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260 Cards in this Set

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lipids consist of:

–hydrocarbon chains and fused rings
–hydrophobic or amphipathic molecules

insoluble in water
soluble in organic solvents (benzene, chloroform, alcohols, ethers, etc)

are most FAs found in cis or trans configuration?

trans double bonds in FAs can be produced by:
1. biohydrogenation of unsaturated FAs in ruminants (happens in gut of cattle, etc)

2. industrial hydrogenation of unsaturated FAs
–this process is used to make margarine

trans fats have been correlated w an increased risk of atherosclerosis
essential FAs
C18:2 cis–Δ9,12
C18:3 cis–Δ9,12,15
C20:5 cis–Δ5,8,11,14,17
C22:6 cis–Δ4,7,10,13,16,19
–used primarily for energy storage (fuel)
–carbons are most reduced compared to carbs and proteins –when oxidized, TAGs yield more energy
–TAGs are very hydrophobic. Carry less water weight than polysaccharides
–stored in fat cells called adipocytes
–can be used for insulating at low temps
where are glycerophospholipids found?
abundant in membranes (aggregate to form bilayer structure)

examples of hydrolytic enzymes
–hydrolyze glycerophospholipids
–phospholipase type A remove one of the 2 FA chains producing a lysophospholipid
–phospholipase C and D are examples of phosphodiesterasessphingomyelin

part of a membranous sheath (myelin sheath) that surrounds and insulates the axons of some neurons
–the only cell membrane phospholipid in humans not derived from glycerol

examples of glycosphingolipids
–have a single sugar linked to the oxygen of C1 in ceramide
–when galactose is attached they are normally found in the plasma membranes of cells in neural tissue
–when glucose is attached, they are normally found in plasma membranes of cells in non–neuronal tissues
–the are neutral
cholesterol structure
4 fused rings:
–3 w 6C, 1 w 5C

planar and rigid in structure
bile acids are polar derivatives of cholesterol
pre–cursor for steroid hormones
signaling lipid
–act as paracrine hormones (only act on cells near synthesis)
derived from eicosanoids
–produced in response to tissue injuries
–can cause an inflammatory and pain response
–can also cause smooth muscle contractions of the uterus during menstruation and labor
derived from eicosanoids
–produced by platelets
–induce the formation of blood clots
–block formation of prostaglandins and thromboxane
ecosanoid derivative
–cause contraction of smooth muscle lining the airways in the lung
–overproduction of LTs can causes asthma attacks
–anti–asthmatic drugs such as prednisone are used to inhibit leukotriene synthesis
steroid hormones
Estrogen, Testosterone
–derived from cholesterol
–carry messages between tissues
Lipid–soluble vitamins

Vitamin K, Vitamin E
–important for blood clotting
–aids in producing prothrombin
–prothrombin is used to create fibrin, an insoluble fibrous
–Fibrin = protein that holds blood clots together

act as biological antioxidants
helps in preventing oxidative damage to membrane lipids

bile salts
used to emulsify fats (solubilize fats into aqueous environment) into the SI


construct micelles, increasing TAGs accessibility to water–soluble lipases (remove FA acyl chains)
intestinal lipases
hydrolyxe TAGs to diacylglycerol (DAGs) and monoacylglycerols (MAGs)
–remove acyl chains from TAGs
consists of TAGs, apolipoproteins, cholesterol, single layer of phospholipids

TAGs make up 80% of mass

apolipoproteins protrude from surface to help signal uptake and metabolism of chylomicrons

chylomicrons move through lymphatic system and then into bloodstream towards muscle and adipose tissues
lipoprotein lipase
enzyme in capillaries of adipose and muscle tissues
–hydrolyzes TAGs to FAs and glycerol

activated by apoC–II
mobilization of TAGs from adipose tissue
1. glucagon or epinephrine binds to adipocyte membrane causing activation of Gs
2. Gs activates adenlyl cyclase causing formation of cAMP, which activates protein kinase A (PKA)
3. PKA phosphorylates hormone–sensitive lipase (HSL) and perilipins
4. HSL an dother lipases cleave TAGs into free FAs
5. FAs enter bloodstream and are transported by binding to serum albumin
6. FAs enter myocyte via FA transporter and undergoes oxidation to CO2 resulting in ATP
glycerol metabolism
glycerol produced from TAGs can also be used for energy
–glycerol is phosphorylated and oxidized into dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP)
–DHAP can enter glycolysis and generate ATP
how do FAs get from cytosol into mitochondrial matrix?
carnitine shuttle

FAs w chain lengths of 12 or less do not require a transporter
FAs with 14 or more C do required transporter

