix (Most fishes)
Jawless fishes?
Lampreys, hagfish, elongated, eel-like
General characteristics of marine fishes? (5)
1.) Swimming efficiency - use undulatatory waves that past from front to rear, red muscle fibers for fast muscle contraction
2.) Streamlined body to reduce turbulence and drag
3.) High oxygen requirements due to rapid locomotion - gas exchange occurs over gill filaments, which are covered with thin lamellae to increase surface area (More surface area, more oxygen can be diffused)
4.) Some can achieve neutral buoyancy by changing chemical composition of body - low salt content of fluids, decrease body density (bony fishes), high lipid/fat content in liver, decreases bulk density (sharks)
5.) Some fishes have a swim bladder that absorbs and secretes gas to adjust depth (Absent - bottom dwelling fishes, sharks, rays, and mackerel)
Many marine fish exhibit schooling behavior which is? (4)
1.) Social organization with no leaders - leading edge ---> flank and vice versa
2.) Schools are sorted by size - size is related to swimming speed
3.) Behavior develops when fry (juveniles) reach a particular size
4.) Two sensory systems involved, vision and lateral line (detects movement, vibration)
Why school? (4)
1.) Reduces predation - confuses predator, dilution effect ("safety in numbers"), detect predators
2.) Aid in finding food - (Blue tang) increase success rate when everyone is looking for food
3.) Increase reproduction success (spawning fish)
4.) Improves hydrodynamics by increasing efficiency (except for ones in front, which won't be there for long anyway) - improves how water moves around organism