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37 Cards in this Set

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7 Goals of Assessment:

1. Determine ______/_______

2. Determine __________ of the problem.

3. Determine ___________ of the problem.

4. Identify ________ _________ (cause)

5. Make a ________

6. Make ___________ statements with or without ________.

7. Determine therapy _______ and/or ________.

1. problem, no problem

2. nature

3. severity

4. related factors

5. diagnosis

6. prognostic, therapy

7. direction, referrals

Not a diagnosis but determines if additional testing is or isn't necessary. Give _____/_____ scores.

Screening, pass/fail

4 ages for screenings:

1. Kindergarten

2. 3rd grade

3. 5th/6th grade

4. college

_________ screening measures - developed by examiner and tailored to population


__________ screening measures - published tests (Fluharty)


Use ________ with nonreaders


Use _______/_______ for readers.


If language problem is suspected, then screen ________.


4 basic types of tests that must be administered for ARTIC evaluations:

1. _______-__-______ _______ and/or ________ _______ ______

2. __________ Testing

3. ______ _______ ________ _______, including ______ ______ if suspected

4. _______ Screening

1. Sounds-in-words test, phonological process test

2. Stimulability Testing

3. Oral Speech Mech Exam, tongue thrust

4. Hearing screening

Artic tests listen for ________, phonological process tests test whole ________.

sounds, words

Sounds-in-Words tests are better known as _____________ tests. Tests _____ ______ per word in _____ positions of words. Ex ______ ______ or ______ _______.

Articulation tests, one phoneme, all, Goldman Fristoe, Fisher Logemann

______ ________ are quick and easy assessments and score based on ______, ________, _______, and _______.


substitutions, omissions, distortions, or additions


_____________ _________ tests examine entire ____ to determine ______/______ used.

Phonological process test


rules, processes

________ _______ tests take a longer time and more expertise in phonetic writing. Examples are the ______-_______ and __________.

Phonological process tests, Khan-Lewis, Crary

_______ _______ _______ test beginning talkers. Considered a ________ test where utterances are ________.

Speech sound inventories, informal, transcribed

Child is credited with a consonant or vowel in speech sound inventories when they occur in __ or more words. Also determines _______ shape.

2, syllable

___________ Samples are _______ tests that test ________ speech using spontaneous ________.

Phonological samples, informal, conversational, conversation

Technique for phonological sample: read a _____, repeat a ______ to elicit certain phonemes.

passage, story

Telling a story from pictures creates _______ errors.


Stimulability Testing Procedure:

1. Test for _______ sounds in ______ by asking child to ______ you.

2. If they cant say the sound in the word _______, ask child to _______ ________ syllables.

3. If they cant say the sounds correctly in words or nonsense syllables, ask child to _________ sounds in ________.

1. error, words, imitate

2. correctly, imitate nonsense

3. imitate, isolation

2 reasons for stimulability testing:

1. Gives prognosis

2. Indicates where to start therapy

Clients who can imitate in ______ have a better prognosis


Artic tests are _______ measures and _______ transcription is used. Results are compared to __________ _________ chart to determine if child is ______ or ______.

traditional, broad, sound development, delayed or normal

Severity of disorder for prognosis is determined using ______ _______ ________.

Percent Consonant Correct (PCC)

Formula for PCC:

Total number of _____ consonants divided by total number of _______ consonants x ___ = PCC%

correct, intended, 100

Level of Severity

__% or higher = Typically developing

__% to __% = mild to moderate disorder

__% to __% = moderate to severe disorder

<__% = severe disorder

85% = TD

65% to 85% = mild to moderate

50% to 65% = moderate to severe

<50% = severe disorder

In phonological process scoring, ______ score indicates that it interferes with ______ the most. This gives you the first ____ of therapy

highest, intelligibility, goal

Pre-tests collect _______ data.


Post-tests determine _______.


Need for intervetion determined by:


_____ __ _______


Speakers ______ of the problem

________ variations


type of problem




Artic tests show you sounds in error, but do not tell if problem is ______ or _______.

phonetic or phonemic

________ is most severe type of error.


Tongue Thrust Assessment:

1. _______ _______ manual

2. Test swallowing pattern w/ ______ and ______

3. Lip ______ measurment

4. _______ strength

5. Check for __________ symptoms

1. Swallow Right

2. cracker and water

3. pressure

4. masseter

5. other

Oral mech exams test ______ and their ______.

structures, functions

________ tests give you a number that allows you to compare it to ______ and determine if client performed within normal limits or not. Must determine ________ and ________ of problem with this data.

Formal, norms, type, severity

Results of a phonological assessment of 6-year-old Maggie indicated a ______ speech impairment characterized by fronting, stopping, and WSD processes. SPeech was understandable 25% of the time.


Results of an artic assessment of a 4-year-old Jamie indicated a ______ speech impairment characterized by w/r, w/l, t/s, and d/z in initial positions of words. Speech was understandable 75% of the time.
