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99 Cards in this Set

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Ethics Code intent
Specific standards to cover most situations encountered by psychologists.
Ethics Code goals
The welfare and protection of individuals and groups with whom psychologists work and the education of members, students, and public regarding ethical standards of the discipline.
To develop a dynamic ethical practice requires
* A commitment to act ethically
* encourage ethical behavior by students, supervisees, employees, and colleagues
* consult with others concerning ethical problems
General Principles vs Ethical Standards
* Aspirational - highest ethical ideal of the profession to guide and inspire; unenforceable; cannot use to sanction/discipline
* Lowest standards of behavior, enforceable, can discipline
Principle A: Beneficence and Non-Maleficence
Strive to benefit, do no harm. Resolve conflicts of obligation while doing no harm, guard against misusing own influence; Be aware of own mental health on ability to help others.
Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility
Est. relationships with clients based on trust; be aware of responsibilities and uphold standards; accept responsibility for own behavior; manage conflicts of interest; consult, refer, cooperate; monitor others' ethical compliance; some pro-bono work
Principle C: Integrity
Promote accuracy, honesty, truthfulness; no cheating/fraud; keep word; use deception with care
Principle D: Justice
Everyone deserves equal access/quality of services; be aware of biases and operate w/in boundaries of competence
Principle E: Respect for people's rights and dignity
Respect dignity/worth of ppl along with rights (privacy, confidentiality, self-determination); special respect for vulnerable populations; respect for individual differences and knowledge of own biases (reduce/minimize); refrain from participating in prejudicial activities
Principles mnemonic:
Benefit Fidel in just respect
Beneficence & Non-Maleficence
Fidelity & Responsibility
Respect for people's rights and dignity
If you learn of misuse or misrepresentation of your work...
...take reasonable steps to correct of minimize this misuse and misrepresentation
If your ethical commitments conflict with the law...
...make known your commitment to the standards and take steps to resolve the conflict in accordance with the code. If you can't, obey the law.
If your organization's demands conflict with the ethics code...
...make known your commitment to the ethics code and try to resolve in accordance with the code.
If a colleague has committed an ethical infraction...
...if resolvable in an informal way, go to them personally (if appropriate and doesn't violate confidentiality)
If a colleague has committed an ethical violation that risks significant or substantial harm and not appropriate for informal resolution...
...refer to the state or national committee on professional ethics, to the state licensing board, or to the appropriate institutional authorities. Doesn't apply if an intervention would violate confidentiality.
Not complying with ethics investigations....
...is an ethics violation
If you have been the subject of an ethics investigation can you be denied employment, advancement, admission to academic programs, tenure or promotion?
No. But those things can be revoked based upon the outcome of such proceedings.
Boundaries of competence...
Practice only what you know based on education, training, supervised experience, consultation, study, or professional experience
To improve competence...
Consult, seek new education or retraining, get supervised experience or study; continuing ed
What should you do if someone presents for services that are outside of your competence?
Refer unless it's an emergency, in which case provide but only until the emergency has ended or other services are available.
If someone presents for services that are somewhat similar to your qualifications but probably outside of your competence - and they have no other mental health services available to them - what should you do?
May provide services in order to make sure services aren't denied, but must also make a reasonable effort to obtain the competence required by using research, training, consultation, and study
How should you proceed using innovative or new treatments?
Make aware the dangers or risks as a part of informed consent and strive to ensure competence by using relevant research, training, consultation, etc.
What should psychologists do to ensure competence in forensics?
Maintain an accurate understanding of the laws and administrative rules covering their roles.
Upon what should a psychologist's work be based?
Scientific and professional knowledge of the discipline
In delegating work to others, what issues need to be considered?
* The person to whom work is delegated must not have multiple relationships or objectivity concerns to the population with whom they'll work.
* They better be competent and you'd better see to it that they are
What should you do if you realize you're functioning under some sort of impairment or your personal problems may interfere with your work?
Refrain from or limit work activities; seek consultation to see if you should limit, suspend, or terminate work; get help/assistance
Sexual harassment is...
* sexual solicitation, physical advances, verbal or nonverbal conduct that is sexual in nature that occurs in connection with your work is either:
1) unwelcome, offensive, creates a hostile work/ed enviro and you know or are told this;
2) sufficiently severe or intense to be abusive to a reasonable person in same context.
Can be one time serious act or multiple small acts.
In terms of harm you should...
Take steps to minimize or avoid, including foreseeable harm.
Multiple relationships are...
