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113 Cards in this Set

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a general stylistic category referring to realistic imagery created by an artist using culturally-shared ideas of what something should look like.


refers to a way an artist organizes the forms on a flat surface or in space.


a Greek word meaning the "writing of images," refers to the study of the content in art including symbolic, often religious meaning of objects, persons, and events depicted in works of art.


refers to an object's shape and structure


a recognizable depiction of people, places, actions, things, etc.

A visual description.


is all the information in a work, including its subject and meaning. The unique set of circumstances (personal, historical, religious, cultural) affecting the creation of an artwork.

Health and Fertility

The emphasis on the anatomy of the Nude Woman, from Willendorf, suggests early man's interest in...

Narrative presented in registers of bands

The Sumerians may have been the first to use pictures to tell coherent stories. What argument makes this a valid assertion

Sumerian temple base

The Ziggurat at Ur can best be described as a:

Palette of Narmer

Which is likely commemorates the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt?

Fresco Secco

Tomb paintings were created in which of the following techniques?


The God who is symbolic of the River Nile and who dies and is reborn each year

Provided access for the Ka

Mastaba-tomb interiors became quite large and accommodated a number of storage rooms and compartments. What was the function of the tomb shaft that connected the burial chamber with the outside?

Larger than life representation of pharaoh

The Palette of King Narmer established the convention for state policy represented in art, a policy proclaiming the pharoh a divine ruler.


A magnificent mortuary temple was built at Deir el Bahri for which of the following pharaohs?

Tomb interiors

Which of the following is the most significant resorce for understanding Egyptian civilization and religious beliefs?


Which of the following describes a building technique commonly used in Egyptian temples?

Palette of King Narmer

In about 3000 BCE, the conventions for representing the human figure that dominated Egyptian art until end of the New Kingdom can be found in which of the following?


The "old" Stone Age, during which humankind produced the first sculptures


The "new" Stone Age in which agriculture and animal husbandry is introduced

Twisted Perspective

convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally; also called composite view.

Composite View

convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally; also called twisted perspective.

Post and Lintel

A system of construction in which two posts support an overhead beam.


Burial mound


A female figure that functions as a supporting column. See also atlantid.

Fressco Secco

Painting on lime plaster, either dry (dry fresco or fressco secco) or wet (true or buon fresco)

In the latter method, the pigments are mixed with water and become chemically bound to the freshly laid lime plaster. Also a painting executed in either method.

Hierarchy of Scale

An artistic convention in which greater size indicates greater importance.

Heraldic Composition

one of a series of superimposed bands or friezes in a pictorial narrative, or the particular levels on which motifs are placed.


In ancient Mesopotamian architecture, a monumental platform for a temple

Hypostyle Hall

A hall with a roof supported by columns


Arabic, "bench." An ancient Egyptian rectangular brick or stone structure with slopping sides erected over a subterranean tomb chamber connected with the outside by a shaft


In ancient Egypt, a slate slab used for preparing makeup


A plant native to Egypt and adjacent lands used to make paper like writing material; also, the material or any writing on it.


A picture, usually stylized, that represents an idea; also, writing using such means; also painting on rock. AKA hieroglyphic


A series or row of columns, usually spanned by lintels


A rule, for example of proportion. The ancient Greeks considered beauty to be a matter of "correct" proportion and sought a canon of proportion, for the human figure and for buildings

The Cyclades Islands

Significant numbers of small marble figurines representing naked women with arms folded over abdomens have been found in:

Fressco secco

Minoans coated the rough surface of their rubble walls with a fine white lime plaster that required rapid execution and great skill. Which painting method was used with this type of fabrication?

defeat of the Persians

the historical event that ushered in the beginning of the Classical period


A female figure used as an architectural support was known as a:


A standing nude figure of a young boy is known in Greek art as which of the following?


in the Archaic period the black-figure style of vase painting was replaced by the ... style

A winged Nike figure

In the statue of the Athena Parthenos, what did she hold that made an overt reference to the Athenian victory over the Persians in 479 BC.

constructed according to a mathematical formula

Originally titled the Canon, Polykleitos's Doryphoros reflects the artist's belief that a perfect statue

Aphrodite of Knidos

by Praxiteles was one of the first statues to represent a female nude.

Panathenaia or Panathenaic Procession

which is possibly the subject of the Parthenon's continuous frieze, was a procession held in Athens every four years


The earliest known examples of the use of contrapposto is the sculpture known as the...

battle at Perssepolis

What event is chronicled on the frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike detailing victory over the Persians?

more realistic and emotional

When compared to the Classical style, Greek Hellenistic art could be characterized as:

had high opinions of their own worth

Which of the following conclusions could be drawn regarding the Athenians perception of themselves based on the Panathenaic Festival frieze from the Parthenon?


Who is usually given credit for the invention of the red-figure technique as seen in the amphora of "Achilles and Ajax playing a dice game"?


Greek, "young man." An Archaic Greek statue of a young man.


The first of three organizational orders of classical architecture. The Parthenon is considered the most perfect expression of this order.


