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97 Cards in this Set

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Koch Triangle

BBRT characteristics

1) structurelly abnormal hearts

2) AV Dissociation

3) H before the onset of QRS

4) HH changes predict VV changes

5) needs ablation of the right bundle

6) HV during tachy ≥ SR

7) typical BBRVT has LBBB

Normal AH and HV intervals

AH 50-140

HV 35- 55

VA time during tachycardia

1) ≤70 ms

2) >70 ms

3) VA> AV, aka long RP

1) ≤70 ms. = tAVNRT DD septal AT

2) >70 ms. = aAVNRT, AVRT, AT

3) VA> AV, aka long RP

aAVNRT, AVRT (slow AP) , AT

Significance of CL and VA time changes associated with BBB occurrence during SVT

CL is not specific

VA ≥ 35 ms = freewall AP ipsi to BBB

VA < 35ms or no change= septal AP

VAAV response

AVVA response

VAAV response = ATAVVA response = VT

During Burst atrial Pacing, termination in V excludes

Atrial Tachycardia

Jump = ... ms

Jump = 50 ms

PPI- TCL =30ms means that the entrainment site is ...

In the tachycardia circuit

SA is VOP to A

VA is VA during tachycardia

SA - VA < 85 means ....

SA - VA > 85 means ....

SA - VA < 85 AVRT

SA - VA > 85 AVNRT

HH changes predict AA?

Yes= AVNRT, AVRT (exclude AT)


Entrainment during ventricular tachycardia Algorithm

Diagnostic Maneuvers for SVT, Veenhuyzeen

VA time increase > 30ms with BBB

Orthodromic AVRT with AP ipsilateral to the BBB free wall

Spontaneous termination of tachycardia with a 1:1 conduction with an A

Excludes AT

Atrial activation sequence:

1) High to low

2) Concentric

3) eccentric

1) High to low = AT

2) Concentric = AT, AVNRT, AVRT

3) eccentric = AT or AVRT

AVNRT with earlieast A at the:

1) superior septum = His =

2) inferior septum = CS =

1) superior septum = His = typical fast pathway.

2) inferior septum = CS = atypical= slow pathway

∆HA= (HA)p - (HA)T

∆HA> 15ms=

∆HA> 15ms= lower common pathway

How to differentiate between a jump in dual AV node physiology and AVNRT?

After dual it wenckbachs, after AVNRT 1:1 conduction continues

A condition where a PVC advances/ resets the atria without advancing the His and causes fusion


In atrial fibrillation .... block is almost always associated with a .... block

An exit block is almost always associated with an entrance block

How to know if the PVC is His refractory?

1) QRS shows fusion

2) pacing stimulus occurs after a discernible antegrade His

3) if PVC occurs no more than 35-55 ms earlier than the anticipated antegrade His

What to do when A and V signals are superimposed?

PVC to the para hisian region; advances the local V but not the A

In the absence of the AP

AV Dissociation excludes ...


DD of narrow complex tachycardia with AV dissociation

1) JET

2) Tachycardia from His Purkinje system

3) AVNRT with block in the upper common pathway

4) nodofasicular or nodoventricular pathway

A purkinje potential is ...

Is a sharp potential occuring < 15ms before the V electrogram

Termination of the tachycardia with a His refractory PVC without conducting to the atria


Antegrade His activation

Proximal to distal

Capture of PV sleeves during AF can only happen if

If the encircled area is completely isolated ( entry block)

Mahaiam characteristics

Nodo fascicular AP

1) Resetting of the tachycardia with a PAC with RV apex preceeding surface QRS and the V signal on His
2) little or no preexcitation at rest
3) isoelectric s- sigma internal at maximum preexcitation.
5) retrograde His activation and still

1) Resetting of the tachycardia with a PAC with RV apex preceeding surface QRS and the V signal on His

2) little or no preexcitation at rest

3) isoelectric s- sigma internal at maximum preexcitation.