When you are in a professional role with a person and
1) at the same time in another role with them
2) in a relationship with a person closely associated with or related to that person
3) promise to enter into another form of relationship in the future with that same person or a closely related other
How should you handle multiple relationships?
They are not inherently unethical. You should avoid them, though, if they could reasonably be expected to impair your objectivity, competence, or effectiveness or other risks exploitation or harm.
What should you do if you are involved in a multiple relationship that later becomes potentially harmful?
Take steps to resolve the conflict and clarify roles with respect for that individual and compliance with the Code.
What should you do if you're required by law, institutional policy, or extraordinary circumstance to engage in more than one role in judicial or administrative proceedings?
At the very beginning, clarify role expectations, confidentiality, and continue awareness and clarity in an ongoing, revisited way, particularly if any circumstances change.
What is a conflict of interest?
Personal, scientific, financial, professional, legal, financial, or other issue impairs objectivity, competence, effectiveness in performing work; and/or exposes someone else to harm or exploitation. (Avoid this.)
What should you do if asked by a third party to provide services for someone else?
At the very beginning clarify to all involved the nature of the relationship with each, role of the psychologist, confidentiality issues, who is the client, probable use of services and information obtained.
Do you have an ethical obligation to cooperate with other mental health professionals regarding a client?
What is informed consent?
A process, not an event. Unfolds in an ongoing way, over time, and should be revisited, particularly if any circumstances trained. Strive to make a thorough and culturally/linguistically appropriate explanation of the therapeutic process, confidentiality, expectations regarding prognosis, fees, involvement of third parties, limits and risks, etc. Also applies to research, assmt, and consulting. BE SURE to provide adequate time for q and a.
How should you seek consent with persons who are legally unable to provide it?
Seek assent. Provide a culturally and linguistically appropriate explanation. Consider their preferences and best interests. Obtain appropriate consent from their legal representative. Take steps to protect their rights and welfare.
What should you do in terms of informed consent if services are legally mandated or court ordered?
Inform the individual of the nature of the services, including whether they are court-ordered/mandated; explain limits of confidentiality and who'll be getting the info.
What should you do if you're providing services through an organization?
* The nature and objective of the services
* The intended recipients
* Who the clients are
* Relationship you will have with each person and the organization
* Probable uses of services and info obtained
* Who will have access to the info
* Limits of confidentiality
* As soon as feasible, provide results to appropriate individuals
What should you do if by law or organizational roles you can't provide feedback or information regarding services to individuals within an org. context?
Tell them at the very beginning.
What should you do about possible interruption of services?
Have a plan in place for facilitating services should you become incapacitated/dead, such as a professional will. Inform clients about potential interruptions due to non-payment at the beginning.
In terms of maintaining confidentiality...
...you have PRIMARY OBLIGATION to take reasonable precautions to protect confidential information in any medium.
In terms of informed consent regarding confidentiality, you should...
...discuss with clients all limits to confidentiality and how information from your services will be or could be used at the outset of a therapeutic relationship (unless contraindicated) and thereafter as new circumstances may warrant. If you use electronic records, inform of risks related to this and adhere to HIPAA.
Before recording voice or image of clients you should...
...get their permission. Preferably in writing. (Document or it didn't happen.)
In terms of privacy, what should be included in reports?
Only information germane to the report itself.
In terms of minimizing privacy, you should discuss confidential information obtained in your work...
...only for scientific or professional purposes with ppl concerned with the matter. De-identify any teaching material.
You may make disclosures of confidential information w/o a release in which circumstances?
* To provide needed professional services
* obtain appropriate consultation
* Protect client, others, self from harm
* obtain payment for services (only minimum info needed)
When and how can you use your cases for teaching and writing purposes?
* If you've deidentified the material
* If you've gotten their permission
* There is legal authorization for doing so
Even if you've retained others to create promotions/advertising for your services...
...you bear the ultimate responsibility for the content.
Advertising should...
...be clearly recognizable as such (no phony promotions through fake paid for "news items); accurate and not misrepresentative of any of your qualifications or exaggerating outcome; should never solicit testimonials.
When providing public comment or advice via print, internet, etc. take precaution to...
* ensure that statements are based on professional knowledge, training, or experience in accord with literature and practice
* statements are consistent with the Code
* do not indicate that a professional relationship has been entered into with the recipient
What are the guidelines in terms of soliciting services in-person?
* Don't do it, particularly with vulnerable contacts
* Can do it if trying to keep person already engaged in therapy to continue for their benefit
* Can do it for disaster relief
What are the purposes of keeping records?
