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48 Cards in this Set

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What do lipoproteins do?
They escort cholesterol through the bloodstream
Which lipoproteins are good and which are bad?
HDL are good and LDL are bad.
Polypeptides are...
All amino acid have (5)...
-built around a central carbon
-all have a hydrogen
- have an amino group
-have a carboxylic acid
-each has a unique branch
Our bodies can make __ of __ amino acids from __
12, 20, starch
Organic (Biological) Molecules must have a _____ and a _____
hydrogen, carbon
All organic molecules use ____ bonds
Polysaccharides are used for both ___ and ___
energy storage, sturctural support
Polysaccharide 2 Main functions
1. Energy Storage: Plants (____) Animals(____)

2. Structural support Plants (___), Animals (____)
Starch, Glycogen

Cellulose, Chitin
Types of organic molecules
charbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
Types of lipids
-Fats, oils, waxes
- Steroids
Three types of fatty acids:
Saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated
Monounsaturated triglycerides have kinks because...
One C is missing an H (In polyunsaturated fatty acids, 2 or more C's are missing an H)
3 major parts of Cell Theory...
1. All living things are made up of 1 or more cells
2. Cells are the basic unit of life
3. All cells are derived from other cells
4 basic things to know about cells
1. Cell must be small
2. Function determines structure
3. Cells are complex in both function and structure
4. Cells use energy to stay alive
Cytoplasm consists of...
Cytosol and Organelles
In animals cells, mitochondria convert ___ to ___ while in plants cholorplasts convert ___ to ___
glucose... atp

sunlight ... glucose
Smooth ER (no ribosomes) make ___ while rough ER make ____
Lipids, proteins
Prokaryotes DO NOT have (3) but do have (1)
ER, Mitochondria, Chloroplast

Cilia (called Pili in a prokaryote)
_______ are totipotent
Stems cells
3 characteristics of the cell membrane
1. selectively permiable barrier
2. flexible and dynamic
3. promotes communication with other cells
In the cell membrane, the phospholipid ____ are hydrophillic while the ____ are hydrophobic

Use of cholesterol in the cell membrane
provides flexibility and protection (brittle cell walls would break during normal use)
Types of proteins in cell membrane
Transport proteins (selectively allow molecules to move in and our of cell)
Recognition proteins (flags that ID cell as "self")
Enzymes (promote chemical reactions)
Receptor proteins (provides a binding site for hormones and other molecules)
Attatchment Proteins (attatch cells together)
Many venoms contain _____ which destroys phospholipids
All molecules pass through the cell membrane either through the _____ or the _____
Phospholipid bilayer, transport protein
When molecules move out for even spacing, this is called...
Diffusion (high areas of concentration to low areas of concentration until distrubution is equal)
Three kinds of diffusion
1____: Molecules diffuse across PL bilayer
2.___: Molecules muse travel through a transport protein
3.___: If molecule diffusing is water
1. Simple Diffusion
2. Facilitated Diffusion
3. Osmosis
Sometimes cells must use energy and proteins called "pumps" to move molecules against the concentration gradiant, this is called ____.
Active transport
Active transport is important and is ___-___% of our _____
30-40, metabolism
____ brings items into the cell while ____ expels items from the cell
Endocytosis, Exercytosis
Types of endocytosis:
1.____ - "drinking", liquids
2.____ - "eating", non-specific, large particles
3. ___ - Specific molecules"
1. Pincytosis
2. Phagocytosis
3. receptor-mediated endocytosis
Exocytosis expels particles from cells by packing them in ____
___ energy is converted into ___ energy which it can then use to do work.
Potential, kinetic
All molecules contain potential energy in their ___
Exergonic equation:
Reactants in, Energy and products out
Endergonic equation:
Energy and reactants in, products out
____ reactions are used to build molecules. ____ reactions are used to breakdown molecules.
Endergonic, Exergonic
Phosphate group bonds are very high energy.

When ______ is removed, lots of energy is released at once.
3rd phosphate.
Chemical reactions occur slowly without the help of ____.
Autotrophs do both _____ and _____
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Layers of cells that make up the central portion of the leaf
____ is where photosynthesis occurs and is located inside the ____
Chloroplasts, mesophyll
Openings in the leaf that allow gases to move in and out
The primary plant pigment is ____.
Three steps of cellular respiration
Glycolysis - Anaerobic

Kreb Cycle (aerobic)

Electron Transport Chain (aerobic)
Cellular respiration results in recharge of ______. Requires a constant influx of _____ and _____.
36 to 38 ATP

Glucose, oxygen
Byproducts of Fermentation (2)
1. Lactic Acid

2. Ethanol and CO2