FA must be activated by Coenzyme A before it can use carnitine shuttle
FA activation
acyl CoA synthetase reaction

free FA + coenzymeA –––> fatty acyl–CoA
(ATP ––> AMP + PPi)

costs 2 ATP equivalent
carnitine acyltransferase I (CAT I)
enzyme that catalyzes attachment of fatty acyl CoA to carnitine
how is the fatty acyl–carnitine ester transported into mitochondrial matrix?
by facilitated diffusion through acyl–carnitine/carnitine transporter of the inner mitochondrial membrane

no energy required
carnitine acyltransferase II (CAT II)
removes fatty acyl CoA from carnitine

found on inner mitochondrial membrane
carnitine shuttle
used to move fatty acid into the mitochondrial matrix

the carnitine–mediated entry process into the mitochondrial matrix is the rate–limiting step of beta–oxidation!!

there are 2 separate pools of coenzyme A:
pool 1: cytosolic pool – for FA synthesis
pool 2: MT matrix pool – used for oxidative degradation of pyruvate, FAs, some AAs
overview of beta–oxidation
1. 2–C fragments removed from FA to make acetyl CoA
–oxidation of FA also occurs, forming NADH and FADH2
2. acetylCoA enters TCA cycle producing 1 ATP eq and 3 NADH and 1 FADH2
3. NADH and FADH2 generated from B–ox and TCA cycle go to ETC to generate ATP (via ATP synthase) and H2O
steps of B–ox

thiolysis (cleavage)
B–ox step 1:
form trans double bond at beta carbon

+1 FADH2 (1.5ATP)
B–ox step 2:
add water across double bond to add OH on beta–C
–stereochemistry in L configuration

B–ox step 3:
alcohol on beta–C oxidized to ketone (reducing NAD+)

+1 NADH (2.5 ATP)
B–ox step 4:
add CoA – cleave at alpha–beta carbon

+1 acetylCo a (or +2 acetylCoA on final round)
what is produced when 1 acetyl–CoA enters TCA cycle?

=10 ATP eq
what happens to odd # FAs?
the last round of beta–ox results in a 5–C molecule
–broken down into acetyl CoA (to TCA cycle) and propionyl CoA
what happens to propionyl CoA?
converted to succinylCoA via 3 steps

costs: –1 ATP
what is the net amount of ATP made from propionyl CoA?
+4 ATP eq
what is the net amount of H2O made from propionyl CoA?
+1 H2O
beta–ox of monounsaturated FAs
–proceed as normal until get 3–C away from double bond
–cis double bond is isomerized to a trans DB (now can continue)
–this skips the 1st oxidation step of beta–ox (no FADH2 is made for that round)

–1.5ATP, –1H2O
beta–ox polyunsaturated FAs

proceed as for monounsaturated

for 2nd double bond, 1st step of beta–ox is the same (+1 FADH2 made)
–now have 2 double bonds: 1 trans, 1 cis – they are not in correct position
–remove one of DB by NADPH–dependent reductase
–trans–delta3 intermediate is produced and undergoes isomerization to trans–delta2
–now can continue

odd number DB must use an isomerase:
cis–delta3 ––> trans–delta2

even number DB must use a reductase (costs –1NADPH) and an isomerase
trans–delta3 ––> trans–delta2

what are pre–cursor molecules of oxaloacetate?
glucogenic AAs
odd–chain FAs (succinylCoA ––> OAA)
glycerol (––> DHAP ––> pyruvate)
lactate (––> pyruvate)
in liver cells, what happens with OAA during extreme starvation
there is no net gain of OAA

OAA is used to produce glucose (via gluconeogenesis)

OAA used in citric acid cycle ––> provide energy for the liver
what happens to acetylCoA during extreme starvation
there is a build–up of acetylCoA molecules because no net gain of OAA

the acetylCoA molecules are used to construct ketone bodies
what are 3 ketone bodies?
1. acetone
2. acetoacetate
3. D–beta–hydroxybutyrate

"blood friendly" versions of acetyl CoA
ketone body
produced in smaller quantities and is exhaled
ketone body
transported by blood to tissues other than the liver (including skeletal and heart muscle, renal cortex, and the brain)
ketone body
transported by blood to tissues other than the liver (including skeletal and heart muscle, renal cortex, and the brain)
why can't the brain use free FAs for energy?
FAs are not able to penetrate the BBB
–prolonged starvation –> 75% of fuel required by the brain comes from ketone bodies
where are ketone bodies produced?
liver cells
mitochondrial matrix
acetoacetate synthesis
1. 2 acetylCoA molecules combine to form acetoacetylCoA (reverse of last step of B–ox) via thiolase
2. acetoacetylCoA condenses with another acetylCoa to form HMG–CoA via HMG–CoA synthase
–a CoA is produced in this step!
3. HMG–CoA is cleaved to form acetoacetate via HMG–CoA lyase
–acetylCoA is also produced
acetone synthesis from acetoacetate
decarboxylation via acetoacetate decarboxylase
D–beta–hydroxybutyrate synthesis from acetoacetate
via D–beta–hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase using 1 NADH
what determines whether acetoacetate or D–beta–hydroxybutyrate is made?
the ratio of NADH/NAD+

