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94 Cards in this Set

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Denticulate ligament
Thickening of pia and glial elements that tethers spinal cord laterally
– Forms ribben along lateral surface of the spinal cord between dorsal and ventral rootlets
- attaches cord to and suspends it in dura/arachnoid tube
Where the two spinal cord enlargement
cervical enlargement C4-5 - T1
lumbosacral enlargement L2-S3
Conus medullaris
Tapered end of cord
Filum terminale
Extension of pia and supporting cells
Anchors spinal cord to dorsum of coccyx
At which level does the spinal cord end
in children at L3
Surface markings of cord
– Anterior median fissure
– Anterior lateral sulcus
– Posterior median sulcus
– Posterolateral sulcus
What is the ventral nerve roots exit
Anterolateral sulcus
Where does the dorsal nerve nerve root enter
Posterolateral sulcus
Which portion of the cord gives rise to the spinal nerve
- posterior and anterior roots join to form spinal nerve
- 31 segments and human spinal cord giving rise to 31 pairs of spinal nerves
8C, 12T, 5L, 5S, 1C
Which of the longest roots and why
Lumbosacral roots because they have to travel the furthest before they exit
What is the difference between epidural space in the spinal cord compared to the brain
In the spinal cord it is a true space where the dura is not fused with vertebral bodies
Which two arteries make up the posterior blood supply of the CNS
Vertebral arteries
Basilar artery
Steer cerebral arteries
The vertebral arteries give rise to
Anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
Basilar arteries give rise to
Anterior inferior cerebral arteries (AICA)
Pontine arteries
Superior cerebellar arteries
Anterior blood supply is made up of
Internal carotid arteries
Give rise to:
– Anterior cerebral arteries (ACA)
- Middle cerebral arteries (MCA)
Are anterior and posterior circulation independent?
No, they're connected by network of arteries on cortical surface and communicating arteries on ventral surface
Circle of Willis
Interconnections between anterior and posterior circulations on the ventral surface
Spinal cord and brainstem are supplied by
vertebral-basilar system (posterior supply)
The cortex is supplied by
Both vertebrobasilar system and internal carotid system (post and ant circulations)
Artery of Adamkiewicz
Branch from segmental spinal artery
- present at ~T12
- provide major supply for lumbosacral spinal cord
- a.k.a. great radicular artery
The vertebral arteries originate from
Subclavian artery
Does the posterior or superior artery supply more of the spinal cord?
Anterior spinal artery (ASA)
- only 1
- branches of each vertebral artery joined to form ASA
– runs in ant median fissure
- 5-9 sulcal branches to each spinal cord segment
- each brand supplies anterior two thirds of either right or left side [I.e. paramedian and lateral areas]
Posterior spinal arteries (PCA)
- X2
- arises from vertebral arteries or PICAs
– Run in posterolateral sulci
– Supply posterior 1/3 of cord [Dorsomedial and dorsolateral areas]
Coronal arteries
- Anterior and posterior spinal arteries give off coronal arteries that anastomosed with each other.
- Form Corona around cord.
Radicular arteries
Reinforce circulation to cord

– Branches from cervical, intercostal, lumbar and sacral arteries that arise segmentally --> enter vertebral canal at intravertebral foramina --> anastamose with coronal arteries and from lower cervical area down, with anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Which arteries provide most supplied to upper cervical cord
Anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Majority of blood supply beginning with lower cervical segments comes from
Radicular arteries
Which artery provides most of supplies for lumbosacral spinal cord
Artery of Adamkiewcz
The Gray matter consists of
– Nerve cell bodies
– Processes
– neuroglia
The anterior horn contains
- cell bodies of lower motor neuron
- innervate skeletal muscles
Lateral/intermediate horn
- T1-L2/3 : preganglionic sympathetic cell bodies
- S2-S4 : preganglionic parasympathetic cell bodies
Clarks nucleus
Located in lateral horn within lamina 7
- relay center for unconscious proprioception
– Extends only to C6
Rexed's laminae
Layers that gray matter is divided into
Major tracks and dorsal column
Fasciculus gracialis [present at all levels]
Fasciculus cuneatus [present above T6]
Major tracks in lateral column
Lateral corticospinal tract
Rubrospinal tract [from red nucleus]
Spinocerebellar tracts
– Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
– Central spinocerebellar tract
Which tracks are most lateral and lateral column
Spinocerebellar tracts
Major tracts in anterior column
Spinothalamic tract
Vestibulospinal tracts
Reticulospinal tracts
Anterior corticospinal tract
Lissauer's tract
- Sensory fibers carrying pain and temperature will ascend and descend several spinal cord levels here before synapsing in the dorsal horn.
