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52 Cards in this Set

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Number of books in the Bible


Number of books in the Old Testament


Number of books in the New Testament


Say the genres chant for the Old Testament

These are the number of books in each genre of the Old Testament.

5, 12, 5, 5, 12

Name the 5 genres in the Old Testament

Law (5)

History (12)

Poetry (5)

Major Prophets (5)

Minor Prophets (12)

* ( ) denotes number of books in each genre

Say the genres chant for the New Testament

These are the number of books in each genre of the New Testament.

4, 1, 21, 1

Name the 4 genres in the New Testament

Gospels (4)

Church History (1)

Letters (21)

Prophecy (1)

*( ) denotes number of books in each genre

List the genres of the whole Bible in order.

Hint: there are 9 of them

Law (5)

History (12)

Poetry (5)

Major Prophets (5)

Minor Prophets (12)

Gospels (4)

Church History (1)

Letters (21)

Prophecy (1)

* ( ) denotes number of books in each genre

Name the key kingdoms in the big picture of the Bible. Hint: there are 7 of them.

1) Israel (starts out as Canaan, becomes Israel

after the conquest, later divides into northern

Israel and southern Judah - all the same piece of land)

2) Egypt

3) Assyria

4) Babylon

5) Persia

6) Greece

7) Rome

Name the 9 key events on our Old Testament timeline. Bonus if you can say the dates!

1) Creation / Adam & Eve ~4000 BC

2) Abraham ~2100 BC

3) Moses ~1440 BC

4) Joshua ~1400 BC

5) David ~1000 BC

6) Israel Falls to Assyria - 722 BC

7) Judah Falls to Babylon, Temple Destroyed -

586 BC

8) Temple Rebuilt - 516 BC

9) Old Testament Completed ~400 BC

Name the 6 key events on our New Testament timeline. Bonus if you can say the dates!

1) Jesus Born ~ 0

2) Jesus Crucified & Resurrected ~AD 30

3) Pentecost ~AD 30

4) Second Temple Destroyed - AD 70

5) Revelation Written, New Testament Completed ~AD 95

6) Present Day ~AD 2000

Put it all together:

Name all 15 key events on our Bible Timeline. Bonus if you can say the dates!

1) Creation / Adam & Eve ~4000 BC

2) Abraham ~2100 BC

3) Moses ~1440 BC

4) Joshua ~1400 BC

5) David ~1000 BC

6) Israel falls to Assyria - 722 BC

7) Judah falls to Babylon, Temple destroyed -

586 BC

8) Temple Rebuilt - 516 BC

9) Old Testament Completed ~400 BC

10) Jesus Born ~0

11) Jesus crucified & resurrected ~AD 30

12) Pentecost ~AD 30

13) Second temple destroyed - AD 70

14) Revelation written, New Testament

completed ~AD 95

15) Present Day ~AD 2000

Name the two 400 year periods in the Bible that we mentioned on our timeline.

1) When the Israelites are enslaved in Egypt (between Abraham & Moses)

2) the 400 years of silence when no prophets were speaking (between the completion of the Old Testament and Jesus' birth)

During both times, the Israelites are waiting for a deliverer.

Name the two 1900 year periods that we mentioned on our Bible timeline.

1) Between Creation / Adam & Eve and Abraham

2) Between the completion of the New Testament & present day

Say / Sing all 66 books of the Bible. Answer will be listed by genre.

Law (5): Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

History (12): Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther

Poetry (5): Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Major Prophets (5): Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel

Minor Prophets (12): Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi

Gospels (4): Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Church History (1): Acts

Letters (21): Romans, 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2

Thessalonians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon,

Hebrews, James, 1&2 Peter, 1,2,&3 John, Jude

Prophecy (1): Revelation

Is the Bible chronological?

If not, how is it organized?

No, it is not chronological.

It is organized by genre.

Who is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible?


What are the first 5 books of the Bible known as?

The Torah (Hebrew word) or

The Pentateuch (Greek word)

How do the 12 tribes of Israel relate to Jacob's 12 sons?

Do they match up exactly?

If not, why?

The 12 tribes are mostly named after Jacob's 12 sons, but do not line up exactly.

Instead of a tribe named after Joseph, 2 tribes are named after Joseph's sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.

