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63 Cards in this Set

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Earth's axis of rotation is tilted by ___

Causing seasons

The tilt is crucial in ___

25,800 years

The precession cycle


A 13th constellation

Dec 21/22

NH's winter solstice

Sep 22/23

NH's autumnal equinox

June 21/22

NH's summer solstice

Mar 20/21

NH's vernal equinox

Dec 21/22

SH's summer solstice

Sep 22/23

SH's vernal equinox

June 21/22

SH's winter solstice

Mar 20/21

SH's autumnal equinox

June & Dec



One hemisphere has its longest day, the other its shortest

Mar & Sep



Lengths of day & night are equal

Solar Day

Length of time the sun takes to return to its highest point in the sky

Sidereal day

Length of time it takes a star takes to return to its highest point in the sky on successive days

4 minutes shorter

Sidereal day is _____ shorter than a solar day

Lunar month

A complete cycle of a moon

29.5 solar days

Days in lunar month

Sidereal month

Moon's orbit relative to the background stars

27.3 solar days

Days in a sidereal month

Waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent, new moon

Phases of the moon

Lunar eclipse

Moon moves into Earth's shadow

Lunar eclipse

Moon moves into Earth's shadow

2 or 3 times a year

Lunar eclipse happens

Always during a full moon

Lunar eclipses happen during a ____

Solar eclipse

Moon blocks sunlight from reaching a part of Earth's surface

3 types of lunar eclipse

Penumbral, partial, total

Penumbral lunar eclipse

Moon passes through Earth's penumbra (part-shadow) leading to only a slight dimming of the moon

Partial lunar eclipse

A portion of the moon passes through Earth's umbra (full shadow)

Total lunar eclipse

The whole moon passes through the umbra

Types of solar eclipse

Total, partial, annular

Total solar eclipse

Produces a path of totality

Path of totality

A strip of Earth's surface where it can be seen that the sun is totally obscured

Path of totality

A strip of Earth's surface where it can be seen that the sun is totally obscured

Total solar eclipse

Sun's corona is visible

Once every 18 months

Total solar eclipse happens ....

Partial solar eclipse

The sun is only partly obscured (area of partial eclipse)

Annular solar eclipse

When the moon is farthee than average, so that its disk is too small to cover the sun's disk totally

Central umbra

Associated with the area of totality


Associated with area of partial eclipse

Inferior planets

Planets orbit closer to the sun than earth

Mercury and Venus

Maximum elongation

Greatest angle by which the planets stray from the sun


Mercury's maximum elongation


Venus' maximum elongation

Superior planets

All other planets from Mars outwards

Johannes Kepler

Discovered the laws of planetary motion

Retrograde motion

A planet moves from east to west

An effect of changing perspectives

West to east

Usual motion of planets against background stars


When Earth moves between superior planets and the sun

The zodiac

Planets never stray from the band in the sky called

Planetary conjunction

Occurs when two or more planets appear close in the sky arranged roughly in a line


Occurs when an inferior planet comes directly between Earth & the Sun, passing across the sun's disk


Occurs when an inferior planet comes directly between Earth & the Sun, passing across the sun's disk

8 years, once a century

A pair of Venus transits, .... apart, recurs about ....

12 times a century

Mercury transits


One celestial body passing in front of and hiding another

Approximately every sidereal month

Occultation happens....

Approximately every sidereal month

Occultation happens....

A few times a century

Occultation of 1 planet by another

10-11 times a year

Occultation of planets by the Moon