5) retrograde His activation and still

6) His before V

7) Mahaiam potential with late V at the tricuspid annulus

Doublenfire Tachycardia

1) Non reenterant AV nodal Tachycardia

2) uses slow and fast pathways as antegrade limbs

3) resulting in long short long HH intervals

PJRT characteristics

Perman. Junct. Recip. Tachz

1) orthodromic AVRT associated with a concealed slow posteroseptal AP

2) incessant with -ve P waves in inferior leads

3) long RP

4) children/ infants

DD is aAVNRT fast slow, where AA leads the VV

An epicardial structure running between LSPV and LAA

Vein of Marshall

During atrial pacing:

∆VA = VA return cycle- VA Tachycardia > 14ms

Confirms AT

In AVRT and AVNRT should be < 14 ms, almost fixed

A structure adjacent to the RSPV and a source of far field signals


Clinical significance of the heavy trabeculations and low hematic flow in the RV basal free wall

Decresed blood cooling leading to high temperatures during ablation

PVC origin in V1 from the ourflow tract

DD of a His buried in V despite its presence in SR

Antidromic AVRT or VT

Mitral Valve PVC

Completely positive or M in V1

Imporatnt in parahisian pacing .... (To determine the presence of an AP as well)

The atrial activation sequence in the two beats

During tachycardia, resetting of A and fusion only occurs in


AV Block in the setting of normal QRS und PQ suggests a .... Block

Suggests an intrahisian block

Tachy related LBBB is due to ... Block

Brady related LBBB is due to ... Block

Tachy related LBBB is due to phase 3 Block, while Brady related LBBB is due to phase 4 Block

HV interval in Fascicular VT is

Short or even negative, 5 bis 30 ms nach QRS

Atriofascicular Pathways have ... Morphology


Difference in entrainment in Junctional tachycardia and AVNRT

Junctional Tachycardia displays AHHA response

Characteristics of a PVC originating from the right moderator band

1) LBBB in V1

2) late precordial transition, V5 or later

3) Axis site is superior and leftward

PVC originating from the posteromedial PM


2) superior Axis

PVC originating from the anterolateral PM


2) right inferior axis

Transitions in outflow tract PVCs

1) V4 or later then right

2) V2 or ealier then Left

3) V3 can septal RVOT or RCC

Activation time= Depolarizarion in EGM

Unipolar: steepest negative downstroke

Bipolar: most negative/ positive point

Activation recovery interval= repolarization

Unipolar: steepest positive deflection

Ashman's phenomenon

When Long RR followed by short RR, the short RR QRS has RBBB.

= Long shortening the bundle branches

PV Entrance Vs. PV Exit block in AF

Entrance: no conduction from LA to PV

Exit: no conduction from PV to LA

Independent PV activity that doesn't exit the vein is a sign of a block

Why is AVN conduction slow?

Due to heterogenity and number of connexins: Connexin 45 mainly and some 40 near His

Iv Medications in preexcited AF

Procainamid/ Ibitulide IIa

When not to use Amiodaron?

1- LQTs

2- preexcited AF

AAD whose effect is more pronounced in treadmill test? what effect? which AAD won´t affect normal tissues?

Ic: Propafenone (QRS prolongation)

Use dependance >25% replace the medications.

Ib: Lidocain (has also use dep. block).

ẞ- blocker that prolongs QTc?


Which AAD to use in VT storm in Brugada?


Brugada criteria

VT vs. SVT in lbbb and rbbb



SNRT < 1500 ms, CSNRT< 550ms

total recovery time < 5 S

SACT 50->115ms

Normalization of a QRS complex with a His extrasystole is a proof that

The abnormal QRS complex was due to pre- excitation

Parahisian pacing with no AP

>50ms difference

Pre- excitation index

The prematurity of the latest RV apex PVC able to advance the atrium

TCL- Coupling interval of the PVC

>75ms = left lateral

<45ms = septal

Intermediate = right free wall

CAVE PEI > 120 ms is usually NOT His refractory

Phase 4 AV Block

Responsible for parox. AVB.