higher [NADH], then higher [D–beta–hydroxybutyrate]
what happens to D–beta–hydroxybutyrate when it arrives at extrahepatic tissues?
it is oxidized (+1 NADH) to form acetoacetate via D–beta–hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase
what happens to acetoacetate when it reaches extrahepatic tissues
after 2 enzymatic steps (beta–ketoacyl–CoA transferase and thiolase), acetoacetate is made into 2 acetylCoA molecules

the acetylCoA can enter the TCA cycle of extrahepatic tissues
why do liver cells express extremely low levels of beta–ketoacyl–CoA transferase?
liver cells are the producer ketone bodies

the liver does not want to utilize the KBs for energy production – would be a futile cycle
where do extrahepatic tissues obtain OA during severe starvation?
from glucose that is produced from the liver

an increased concentration of ketone bodies in the blood
–due to accumulation of acetylCoA if prolonged starvation or untreated diabetes

ketone bodies are acidic and can cause significant lowering of blood pH
this can lead to coma and death

purpose of the citrate shuttle
FA synthesis occurs in the cytosol, but building blocks for FA synthesis (acetylCoA) are present in MT matrix
–acetylCoA needs to be tranpsorted into the cytosol to undergo FA synthesis
steps of acetylCoA using citrate shuttle
1. citrate synthase condenses OAA w acetylCoA to make citrate in matrix
2. citrate is transported through the citrate transporter (located on the inner MT matrix)
3. when citrate enters the cytosol it is cleaved into acetylCoA and OAA by citrate lyase
–this step uses –1ATP

there is no transporter to allow OAA back into matrix
4. cytosolic malate dehydrogenase reduces OAA to malate
5. malate can re–enter matrix or be oxidized to pyruvate (via malic enzyme)
6. pyruvate is carboxylated (via pyruvate carboxylase) to re–form OAA in matrix
what are the 2 main sources of reducing equivalent NADPH required for FA synthesis
1. malic enzyme (1 NADPH)

2. pentose phosphate pathway (2 NADPH)
synthesis of malonylCoA
enzyme acetylCoA carboxylase (ACC) producse malonylCoA from acetylCoA

–HCO3– is used to provide the additional carbon to acetylCoA
–this requires –1ATP
–this step is irreversible

this is the committed step in FA synthesis!
fatty acid synthase I
consists of a single multifunctional polypeptide chain
–2 of these chains come together to form a homodimer
–has 7 domains
–2 domains are:
1. beta–ketoacyl–ACP synthase (KS) domain
2. Acyl Carrier Protein (ACP)
KS domain of FAS
beta–ketoacyl–ACP synthase

–contains a thiol (–SH) group used to bind acetylCoA and malonylCoA and when they are hydrolyzed off these thiol groups, the rxn is highly exergonic
ACP domain of FAS
aceyl carrier protein

–contains a thiol (–SH) group used to bind acetylCoA and malonylCoA and when they are hydrolyzed off these thiol groups, the rxn is highly exergonic
4 steps to FA synthesis
(2 preliminary steps)
1. Condensation
2. Reduction
3. Dehydration
4. Reduction
preliminary step 1 of FA synthesis
acetyl group (from acetylCoA) is transferred onto the thiol group of ACP
1 CoA is lost

the acetyl group is then transferred from ACP onto KS
preliminary step 2 of FA synthesis
the malonyl group is transferred from malonylCoA to the thiol group on ACP
step 1 FA synthesis
KS performs a condesnation rxn w the acetyl and malonyl groups (and now attached to only ACP)
during this step, decarboxylation of the malonyl occurs (CO2 released)

the loss of CO2 makes the condensation rxn exergonic (favourable)
step 2 FA synthesis
the carbonyl at C3 now undergoes a reduction
NADPH is used
this is catalyzed by KR

the beta–carbon is in D–configuration
step 3 FA synthesis
an H2O molecule is removed (remove OH group and form double bond between C2 and C3)
step 4 FA synthesis
the trans double bond is reduced (and saturated) by enzyme ER
NADPH is used

C4:0–ACP is formed as the final product after the first round of FA synthesis
step 5 FA synthesis
C4:0–ACP is transferred onto the –SH group of KS in preparation for the next round of FA synthesis
step 6 FA synthesis
another malonylCoA "recharges" ACP
catalyzed by MAT
enzyme TE
catalyzes rxn of using a water molecule to release the finished product from FAS in FA syntehsis
fatty acid elongation system
process that makes palmitate (C16:0 – product of FAS I) into longer–chain FAs
–present on cytosolic face of smooth ER
–elongations occur by adding 2–C units in the form of malonyl CoA
fatty acyl–CoA desaturase
enzyme used to introduce double bonds in the saturated FA chains
essential FAs in mammal diet
mammals are unable to produce double bonds beyond C–9 in the FA chain

