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48 Cards in this Set

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Describe the idea of republicanism which American colonists by the mid-eighteenth century hadpossibly yearned for?

A just society is one which all citizens willingly subordinate their private, selfish interests to the common good. You need a virtuous citizenry.

What did the “radical Whigs” fear about the monarch?

Arbitrary power and the use of patronage and bribes by the king’s ministers

How did distance from the Crown affect the relationship between colonists and the Crown?

The distance caused a weaken authority (when the parents are away the kids will play).

This economic form of government by England increased its wealth because the colonies could bothsupply raw materials to the mother country and provide a guaranteed market for exports?


These laws (better known as Acts) were first implemented in the 1650s to stop rival countries fromtrading with the American colonies (reminder question).

navigation acts

Describe how the Acts described in question #5 were applied to the colonies (two other ways).

Americans must first land in Britain where tariff duties could be collected. Others stipulatedthat American merchants must ship certain ”enumerated” products, notably tobacco,exclusively to Britain.

Money became so tight in the colonies that they printed _________________, but Parliamentprohibited the colonial legislatures from doing this?

paper money

If the colonies passed laws which interfered with the mercantilist system what could Parliament do?

nullify the laws

Most of the laws passed prior to 1763 were loosely enforced. This policy became known as

Salutary Neglect

According to Theodore Roosevelt why did revolution break out in the colonies?

Britain had failed to recognize an emerging


Which British politician warned: “Young man, there is America—which at this day serves for littlemore than to amuse you with stories of savage men and uncouth manners; yet shall, before you tasteof death, show itself equal to the whole of that commerce which now attracts the envy of the world”?

Edmund Burke

Which founding father described Britain in 1775 as: “an old mother that peevish is grown”?

Ben Franklin

What mounting problem faced Britain post-French and Indian War?

140 million in debt

What was the first direct tax applied to the American colonists in 1764? How did it affect the price of the commodity?

Sugar Act of 1764; lowered the price of sugar...go figure!

Which British Prime Minister approved this tax—hence the naming of the taxes after him?

George Grenville

When protest grew in the colonies over the tax of 1764 what was Parliaments reaction?

lowering of the tax

Which act was passed in 1765 which later would lead to the creation of the 3rd Amendment to theUS Constitution?

quartering act of 1765

In that same year, 1765, what famous tax will be passed which affected all classes of colonists?

stamp act

What famous cry came from the Stamp Act Congress concerning these new taxes? What famousrallying cry came from James Otis?

“No taxation without representation”; “Taxation without representation is Tyranny”

Why was the admiralty courts hated by the colonists, which later would be a reason for the passingof the 6th Amendment to the US Constitution?

no jury trials allowed

How did the British answer the colonist protest concerning representation? Describe thatrepresentation.

They stated that the colonists were virtually represented. Grenville stated that every Member of Parliament represented all British subjects.

This body formed in 1765 in protest of the Stamp Act helped to erode sectional suspicions, for itbrought together around the same table leaders from the different and rival colonies?

stamp act congress

What did the colonists do which greatly led to the repealing of the Stamp Act? Non-importation of British good

Non-importation of British good

Name the two groups who used the slogan “Liberty, Property, and No Stamps”?

Sons of Liberty and Daughters of Liberty

Name a famous Massachusetts resident who was a leading member of one of the groups described inquestion #24 (cousin to the 2nd President of the US?

sam adams

What were some of the retaliations by colonists to Stamp collectors?

They would tar and feather them, confiscate their money, hang in effigy a stamp agent on liberty poles

After the Stamp Act was repealed in 1766 which act was immediately passed which stated thatParliament could legislate for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”—(they just never learn)?

Declaratory Act

How were the Townshend Acts of 1767 different than the Stamp Act? This tax was an indirect customs duty payable at American ports (not a direct tax)

This tax was an indirect customs duty payable at American ports (not a direct tax)

What were the revenues of the Townshend Acts used for?

Pay the salaries of the royal governors and judges in America

What famous clash took place on March 5, 1770 in Boston? Who created the woodcut that was usedas a propaganda tool surrounding this incident?

Boston Massacre; Paul Revere

How many colonists lost their life in this clash? Who was the first man to die? What future POTUSdefended the soldiers on trial for this incident?

Five – including Crispus Attucks; John Adams

Parliament finally repealed all of the Townshend revenue duties in 1770, but one—which one--oops?


The failure to repeal all of the revenue duties led to this event in December of 1773?

the Boston tea party

What did Sam Adams create in 1772 which helped to contribute to the spirit of resistance in thecolonies?

Letter writing campaigns between the colonies. Intercolonial Committees of Correspondence

What did the Boston Port Act do?

Closed Boston harbor until the damages were paid and order could be ensured

These Acts swept away many of the colonial Massachusetts charter rights? What was the opinion ofthe other colonies concerning these acts?I

Intolerable (Coercive) Acts; The colonies worried that is Massachusetts rights could be revokes so could their rights (charters)

This Act guaranteed the Catholic religion and permitted the conquered French Canadians their oldcustoms and institutions?

Quebec Act—gave the French more rights than the colonists!!!

What was the major problem with the act discussed in question #37 with the colonists?

Dangerous precedent against jury trials and popular assemblies

What document will be generated by the 1st Continental Congress?

Declaration of Rights and formed the Continental Association

What did the Association call for concerning British goods?

Complete boycott—nonimportation, nonexportation, and noncomsumption

In April of 1775 what famous battle took place which is the start of the Am. Revolution?

Battle of Lexington and Concord

What two men made the famous ride to warn the colonials of the British coming ashore (not really inthe book)?

Paul Revere and William Dawes

List the advantages the British had over the colonials at the beginning of the Am. Revolution.

Numbers (3 to 1), Monetary wealth and naval power, professionally trained army, hired mercenaries.

What adversities did the British face in the American Revolution?

Had to conquer the American; restoring the pre-1763 status quo; Operating 3,000 miles from home (supplies and military orders were slow in getting to the colonies); America’s geographical expanse was enormous; no urban nerve center like Britain or France; Americans were fighting on their own soil and fighting a defensive war; Americans had a cause to fight for;

What young Frenchman will give his service and $200,000 to the Americans while fighting in theAmerican Revolution?

Marquis de Lafayette

This form of money became worthless because of the amount of currency which was printed?


What famous German fought with the Americans during the Revolution?

Baron von Steuben

Place the following in chronological order: Intolerable Acts, Boston Massacre, Battles of Lexingtonand Concord, French and Indian War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act.

F/I War, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts, Lexington & Concord