- Associated with spinothalamic tract.
Substantia gelatinosa
lamina 2 of the gray matter, first processing for pain and temperature
Anterior White commissure
Pain and temperature fibers cross
Anterior corticospinal tract fibers cross
Six sulci of the spinal cord
– Posterior median sulcus
– Posterolateral sulcus X 2
- Anterolateral sulcus X2
- anterior median fissure
Where is the entry point of the dorsal root
Posterolateral sulcus
Where is the exit point for the ventral root
Anterolateral sulcus
Which is larger the anterior median sulcus or the anterior median fissure
Anterior median fissure is much larger
Anterior corticospinal tract
- Motor to ipsi- and contra- lateral ventral horn
- Mostly axial musculature
Spinothalamic tract
Pain and temperature from contralateral side of the body
Lateral corticospinal tract
Motor to ipsilateral ventral horn
- mostly limb musculature
Spinocerebellar tract
Proprioception from limbs to the cerebellum
Fasciculus cuneatus
Sensory [fine touch, proprioception] from ipsilateral upper limb
Fasciculus Gracialis
Sensory [find touch, proprioception] from ipsilateral lower limb
Summary: which tracks are ipsilateral
– Lateral corticospinal tract
– Anterior corticospinal tract
– Fasciculus gracialis and cuneatus
Summary: which tracks are contralateral
– Spinothalamic tract
– Anterior corticospinal tract
Somatotopic arrangement of fibers
– Head [cervical region] fibers are always closest to the Gray matter
What is the primary neurons synapse in the spinothalamic tract
Primary Axons enter the spinal cord from the spinal ganglion, travel up or down 1 to 2 segments in the Lissauer's track and synapse in the posterior horn
Which structures do the secondary neuron's of the spinothalamic tract pass
Travels in the anterior lateral system:
– Caudal Medulla
– Rostral Medulla [between the inferior olivary nucleus and the nucleus of the spinothalamic tract of the trigeminal nerve]
- through pons and midbrain lateral to the medial lemniscas
What is the spinothalamic tract terminate
In the VPL of the thalamus
– From the thalamus fiber project through the internal capsule and Corona radiata to terminate in the primary somatosensory cortex [postcentral gyrus]
What are the three Antero lateral pathways
– Spinothalamic
– Spinalreticular
– Spinal mesencephalic
Where do the primary axons of the dorsal columns synapse
Axons enter the spinal cord from the spinal ganglion and passed directly to ipsilateral dorsal column and synapse
– Caudal fibers [below T6] enter FG [medial]
– Rostral Fidlers [above T6] enter FC to ascend
Where do the secondary neuron of the dorsal columns travel
Primary neurons terminate in NG and NC
- secondary neuron's cross the midline of internal arcuate fibers [Forming the medial lemniscus]
- they travel medial lemniscus adjacent to the midline thru the roster medulla
- through the caudal ponds, the media lemniscus flattens horizontal
Where does the media lemniscus terminate
In the VPL of the thalamus
– From the thalamus fiber project through the internal capsule and Corona radiata to terminate in the primary somatosensory cortex [postcentral gyrus] <-- same as SpT tract
Where do the primary neurons of the corticospinal tract originate
Primary motor cortex
What is the path of the primary neurons of the lateral corticospinal tract
- descending fibers from corona radiata converge to passes the posterior limb of the internal capsule
- fibers then descend through the middle 3/5 of the crus cerebri in the anterior part of the midbrain
- fibers a broken up into many bundles in the pons
- fibers descend as the pyramids in the anterior part of the medulla
Where does crossover of the corticospinal fibers occur
At the junction of the Meduna in the spinal cord, most of fibers cross the midline in the deposition of the planets.