C18:2 cis–Δ9,12
C18:3 cis–Δ9,12,15
C20:5 cis–Δ5,8,11,14,17
C22:6 cis–Δ4,7,10,13,16,19
regulation of ACC
ACC plays role in β–ox and FA synthesis
general rule: ACC activated in times of plenty and deactivated when energy is required

citrate diverts cell metab from consumption of fuel to storage of fuel as FAs (citrate shuttle – citrate moved out of MT matrix into cytosol when high [acetylCoA], high [ATP]

palmitoyl–CoA (C16:0–CoA) – palmitate is end product, when attached to CoA, inactivates ACC
hormonal control of ACC
1. when blood glucose levels are high, insulin is secreted from pancreas
2. insulin–dependent phosphatase dephosphorylates ACC, activating ACC
3. when ACC is activated, acetyl CoA is carboxylated to form malonyl CoA
4. malonylCoA inhibits carnitine acyltransferase I (CAT I) (this prevents additional FAs from being oxidized – inhibits transport into MT matrix)
5. when blood glucose levels are low, glucagon secreted by pancreas
6. activate protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates ACC, inactivating it
7. FAs allowed to enter MT matrix
8. FAs will be used as fuel source for ATP. FAs are oxidized via β–ox

AMP–dependent protein kinase

acts as a fuel gauge in the cell

activated by high [AMP]
inhibited by high [ATP]

cholesterol structure
3 main groups:
polar –OH head
steroid nucleus
alkyl side chain
uses of cholesterol
cell membranes
bile salts
vitamin D
cholesterol synthesis
–all carbons in come from acetyl CoA
–synthesis occurs in the ER
–most of cholesterol synthesized in liver
steps of cholesterol synthesis
1. condensation
3acetate ––> mevalonate

2. phosphorylation and decarboxylation
mevalonate ––> activated isoprene

acetate ––> mevalonate ––> activated isoprene ––> squalene ––> cholesterol
synthesis of mevalonate
acetyl–CoA ––>
acetoacetyl–CoA ––>
β–hydroxy–β–methylglutaryl–CoA (HMG–CoA) ––> mevalonate

*2 acetylCoAs combined via thiolase (aka acetylCoA acetyltransferase)
*1 acetylCoA condenses w acetoacetylCoA to form HMG–CoA. this is catalyzed by HMG–CoA synthase
*HMG–CoA is reduced to form mevalonate, catalyzed by HMG–CoA Reductase (committed step in cholesterol synthesis)
regulation of cholesterol synthesis
high [glucagon] in times of starvation – phosphorylation of HMG–CoA reductase, inactivating enzyme and inhibiting cholesterol synthesis

high [insulin] in times of plenty – dephosphorylation of HMG–CoA reductase, activating enzyme
transcriptional control of HMG–CoA Reductase
SREBP = Sterol Regulatory Element–Binding Protein
SCAP (cholesterol sensor) = SREBP Cleavage–Activating Protein

low [cholestero]:
SCAP binds to SREBP in ER, transported to golgi, cleavage, SREBP enters nucleus and acts as transcription factor to regulate cholesterol synthesis of HMG CoA reductase

high [cholesterol]:
conformational change in SCAP, preventing it from binding to SREBP
lipid transport
non–polar nature of lipids necessitates carriers
–lipoproteins contain various combos of phospholipids, cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, and TAGs
lipoprotein classes
–range in size, different densities (protein/lipid), different fxns, different sites of production

VLDL – very low density lipoprotein
LDL = low densitiy lipoprotein
HDL = high density lipoprotein
exogenous pathway of lipid delivery
–chylomicrons are produced in enterocytes and carry TAGs
–apoC–II activates lipoprotein lipase, releasing free FAs from TAGs into tissues
–apo E on chylomicron remnants is recognized by liver for receptor–mediated endocytosis
endogenous pathway of lipid delivery
–excess FAs, cholesterol, or carbohydrate in diet = production of VLDL
–VLDLs carry cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, and TAGs
–ApoC–II activates lipoprotein lipase, releasing free FAs from TAG in capillaries = IDL
–after releasing more TAGS, IDLs = LDLs
–LDL transports cholesterol to tissues where apoB–100 activates LDL receptors = endocytosis
–cholesterol can also be delivered to macrophages = foam cells
reverse cholesterol transport
HDLs carry cholesterol from extrahepatic tisues to the liver via receptors
–HDLs contain enzymes that esterifies cholesterol
enterohepatic pathway
–cholesterol is converted to bile salts and stored in gall bladder
–bile salts are reabsorbed by the liver after release from gall bladder
receptor mediated endocytosis of LDL
1. LDL receptor synthesized in rough ER moves to plasma membrane via golgi
2. LDL receptor binds apoB–100 on LDL, initiating endocytosis
3. LDL is internalized in endosome
4. LDL receptor is segregated into vesicles, recycled to surface
5. ensdosome w LDL fuses w lysosome
6. lytic enzymes in lysosome degrade apoB–100 and cholesteryl esters, releasing AAs, FAs, and cholesterol
absent or malfxning LDL receptors leads to prolonged and excess LDL –> hypercholesterolemia
–circulating lipids become partially oxidized
hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis
–the oxidized lipoproteins accumulate and stick to extracellular matrix
–macrophages internalize the LDL and form foam cells
–free cholesterol accumulates in foam cell –> apoptosis releasing foam cell remnants
–over time, plaques accumulate consisting of extracellular matrix material, foam cell remnants, and smooth muscle tissue

