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14 Cards in this Set

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What are minerals

Simple elements that we need in small amounts

Minerals are said to be inorganic because

They are not made by living organisms

What is iron used for

To make haemoglobin for RBC

A lack of iron leads to a lack of _______ which leads to______



What is calcium essential for

Strengthening the bones and teeth

A lack of calcium leads to

Brittle bones and rickets and muscle cramps

What is Fibre/roughage

It is the part of our diet that we cannot digest

Where is Fibre mostly formed from

Plant cellulose walls

What does Fibre add to the food and what does this help with

It adds bulk to the food which muscles can push to move the food through the gut

What can a lack of Fibre in a diet lead to

Constipation which can lead to colon diseases

Fibre also lowers ch_______ levels which reduces risk of heart disease


Water intake must equal water losses to prevent________


What are 2 reasons why we need water

Chemical reactions in the body must take place in solution so water is the solute

Blood plasma and body fluid are made mostly of water.

Water is used to cool the body when we _________. And U_______ is dissolved in water to be excreted as urine