Tachy termination or PVC or long PP: causes slow spont. depolrization of the diseased His Pur system

HSM indication

Site of WPW from earliest retrograde A

LL = distal CS

HRA = rr. Free wall

PS = prox. CS

AS = His Cath


Gain of function, K channel disease

Rx: we use K ch. Blockers such as Defitilide and Quinidin

Genetic Basis of BrS

Most commonly Na ch. loss of function, followed by loss of function of Ca. Ch.

This loss of function in Na is the opposite of LQT3 Leaky Na ch.

Rx of Brs

Quinidine, RVOT epicardial ablation, fever must be lowered, Brugada drugs

If sympt: ICD





1) Calcium channels leaky Ryanodin receptors RYR2 leading to increased diastolic calcium 60% of CPVTs.

arrhythmia is due to DADs

2) Stress ECG with PVCs between Hr 110-130 that disappears during recovery.

Or less commonly bidirectional VT like Digoxin toxicity

3) Nadolol and fleccanid and LCSD

Never Metoprolol, also not in Brs or LQTs

4) ICD when s/p cardiac arrest

Andersen–Tawil syndrome

LQTs 7,

U after an isoelectric line

Low set ears, smaller lower jaw

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis

Pompe Disease

Glycogen storage disease, HCM, hypotonia, respiratory distress, muscle weakness, feeding difficulties, and failure to thrive, AR.

Hepatomegaly and macroglossia

Danon Disease

Glycogen storage disease, X- linked, HCM, Heart failure, wpw, embolic strokes, skeletal muscle weakness, and intellectual disability (LAMP 2) and ophthalmological manifestations.


AMPK mutation, HCM and wpw, CHB, AF

glycogen storage disease

Fabry disease

lysosomal storage diseases affecting the synthesis of sphingolipids (alpha-galactosidase), x linked, CKD, AV Block, SCD, VT, corneal clouding but not blindness, Tinnitus

Friedreich's ataxia

impaired speech, ataxia, HCM, deafness and blindness, DM, scoliosis


4 n half LIM domain 1, isolated x- linked HCM


Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis, and Stroke-like episodes syndrome


MERRF Syndrome

mitochondrial disease, myoclonus epilepsy with ragged-red fibers.

ataxia, dementia, optic atrophy, hearing loss

Normal QTc in men and women

Noonan's Syd.

Low set ears, webbing of shoulders, HCM, VSD, hearing deficits


LQT1wide based T loss K

LQT2 notched T loss K

LQT3 normal T after a long isoelectric segment gain Na

In II and V5

Leopard Syndrome

Lentigines, BBB, Ocular hypertelorism, pulmonary stenosis, abnormal genitalia and retarded growth, sensory neural deafness.


AAD effective in ischemic zones and VT due to flecainid

Lidocain: produces inactivated state block

A side effect of Ivabradine.

Does Ivabradine cause cardiac arrest?

visual signs and symptoms

Ivabradine causes no cardiac arrest, it lowers the HR leaving the ß-adrenergic stimulation effect intact.

Arruda´s algorithm

Type I exit block

gradual shortening of the PP or RR interval with eventual failure to record a P or R wave. The resulting pause (< the sum of two CL) is typical of Wenckebach periodicity.

Type II exit block

the pause that is multiple of basic cycle length

The most common cause of DAD

Digitoxin: inhibits the sodium/potassium pump and leads to increase in intracellular calcium.

DAD also occurs after reperfusion

DAD coincides with the U wave

DAD occur due to Ca overload

EAD causes

IcaL is the primary current responsible current, EAD occurs in LQTs, bradycardia, follows short long short

it causes TdP

Kearns–Sayre syndrome (KSS)

mitochondrial disease> CHB, blindness, deafness, CKD, mental retardation

Idiopathic fascicular VT

RBBB, LAD, verapamil sensitive (post fasc 90%), narrow complex, structurally normal heart.

Upon cessation of the overdrive pacing, tachy continues and the VA of the return cycle difference from VA of tachy > 14 ms is suggestive of...


2:1 conduction during AVNRT might be due to ... Or....

Block in LCP in atypical AVNRT or infrahisian block in typical AVNRT

PVC localization algorithm

V1: qR:

V1: w:

PVC localization algorithmV1: qR: AMCV1: w: LCC/ RCC