The tribe of Levi does not get tribal land, but is given certain cities throughout the land (their inheritance is the Lord)

In which book of the Bible did the Israelites conquer the Promised Land (Canaan)?


Can you name at least 3 judges?

The best known judges are: Deborah, Gideon, and Samson

But there were 12 total and some consider Samuel the 13th and last judge.

The other 9 were:

Othniel, Ehud, Samgar, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, & Abdon (no need to memorize just FYI)

Who were the three kings who reigned during

Israel's united kingdom?

Saul, David, and Solomon

Which of the two divided kingdoms fell first,

Israel (northern kingdom) or Judah (southern kingdom)?


Who did Israel fall to?


When did Israel fall?

722 BC

Put it all together:

Which kingdom fell first, Israel or Judah?

Who did they fall to?

When did they fall?

Israel fell first to Assyria in 722 BC.

Who did Judah fall to?


When did Judah fall?

586 BC

What significant thing happened when Judah fell?

The temple was destroyed.

Put it all together:

Which kingdom fell second, Israel or Judah?

Who did they fall to?

When did they fall?

What significant thing happened when they fell?

Judah fell second to Babylon in 586 BC.

The temple was destroyed.

About how many years apart did Israel and Judah fall to foreign nations?

About 140 years apart.

If you use the dates of 722 BC for Israel's fall and 586 BC for Judah's fall, Judah fell 136 years after Israel.

In which two Old Testament books can you read about the return of the Israelite exiles and the rebuilding of the temple and Jerusalem's walls?

Ezra & Nehemiah

For which kingdom did Esther become queen?


Which 5 books are considered Poetry?





Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Which 3 of the 5 Poetry books are considered Wisdom Literature?




Which 3 of the 5 Poetry books are associated with Solomon?



Song of Solomon (Song of Songs)

Who were the 4 major prophets?





What is the difference between the major and minor prophets?


The books of the major prophets are longer in length than the books of the minor prophets (they are not more important).

Which prophet wrote Lamentations?

What was he lamenting?


He was lamenting the fall of Jerusalem

How many years are there between the Old Testament and New Testament (Intertestamental period)?

About 400 years

There is an object in Daniel that relates to 4

important kingdoms. What is it?

Which 4 kingdoms does it represent?

A statue (the statue was in Nebuchadnezzar's dream that Daniel interpreted).

The 4 kingdoms it represents are:





(Greece & Rome are in power during the time

between the 2 testaments; Rome is still in power when Jesus is born)

What are the 4 gospels?

What are they about?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

They are about the life and teachings of Jesus

Which book tells the history of the early church?


Who are the 2 Sauls in the Bible and where do you read about them?

1) Saul is the first king of Israel found in the Old Testament.

2) Saul is an apostle in the early church, who later goes by Paul, found in the New Testament.

(this question shows why knowing both the Old and New Testament is important; otherwise you might confuse these two and they lived during very different times!)

What are epistles?


How many letters are in the New Testament?

How many did Paul write?

How many general letters are there?




Who wrote the final book of the Bible?

When did he write it?

John wrote the final book, Revelation.

A possible date for the book is ~AD 95.

How are the letters arranged in the Bible?

By length (longest to shortest)

Who were the half brothers of Jesus who wrote letters in the Bible?

James and Jude

What are 4 key covenants in the big picture of the Bible? Answer as to who they are between.

1) God & Abraham

2) God & the nation of Israel (the Law,

Old Covenant)

3) God & King David

4) Jesus & whoever follows Him

(the New Covenant)

Name the 4 different perspectives of the 4 gospels.

Matthew - Messiah/King (crown)

Mark - Suffering Servant (crown of thorns)

Luke - Son of Man/Humanity (baby)

John - Son of God/Divinity (cross)

* ( ) denotes symbol to help remember

Say the story of the Bible in about 10 minutes.

*This is a great tool for evangelism and discipleship.

*It also will show you what you know and what you need to study better (where your holes are).

*It is helpful to pick a theme about God to do this (example: God's desire to be with us or humanity needing a deliverer & God coming through)

* You can use the main events on our timeline as you tell it to give it structure.

* You can continue to do this exercise as you grow in your knowledge and love of the Bible!