high levels of LDL = high levels of atherosclerosis
lifestyle control of cholesterol
–decrease cholesterol consumption
–type of fat consumed: generally , saturated FAs are cholesterol elevating
when polyunsat FAs are 3x higher than Sat FAs, LDL decreases
–whole grains (viscous fiber decreases LDL – fiber pulls out cholesterol so less LDLs being made)
–exercise increases HDL
pharmacological control of cholesterol
–reduce cholesterol synthesis = statins
–resins block intestinal bile acid reuptake
–fibrates, such as enofibrate = transcriptional induction of synthesis of major HDL apolipoproteins, apoA–I and apoA–II
–NIacin (vit B3) inhibits cAMP in adipose tissue and increase ApoA1 levels = decrease fat breakdown = LDL decreases, VDL decreases, HDL increase
what happens to proteins with a balanced diet? (no excessive consumption of proteins, no starvation)
–cellular proteins are synthesized and degraded at about equal rates
–some proteins undergo oxidative degradation
what happens with excessive consumption of proteins?
–cellular proteins cannot be stored
–the excess cellular proteins undergo oxidative degradation
what happens to proteins with starvation/uncontrolled diabetes?
–carbohydrates are unavailable or not properly used by the body
–cellular proteins can be used as a fuel source
nitrogen balance
= nitrogen ingested (primarily as protein) – nitrogen excreted (primarily as urea)

zero: protein synthesis = protein degradation
positive: synthesis > degradation
negative: synthesis < degradation
enzymatic protein degradation steps
1. protein enters stomach
2. protein is partially degraded by HCl and pepsin in stomach
3. stomach contents pass into SI, pH is increased
4. release of zymogens from the pancreas
5. activation of zymogens to active proteases. Further cleaving of small peptides into free AAs
6. free AAs, di– and tripeptides are absorbed by villi in SI
step 1: protein enters stomach
a) gastrin released
–secretion of gastrin by gastric mucosa
–gastrin is a peptide hormone that is released in the blood stream

b) HCl released
–gastrin causes parietal cells to secrete HCl
–causes stomach to decrease in pH (1–2.5)

c) pepsinogen secreted
–gastrin causes chief cells to secrete pepsinogen (zymogen)
–autocatalytic cleavage to activate pepsinogen –> pepsin (this occurs only at low pH)
step 2: protein is partially degraded by Hcl and pepsin in stomach
–HCl causes 3D structure of proteins to denature, allowing greater access for enzymes to degrade the proteins
–pepsin hydrolyzes the peptide bonds on the amino–terminal side of the aromatic amino acid residues
step 3: stomach contents pass into SI
d) secretin release
–low pH triggers S–cells (in duodenum) to secrete secretin (peptide hormone) in the bloodstream

e) HCO3– released
–secretin stimulates pancreas to release HCO3–
–HCO3– causes pH of duodenum to rise to pH=7
step 4: release of zymogens from pancreas
f) cholecystokinin (CCK) relased
–when AAs arrive in SI, this triggers the mucosal epithelial cells (of the SI) to release CCK (peptide hormone) into the bloodstrem

g) Trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidases A and B released
–CCK causes pancreas to release more zymogens
sstep 5: activation of zymogens to active proteases
–trypsin activates:
procarboxypetpidase A and B,
chymotripsinogen and
carboxypeptidase A and B
step 6: free AAs, di– and tri–peptides are abs by villi in SI
the free AAs/small peptides enter bloodstream and are transported to liver
when are AAs catabolized?
1. when AAs from normal protein turnover are not needed to make more protein
2. when more AAs are ingested than the body needs for protein synthesis
3. during starvation and/or uncontrolled diabetes. when OAA is needed. no intake of carbohydrates
–when AAs are catabolized by the liver, the amino group is removed by aminotransferase enzymes

–homodimeric and have 2 active sites
–all aminotrnasferases use pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) as the prosthetic group
–PLP is derived from vitamin B6

pyridoxal phosphate (PLP) = amino group acceptor
pyridoxamine phosphate (PMP) = amino group donor
–the amino groups of many different AAs are collected in the form of glutamate
–glutamate acts as an amino donor for other biosynthesis pathways
–glutamate is the lead molecules
how does the PLP stay attached to the enzyme's active site?
–PLP is attached via a covalent bond
–the PLP must be linked to a key lysine residue in the active site
–PLP is linked on the ε–amino group of lysine (via Schiff Base rxn)
internal aldimine
the resting state of the aminotransferase enzyme