– Cross fibers going to form the lateral corticospinal tract
– Uncrossed fibers descend as the anterior corticospinal tract
What percentage of fibers cross over and what percentage of fibers descend in the anterior corticospinal tract
– 85-90% of fibers crossover
- 10-15% descend in anterior corticospinal tract
Where does the lateral corticospinal tract terminate
On the lower motor neurons in the ant horn of the spinal cord
- anterior corticospinal tract fibers cross the midline at the level where they terminate on the LMN
Corona radiata becomes the internal capsule when
… It reaches striatum [caudate + putamen]
Which cranial nerves are part of the parasympathetic nervous system
3, 7, 9, 10
Pain and temperature sensation from the bladder is carried by
Somatic afferents
Sensory fibers supplying the mucus and fundus of the bladder
- travel with sympathetic
– reach spinal cord at T 12/L1
--> via spinothalamic tract to CNS
Sensory from neck of the bladder
– travel with parasympathetic's
– Reach spinal cord at S2/3/4
--> via spinothalamic tract to CNS
Fullness of bladder
– Carried by visceral afferents (PSNS)
– bladder wall mechanoreceptors --> sarcral parasympathetic's 2/3/4
– Parasympathetic visceral motor
– Ditchers or muscle innervated by parasympathetic's from as 2/3/4 in the spinal cord --> hypogastric plexus --> synapse in vesical plexus --> detrusor muscle
Internal urethral sphincter
– Sympathetic visceromotor
- t11 – L2
- lumbar splanchnic nerves --> inferior mesenteric ganglion --> internal urethral spincter
External urethral sphincter
– Somatic motor, pudendal nerve
- S2/3/4 with pudendal nerve
- conscious and voluntary
Onuf nucleus
Origin of the pudendal nerve
Micturition centers in cortex
superior frontal gyrus
Micturition centers in pons
Pontine micturition center
Pontine storage center
Periaqueductal gray
What needs to be inhibited or excited for voiding to occur
– Inhibition of sympathetics (T12 L1) (to relax int sphincter)
- inhibit Onuf ( to relax ext sphincter)
- excitation of parasympathetic S2/3/4 (to contract detrusor)
Why did infants have poor bladder control
- their sacral reflex causes reflex contraction of the detrusor
- no control of external sphincter
Sacral reflex pathway
– Stretch receptors and bladder wall are activated
– Stretch receptor output is transmitted via afferet fibers of the pelvic nerve to the sacral cord
– Parasympathetic nerves bodies activated
– ACH released by parasympathetic cause contraction of the detrusor muscle
- in infants there is no control over the external center
- in adults the ext sphincter is under somatic control thru the pudendal nerve
Voiding in adults
– Under central control
– bladder feels full --> info is relayed to the cortex and PAG
- if socially susceptible to avoid, the Pontine micturition center is activated for both the cortex and the PAG
- excitation of parasympathetic as 2/3/4 --> contraction of detrusor muscle
- simultaneous inhibition of T12, L1 and internal sphincter relaxes
– inhibition of onuf (S2/3/4) --> somatic control of external sphincter is inhibited --> relaxation of ext sphincter
Overflow Incontinence
a form of urinary incontinence, characterized by the involuntary release of urine from an overly full urinary bladder, often in the absence of any urge to urinate. This condition occurs in people who have a blockage of the bladder outlet (benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, or narrowing of the urethra), or when the muscle that expels urine from the bladder is too weak to empty the bladder normally.
Reflex Bladder
Overflow bladder
Spastic bladder
Small volume bladder
loss of pain & temperature on contralateral side of body
loss of discriminative touch, vibration & proprioception on ipsilateral side of body
UMN lesion on ipsilateral side of body
LMN for C8 myotome
The spinal tap where's the needle extracting fluid from
Subarachnoid space [CSF extraction]
Spinal tap: at which level is a needle inserted
L3 – L4
Spinal tap: how is it performed in a newborn or a two-year-old
At L4 or below
- posterior superior iliac spine [as L4 landmark]
What is an epidural? How does it result in pain control?
The form of local anesthetic
- blocks fast Na channels (washes over spinal nerves)
Epidural: at which level do you insert the catheter? Which space is a needle inserted into?
- Insertion at L3-L4
– Epidural space [outside sack]
Spastic paralysis of the leg and Babinski signs are both indicators of
Upper motor neuron lesion
Loss of discriminative touch, vibration and joint position sense from approximately the level of the nipples down on the left side only. Where is the lesion?
Dorsal column
– Nipples located at approximately T4
– At T4 fibres uncrossed --> Cross at medulla
Lots of pain and temperature sensation from the mid abdomen downward on the right side. Where is the lesion?
Spinothalamic tract
– Cross at spinal quite level
– At approximately T10
What consequence will a severe lesion at the level of T8 have on bladder function?
Lesion above T11 lose conscious control of bladder
– retain ANS reflex