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13 Cards in this Set

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What colors of light does chlorophyll a absorb?

Blue-violet and red light

What colors of light does chlorophyll b absorb?

Blue and orange light.

What is a photon?

A small packet of energy. The amount of energy is fixed.

What color of light does chlorophyll a reflect?


What color of light does chlorophyll b reflect?

Olive green

What pigments are in most plants?

Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, various carotenoids (shades of yellow and orange).

What is the most important function of carotenoids?

Photoprotection of plants from harmful radiation from light wavelengths.

What type of pigment are carotenoids classified as?

Accessory pigments

What are two names of accessory pigments?

Carotenoids and phycobiliprotiens.

What are the three kinds of pigment?

Photoreceptive, photosynthetic, and respiratory.

What is a photoreceptive pigment called?

A phytochrome.

What are photosynthetic pigments called?

Chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids.

What are respiratory pigments called?