–Schiff–base linkage (protonated) linking lysine to PLP
external aldimine
the incoming AA replaces the position of the lysine residue
(external AA forms a Schiff base linkage w PLP)
aminotransferase mechanism
–first substrate comes in (L–AA)
–at this stage, the lysine is in a Schiff–base linkage w PLP
–the aa reacts w PLP (displacing lysine) and forms an AA–PLP Schiff base intermediate
–the alph–keto acid is released
–PMP is now present in the active site

–the L–AA is released from active site. A schiff–base linkage restored w Lys
–the alph–keto acid racts w the amino group (from PMP) forming an AA. An AA–PLP Schiff base intermediate results
–a different alpha–keto acid enters
why do amino groups need to be transported to liver prior to being eliminated from the body?
free ammonia is toxic
–must use glutamine to transport the ammonia to the liver
–the liver houses the enzymes for the urea cycle
amino acid catabolism steps
1. in extrahepatic cells all amino groups are collected on the aa glutamate (by aminotranferases)
2. glutamate is phosphorylated to form γ–glutamyl phosphate by enzyme glutamine synthetase
–uses –1ATP eq
3. ammonia is added to the γ–glutamyl phosphate intermediate to form L–glutamine via glutamine sythetase
4. glutamine is moved into bloodstream and transported to liver
what happens when glutamine arrives at liver
glutamine is shipped to the MT matrix
the enzyme glutaminase hydrolyzes the amino group off of glutamine to form NH4+ and glutamate
this uses –1H2O
–the side chain NH4+ will eventually be turned into urea
glutamate can undergo oxidative deamination to remove the alpha–amino group

other AAs that arrive in the liver cytoplasm are converted into glutamate prior to entering MT matrix (via aminotranfserases)
the urea cycle: preliminary steps
enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase removes the amino group from glutamate and produces +1 NAD(P)H + α–KG
–1H2) is lost

the process of removing the amino group = oxidative deamination
regulation of glutamate dehydrogenase
–an allosteric site on Glu DHase can bind ADP/GDP or ATP/GTP

–ADP and GDP act as +ve modulators

–ATP and GTP act as –ve modulators (inhibit)

glutamate –> α–KG
the urea cycle: CPS I
the NH4+ group has been removed and combines w HCO3– to produce carbamoyl phosphate
catalyzed by enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS I)


uses –2 ATP eq
ornithine transcarbamoylase
urea cycle
location: MT matrix

rxn 1: carbamoyl group is added to ornithine to form citrulline
phosphate group removed during this process

(ornithine is analogous to OAA in TCA cycle)
argininosuccinate synthetase
urea cycle
location: cytosol

rxn 2a) takes 1 ATP and attaches AMP to citrulline (adenylation rxn) (costs 2 ATP eq)

rxn 2b) the aspartate amino acid is attached to the citrullyl–AMP intermediate. This brings in a 2nd amino group to be excreted
–the AMP is removed during this process
–Argininosuccinate is formed!
urea cycle
location: cytosol

rxn 3: argininosuccinate is cleaved into fumarate and arginine
This is the only reversible urea cycle step

fumarate can enter TCA cycle
urea cycle
location: cytosol

rxn 4: a hydrolysis rxn separates arginine into urea and ornithine
–urea is released into the cytosol
–ornithine is regenerated, ready to accept another carbamoyl group
–ornithine must be transported into the MT matrix before it can accept another carbamoyl group
long–term regulation of urea cycle
controlled at the transcriptional level
–transcription factors are upregulated when increased ammonia detoxification is necessary

synthesis of enzymes increased when:
1. large dietary intake of proteins
2. extreme starvation/untreated diabetes, and proteins are supplying metabolic energy

synthesis of enzymes decreased when:
1. small dietary intake of proteins
2. diet exclusively carbohydrates and fats
short–term regulation of urea cycle
controlled by allosteric regulation

enzyme regulated: CPS I

the molecule N–acetylglutamate is an allosteric activator of CPSI
diseases related to urea cycle
–deficiencies in urea cycle enzymes are normally lethal (unless treated at birth)
–enzyme deficiencies result in hyperammonemia
–can lead to brain edema causing coma, lethargy, and brain damage
symptoms of newborns w urea cycle defects
–normal appearance at birth
what treatment options are performed in order to aid pts w urea cycle deficiencies?
goal: to remove NH3/NH4+ from the body
–low protein diet (still need to get essential AAs)
–liver transplant
–gene therapy (expression vectors for missing enzyme)
–nitrogen scavengers
–addition of arginine
urea cycle Tx: arginine
supplementation with arginine can be partially effective in treating urea cycle disorders at steps 1, 2, and 3 of the urea cycle

arginine would stimulate production of ornithine to keep the urea cycle going
–nitrogens can be excreted in the form of citrulline and argininosuccinate (non–toxic)

