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31 Cards in this Set

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Brevity codes

1- Routine

2- Urgent

3- Emergency

4- Wants and Warrants

5- Traffic Stop

6- Latrine Break

7- Meal Break

8- Subject in Custody

8A- Subject in Custody Opposite sex

9- Change Radio Frequency

10- All Secure

11- Suspected Drunk Driving

12- Bomb Threat

12A- Suspicious Article

13- Immediate Assistance Needed

14- Munitions Escort

15- Funds Escort

16- Alarm Activation

17- Duress

18- Major Vehicle Accident

19- Eagle Eyes

20- Gate Runner

20A- Unauthorized Entry

Prohibited Weapons on base

Martial Arts weapons

Cutting weapons

Blunt instruments

Wepons firing a projectile

Privately owned munitions allowed on base?


Search definition

Examination of person place or thing with a view toward discovery of a crime or ciminal intent.

Search authorization definition

Express permision, written or verbal, issued by competent military authority to search a person or an area for specific property or evidence or for a specific person and to seize such property, evidence or person.

Af Form 1176

Search Authorization

When is the AF Form 1176 signed?

No later than 3 duty days

Search Affidavit definition

A statement of probale cause, supporting the request for authorization to search and seize.

Who should sign the 1176?

Military Magistrate or CC with authority to authorize a search

Victim definition

Person who suffers direct or threatened emotional, physical, or financial harm as a result of an offense

Surveillance definition

The act of recording or monitoring activities


People or organizations attempting to gain information about military operations, capabilities or personnel.

Witness definition

Person who participates in a military criminal investigation or providing information or evidence of an offense under the ucmj

When a witness is a minor, the term witness usually includes?

Parents or legal guardian

Witness does not include?

Person who assisted or was involved in committing the crime

Desk Sergeant is?

Critical link for all law enforcement operations.

Take control and directs forces

Relays information quickly

Positive professional attitude at all times

Monitors all alarms, conducts alarm system checks, dispatches accordingly to the alarm priority chart

Who does the Desk Sergeant keep informed?

Flight Commander, Flight Chief and Police 1 of all activites.

Consent to search

Consent can be in writting or verbal

AF Form 1364

Consent to Search

Conduct inventory check in accordance with?

Changeover checklist AF IMT 2519

Who do you conduct durress checks with?

Where will it be annotated?



Primary/ Alternate Armories

Command PostPrimary/ Alternate ArmoriesAll Gates postedWill be annotated in the Blotter.

All Gates posted

Will be annotated in the Blotter.

What forms do you request from S3LE?

AF 52



What is the form for biulding checklist?

USAFE Form 163

Police 4 will respond to all incidents off base within how many miles?

30 miles

What is jurisdiction?

The authority, capacity, power or right to apply the law.

What are the three sources of military jurisdiction?

U.S. Constitution

Federal Statutes

International Law

Aviano AB jurisdiction is governed under what?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Status of Forces Agreememt

Technical arrangement between ministry of defense of the Italian Republic and the DOD of the U.S. regarding arm forces in Aviano

USAFEI 51-706

What does jurisdiction apply to?




Installation is ultimately under whose command?

Itialian but works with the assined U.S. Commander

Ensure the probable cause statement is what?

Kept with the 1176 at all times and should be on the back.

What is the process for the 1176?

Search Affidavit must be read word for word to the judge advocate from legal.

Then is read word for word to the military magistrate or Commander.

If time is of the essence you can request search authority verbally. Must be completed within 24 hrs.