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15 Cards in this Set

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Which 3 things does the autonomic nervous system regulate?

Activity of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands

The term used for the branch of the ANS that stimulates the organ to increase activity and the term the branch that decreases the organ's activity.

Excitation and Inhibition

What are the 3 branches of the autonomic nervous system?

Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, Enteric

The system that enhances "rest and digest" activities


The system the promotes "fight or flight" response.


The system the governs the contraction in the GI tract and operates involuntarily.


What are the 2 motor nerons in series for most of the autonomic motor pathways?

Preganglionic & Postganglionic

The neuron that has its cell body in the CNS and the axon extends to an autonomic ganglion. Action potentials from CNS to autonomic ganglia.


Describe the postganlionic neuron.

The neuron that has its unmyelinated axon extending from the ganglion to the effector and lies entirely in the PNS. Action potentials from autonomic ganglia to visceral effectors.

In the sympathetic division, cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons are part of the _________ ______ horns in the ___ __________ and first ______ ___________ segments.

lateral gray

12 thoracic

2 or 3 lumbar

In the parasympathetic division, cell bodies of the preganglionic neurons are in the ___________________________ (III, VII, IX, and X) in the ______________ and in the ___________________ of the ________________ _____ of the spinal cord.

nuclei of 4 cranial nerves

brain stem

lateral gray matter

sacral segments


Label the autonomic pathway to the adrenal medulla.

What happens at a neuroeffector junction and where is it located?

The site where autonomic postgang. neuron communicates with a visceral effector.

Located at varicosities.

How does the neuroeffector junction differ from neuron to neuron synapse?

1) Instead of synaptic end bulbs -> Varicosity - Swollen regions containing synaptic vesicles with a neurotransmitter.

2) neurotransmitters are not confined -> located at the surface of the cell