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32 Cards in this Set

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In speaking of redemption in a political sense, white southerners of the reconstruction era made reference to
ridding the south of reconstruction governments
the sharecropping system in the south following the reconstruction had the effect of
pushing tenant farmers, former slaves, and poor independent farmers into deep levels of debt to large landowners and merchants
the election of 1876 resulted in controversy and dispute because
a special congressional comission had to be created to determine the winner in three disputed states
which of the following was a consequence of the shift to sharecropping and the crop lien system in the late 19th century south?
a cycle of debt and depression for southern tenant farmers
during reconstruction, southern blacks typically did hwich of the following?
tilled farms as renters and sharecroppers
why did congressional reconstruction end in 1877?
the republicans and democrats effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 election
the liberal republican recolt from the regular republican party in 1872 was moticated primarily by
disgust at the corruption and scandals of the Grant administration
the credit mobilier scandal incolced
railroad construction kickbacks
in her book century of dishonor, helen hunt jackson was particularly critical of the
long series of broken promises and treaties by the federal government to the Indians
The two industries that the transcontinental railroad most significantly expanded were
mining and agriculture
after the civil war, indians surrendered their lands only when they
received solemn promise from the government that they would be left alone and procided with supplies on the remaining land
the US government's outlawing of the Indian Sun (Ghost) Dance in 1890 resulted in
battle of wounded knee
first state to grant women suffrage
the gilded age can best be described as a period of
unbridled political corruption and unregulated business competition
thomas edison
incandescent lightbulb
US vs. E.C. Knight company ruled that
manufacturing was not interstate commerce
vertical integration was pioneered by
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller used all the tactics of business EXCEPT
using federal agents to break his competitors
first billion dollar company
james morgans US STEEL
horizontal integration was primarily a response to
economic competition
all of the following are true of RR expansion in the 19th century EXCEPT that it
was financed by private corporations without government assistance
clothing industry?
sewing machine
the single greatest factor helping to stimulate the amazing post-civil war industrialization was
the railroad network
How did the US gov initially react toward businesses and factories in the latter half of the 19th century?
stayed out
what group was the first target of songressional legislation restricting immigration expressly on the basis of nation origin?
which of the following labor organizations endorse bread and butter wages
the american federation of labor
result of Homestead steel strike
the steel industry was crippled
samuel gompers, head of American federation of labor, said
trade unionism pire and simple
in the late 19th century tax benefits and cheap nonunion labor especially attracted _______ manugactering
Louis sullivans pupil who opposed the construction of skyscrapers and facored a form of architecture in harmony with natural surroundings was
frank lloyd wright
most persistent problem in cities in the last quarter of the 19th century?
water and sewer systems
which of the following statements about american cities between 1890 and 1930 is correct
area of residence was based off of social class