*supplementation w arginine does not help individuals who are already deficient in the enzyme arginase
essential amino acids

urea cycle Tx: benzoate
can be used to treat urea cycle deficiencies by removing the amino acid glycine

benzoate is "activated" w CoA

the aa glycine is transferred onto benzoyl–CoA to form hippurate (aka benzoylglycine). Coenzyme A is released
–hippurate is a non–toxic compound that is excreted in the urine

more glycine would be synthesized (resulting in transfer of amino groups). This would decrease overall amount of N in body
urea cycle Tx: phenylbutyrate
4 carbons

the short chain FA undergoes beta–ox and is shortened by 2 carbons
–the phenylacetate molecule is activated
–glutamine is transferred onto phenylacetyl–CoA to produce phenylacetylglutamine
CPS I deficiency Tx
dietary supplements:

nitrogen removed as:
OTC deficiency Tx
dietary supplements:

nitrogen removed as:
argininosuccinate synthetase deficiency Tx
dietary supplements:

nitrogen removed as:
argininocuccinase deficiency Tx
dietary supplements:

nitrogen removed as:
arginase deficiency Tx
dietary supplements:

nitrogen removed as:
light activity or rest
primary source of fuel: free FAs from adipose tissue
–these free FAs undergo beta–ox and the acetylCoA that is produced enters the TCA cycle
–blood glucose and ketone bodies can also be used by skeletal muscle as a fuel source
bursts of heavy activity (Cori Cycle)
demand for ATP increases dramatically
–however oxidation of FAs can not provide enough ATP for muscle tissue
–blood glucose and glycogen stored in muscle cells must be used to provide ATP molecules
–glycolysis occurs and results in the production of pyruvate (pyruvate <–> lactate)
–lactate travels through bloodstream to liver
–lactate is converted back to pyruvate in liver (via lactate DHase)
–pyruvate undergoes gluconeogenesis to produce glucose
–glucose can be transported back into the bloodstream to muscle cells to generate more ATP via anaerobic respiration
Cori Cycle
the cycline of lactate and glucose between the liver and muscle cells
why do free FAs not provide sufficient ATP for muscles undergoing heavy activity/exercise?
energy from FAs is in acetylCoA
–acetylCoA cannot enter TCA cycle in anaerobic conditions, therefore other fuel sources must be used (ie glucose)
Glucose–Alanine Cycle
the cycling of alanine and glucose molecules between skeletal muscle and the liver
bursts of heavy activity (glucose–alanine cycle)
–some muscle protein can also be used for energy (via anaerobic respiration)
–protein is broken down into AAs
–the carbon skeletons of the AAs can provide energy when oxidized
–the amino groups (NH4+) are collected in the muscle tissue as glutamate
–pyruvate is formed from glycolysis
–alanine aminotransferase is used to dispose of the nitrogenous waste that is produced
pyruvate + glu ––> alphaKG + alanine
–alanine is transported to liver through bloodstream
–alanine aminotransferase is used again in reverse direction
alphaKG + alanine ––> pyruvate + glu
–glutamate can undergo oxidative deamination and dispose of the nitrogenous waste via urea cycle
–pyruvate formed can provide glucose (gluconeogenesis)
–glucose can then be transported into bloodstream to supply skeletal muscle w more glucose to produce more ATP
7 major products of aas

ketogenic aas
leucine (Leu)
lysine (Lys)
glucogenic aas
both ketogenic and glucogenic aas
glutamate catabolism
Glu undergoes oxidative deamination by glutamate dehydrogenase

Glu ––> alphaKG + NH4+
NAD(P)+ –> NAD(P)H

alphaKG – to TCA cycle
NH4+ – to urea cycle
Glutamine catabolism
1. Gln undergoes hydrolysis (by glutaminase) to remove side chain amino group

Gln + H2O ––> Glu + NH4+

2. Glu undergoes ox–deamination (by glu DHase)

Glu ––> alphaKG + NH4+
NAD(P)+ –> NAD(P)H

alphaKG – to TCA cycle
both NH4+ – to urea cycle
Aspartate catabolism
1. Asp forms OAA (asp aminotransferase)

Asp ––> OAA
(alphaKG –> Glu)

2. Glu undergoes oxidative deamination

Glu ––> alphaKG + NH4+
NAD(P)+ –> NAD(P)H

OAA –to TCA cycle
NH4+ –to urea cycle
Asparagine catabolism
1. Asn undergoes hydrolysis (by asparaginase) to produce Asp

Asp ––> Asp + NH4+

2. Asp forms OAA (asp aminotransferase)

Asp ––> OAA
(alphaKG –> Glu)

3. Glu undergoes ox–deamination

Glu ––> alphaKG + NH4+
NAD(P)+ –> NAD(P)H

OAA –to TCA cycle
both NH4+ –to urea cycle
Alanine catabolism
1. Ala forms pyruvate (ala aminotransferase)

Ala ––> pyruvate
(alphaKG –> Glu)