The second of three organizational orders of classical architecture featuring more slender columns and a decorative volute on the capital.

Archaic smile

The smile that appears on all Archaic Greek statues from about 570 to 480 BCE. The smile is the Archaic sculptor's way of indicating that the person portrayed is alive.


An ancient Greek two-handled jar used for general storage purposes, usually to hold wine or oil.

bilingual painting

Experimental Greek vases produced for a short time in the late sixth century BCE; one side featured black-figure decoration, the other red-figure.


A rule, for example, of proportion.


In ancient Greek mythology, the battle between gods and giants.


the disposition of the human figure in which one part is turned in opposition to another part

High Classical

One of three Greek orders, it is the most ornate; its capitals feature a double row of acanthus leaves


the convex profile, in the shaft of a column


the chamber at the center of an ancient temple; the room in which the cult statue usually stood.


the term given to the art and culture of the roughly three centuries between the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE and the death of Queen Cleopatra in 30 BCE, when Egypt became a Roman province.


The earliest period of Greek art from 900 to 600 BCE


The period of Greek art after the Athenian victory over the Persians in which sculpture and architecture strived for a perfection related to mathematics

helped lighten the weight of a dome or arch

Coffering was a useful architectural device in that it performed what function?

commemorate their status as Roman citizens

Freed slaves often ordered portrait reliefs for their tombs. Which of the following is the best reason for this?


In contrast to a Greek temple, Roman temples usually were...

Marcus Aurelius

In portraying the personality of the emperor, and, in particular his sense of concern about the weakened state of the empire, the portraits of...began a new trend in portrature.

to vary the depth of carving of foreground and background figures

One of the devices used in the Spoils from Jerusalem from the Arch of Titus that was used to create the illusion of depth was...

the wall seemingly opening up into an illusion of landscape

Pompeian wall painting of the Second Style are characterized by which of the following?

cult of Dionysus

The figures from the friezes of the villa of mysteries are thought to depict an initiation into which of the following?


The most pronounced influnce of Greek Classical art on Roman art could be seen in work done for which of the following?

the design is based on the sphere

the Pantheon was one of the most influential designs in the history of architecture. It brought new meaning to the concept of "architectural space." Which of the following descriptions characterize this influential work?

at the center of the dome

where would an oculus be found?


Which of the following best describes and distinguishes the "First Style" of Roman painting?

Julius Caesar

Which of the following was the first to break with tradition and use his portrait on Roman coinage?


Which of the following would be located in a form and would house the law court for the city?

studied disregard for classical rules

Which of the following would describe the "baroque" style of the 2nd century CE tomb nicknamed Al-Khazneh, the Treasury, located at Petra?


Christianity was recognized as the official religion of Rome in the early fourth century CE by which of the following?


the central space of a basilica


a large semicircular niche protruding from an end wall. In a Christian church, it houses the alter.


Islam's sacred book, composed of surahs divided into verses.


the arm of a cruciform church, perpendicular to the nave

central-plan building

a stucture with a large central space surrounded by semmetrical areas on each side


stucco decorations of islamic buildings in which stalactite-like forms break a structure's solidity.


a halo or aureole signifying divinity


separate pages of vellum or parchment bound together on one side


a portrait or image, especially in Byzantine churches, that are objects of veneration

hypostyle hall

a hall with a roof supported by columns


the destruction of religious or sacred images

illuminated manuscript

a luxurious handmade book with painted illistrations


calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting


in the old testament, a prophetic forerunner of christ


subterreanean networks designed as cemetaries for the burial of the dead


a semicircular wall area, often framed by an arch over a door or window


an early form of Arabic script, characterized by angularity, with uprights forming almost right angles with the base line.


the islamic building for collective worship


a tall slender tower, typically part of a mosque, with a balcony from which a muezzin calls muslims to prayer


a semicircular niche set into the quiba wall of a mosque


Who was the founder of the "new rome" pf the East

the pious worshiped openly at the graves of the earliest christian martyrs

after christianity received acceptance within the roman empire, churches were constructed above the catacombs.

it was decorated with significant christian subject matter

How did one recognize a christian sarcophagus?

christ before pilate

in the sarcophagus of junius bassus, a pagan who converted to christianity, the sculptors illustrated scenes from the life of christ.

it is full of Greco-Roman illusionistic devices

The christ as good shepherd from the Mausoleum of galla placidia at ravenna is said to be deeply rooted in the classical tradition.

vacant throne of god

in place of images the iconoclasts used symbolic forms already familiar in early christian art.

balance between church and state

justinian's position on the north wall of the apse of san vitale is somewhat ambiguous. He appears to be slightly behind the bishop, yet the pattern he carries overlaps the bishop's arm. This indicates the...


the dome of the hagia sophia is supported by

last judge

the image of christ as the pantokrator refers to his role as

christ's redeption of humanity

the image and symbols found in the sanctuary from san vitale express the single theme of...

crucifiction, church of the dormition, daphni

the middle byzantine artist assimilated classicism's simplicity, dignity, and grace

christ and justinian

the mosaic program found in the apse of san vitale supports the byzantine theme of the holy ratification of church and state