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10 Cards in this Set

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What amounts a vitamins needed in

Small amounts

What happens when people don't get vitamins

They get defiecncy diseases

Vitamin C keeps our s______ healthy


Without vitamin C what will you suffer from


What is RDA

The amount of each nutrient people need each day

How do you test for vitamin C

1.Place 2cm3 of DCPIP in a test tube

2. Add test solution using a dropper drop by drop whilst shaking it.

3. If the DCPIP solution goes colour less vitamin C is present

How does vitamin D help the bones during development

It makes the bones form correctly and makes them strong

What do people who lack vitamin D suffer


What happens when you have rickets

The legs bow outward

Why don't we see vitamin D defiecncy in Africa and what should people who live in areas without much sunlight do to get the Vitamin

This is because there is a layer under the skin that makes Vitamin D when exposed to light

Fish oils and some dairy products