2a option 1: pyruvate undergoes oxidation to acetylCoA (pyruvate dehydrogenase)

pyruvate + CoASH ––> acetylCoA

2b option 2: pyruvate is carboxylated to OAA (pyruvate carboxylase)

pyruvate ––> OAA
ATP –> ADP + Pi

3. Glu undergoes ox–deam

Glu ––> alphaKG + NH4+
NAD(P)+ –> NAD(P)H

acetylCoA –to TCA cycle
or OAA –to TCA cycle
NH4+ –to urea cycle
phenylalanine catabolism
catabolism of phenylalanine to tyrosine uses NADH via cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (THB)
–1 atom from O2 used to hydroxylate Phe to Tyr
–1 atom from O2 to produce H2O

uses enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase
phenylketonuria (PKU)
lack of enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase

when enzyme does not work or is deficient, elevated levels of phenylalanine are found in the blood

people w PKU use a rarely used metabolic pathway
–high levels of phenylpyruvate are produced when high [phe] are present
–phenylpyruvate can be detected in urine by using FeCl3 (ferric chloride)

phenylpyruvate can be decarboxylated to form phenylacetate or reduced to form phenyllactate
how do increasing levels of Phe in the blood affect brain development and fxn?
aas can be transported into the brain (via aa transporters along the BBB)
–when increase [phe] it out–competes other neutral aas from being transported into the brain
–this leads to an imbalance of aas in the brain
how is PKU treated?
diet low in protein (especially low amounts of Phe)
Tyrosine catabolism
Tyr is catabolized to form homogentisate by 2 enzymatic steps using an aminotransferase rxn

homogentisate is broken down into fumarate and acetoacetate (eventually acetoacetylCoA)
condition in pts who lack the enzyme homogentisate 1,2–dioxygenase (breaks down homogentisate)
–results in elevated levels of homogentisate (homogentisaste excreted in urine)
–oxidation of homogentisate turns urine characteristic black colour
–homogentisate can also form black deposits in eye and ear cartilage
(Tyr is precursor to melanin)

pts w alkaptonuria have higher chance of developing arthritis
Tryptophan catabolism
4 Cs from aromatic side chain go on to produce acetoacetylCoA

3 Cs go on to produce pyruvate
Leucine catabolism
3 Cs generate acetoacetylCoA (using CO2)

2 Cs produce acetylCoA
Lysine catabolism
4 Cs generate acetoacetylCoA
Isoleucine catabolism
3 Cs generate propionylCoA (enters TCA cycle as succinylCoA)

2 Cs generate acetylCoA
net ATP gain from Glu
+8.5 ATP
net ATP gain from Gln
+7 ATP
net ATP gain from Asp
+1 ATP
net ATP gain from Asn
–0.5 ATP
net ATP gain from Ala
PDH = +13.5 ATP

PC = 0 ATP
net ATP gain from Phe
+23.5 ATP

or +21 ATP
net ATP gain from Tyr
+23.5 ATP
net ATP gain from Trp
PDH = +33.5 ATP

PC = +20 ATP
net ATP gain from Leu
+31 ATP
net ATP gain from Lys
+21 ATP
net ATP gain from Ile
+15 ATP
non–essential aas
conditionally essential aas
Good Cats Always Get Potty Trained
precursor molecules that generate non–essential aas
3–phosphoglycerate (glycolysis)
pyruvate (glycolysis)
oxaloacetate (TCA cycle)
alpha–ketoglutarate (TCA cycle)
Alanine synthesis
alanine aminotransferase

pyruvate ––> alanine
Glu –> α–KG
Glutamate synthesis
many aminotransferases

α–KG ––> glutamate
L–AA –> α–keto acid
Aspartate synthesis
aspartate aminotransferase

OAA ––> aspartate
Glu –> α–KG
Tyrosine synthesis
phenylalanine hydroxylase

phenylalanine ––> tyrosine
Glutamine synthesis
glutamine synthetase

Glutamate ––> γ–glutamyl phosphate

γ–glutamyl phosphate ––> Glutamine
NH4+ –> Pi
Asparagine synthesis
asparagine synthetase

aspartate ––> acyl–adenylate intermediate
ATP –> PPi

acyl–adenylate int ––> asparagine
NH4+ –> AMP
Serine synthesis
3–phosphoglycerate oxidized (OH converted to =O)

3–PG ––> oxidized intermediate

then undergoes aminotransferase rxn to produce 3–phosphoserine

intermediate ––> 3–phosphoserine
Glu –> α–KG

3–phosphoserine undergoes phosphatase rxn
–hydrolyzes phosphate off to produce –OH

3–phosphoserine ––> serine
Glycine synthesis
1 enzymatic step from serine

tetrahydrofolate (THF) is used to remove –CH2OH from serine
–THF is a cofactor that is involved in 1–carbon transfer rxns
Trp is a pre–cursor molecule for:

1. nicotinate
–a pre–cursor molecule for NAD and NADP

2. indoleacetate
–a plant growth factor

3. serotonin
–a neurotransmitter















carbamoyl phosphate









coenzyme A


























pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)

pyridoxamine phosphate