* Facilitating later tx
* Allowing replication of research
* Institutional requirements
* Billing accuracy
* Compliance with the law
What should you do if other people who have not been granted access will see records entered into a database?
Use coding or other techniques to avoid inclusion of personal identifiers.
In terms of protecting records in the long-term...
...have a plan in place in case of your incapacitation/death to transfer/dispose of those records
Can you withhold a clients requested records due to non-payment?
How should you communicate with your client about fees?
As early and as specifically as possible reach an agreement. Let them know immediately about limitations in services due to non-payment and how that will be handled. If you need to engage collections, let them know you will be doing so first and only disclose a minimal amount of information to facilitate collecting.
Fees need to be...
...consistent with law, accurately represented, consistent with local norms
You may only use barter under which two conditions?
It is not contra-indicated.
It is not exploitative.
In terms of accuracy in reports to payors and funding sources, what should you take care to include?
* It should be accurate in terms of the nature of the services or research; the fees, charges or payments; and where applicable the identity of the provider, the findings, and the diagnosis (i.e. no insurance or grant fraud!)
Can you refer to others for a fee?
Nope. Fees must be assessed only for services provided (clinical, administrative, consult, etc.)
In designing educational and training programs they should be...
...designed to provide the appropriate knowledge and proper experiences and meet requirements for licensure, certification, or other goals stated by the program
Educational programs need to be clearly and accurately described regarding current program content such as...
...participation in require coursework or practica, psychotherapy, experiential groups, consulting projects, community service, training goals/objectives, stipends and benefits, requirements of satisfactory completion. Info needs to be readily available.
Syllabi are contracts that can't be modified. True or false?
False. They should accurately describe course content, methods of evaluation, and expected course experiences. However, you may modify them so long as students are provided with a way to complete the course.
Educational programs may not require students to disclose personal problems related to what?
Sexual history, history of abuse or neglect, psychological tx, and relationships with parents, peers, and spouses.
Under what circumstances may training programs require disclosure of students' personal information?
* If program materials clearly state that such information will have to be disclosed
* Reasons of trainee impairment
If programs require mandatory therapy of their students, they must:
*Indicate this in admissions materials and program description
* Provide access to therapists unaffiliated with the program
* Ensure that those who will be responsible for evaluation are not conducting the therapy
How should supervisee feedback be handled?
* Discuss at the beginning how you will be evaluating them and on what basis
* Provide feedback in a timely manner (formative and summative)
* Make sure that evaluation is only related to actual basis described to them - performance and program requirements (e.g. not personal)
Informed consent for research should include:
* Purpose of research, expected duration and procedures
* right to decline to participate and w/draw
* foreseeable consequences of declining w/drawing
* potential risks
* prospective research benefits
* limits of confidentiality
* incentives
* contact info for questions and participants' rights
MUST provide time for q and a.
How should experimental intervention research be handled?
* Clarify experimental nature
* Clarify that control group will not have access to the intervention
* How assignment to experimental or control group will be handled
* available tx alternatives if an individual doesn't wish to participate or wants to w/draw
* compensation and/or reimbursement from a third party payor
Under which circumstances do you not have to get permission to record images/voice for research?
* Naturalistic in a public place and won't be used for identification or harm
* Deception is involved and consent for taping is secured during debriefing
If subordinates, clients, or students are used for research, you should...
...take steps to protect them from adverse consequences upon declining or w/drawing
If research is a course requirement you must...
...provide equitable alternatives
Under which circumstances does research not require informed consent?
* When it will not reasonably cause harm and involves:
a) study of normal education practices
b) anonymous questionnaire, naturalistic observation, archival research which won't endanger participants in terms of finances, reputation, civilly or criminally
c) study of factors related to job or org. effectiveness conducted in an org. setting w/ no risk to participants' jobs
d) where permitted by law
Incentives in research need to be handled how?
* Not unduly excessive as to be coercive
* When offering professional services as inducement, make sure to describe the services, risks, obligations, and limitations
When and how can you use deception in research?
* Use of deception offers significant prospective value and non-deception won't work
* Can't cause physical pain or severe emotional distress
* Must debrief and allow w/drawal of their data
How should research debriefing be handled?
* promptly offer info about nature, results, and conclusion of the research and correct misconceptions
* if you can't debrief due to scientific of humane values take steps to reduce harm
* if you realize your research has harmed a participant, take steps to minimize harm
Publication credits need to be based on what?
Actual contribution to the publication, not just b/c you're the dept chair. Minor contributions should be acknowledged as footnotes. You only take credit for work you actually did and substantially contributed to.
Who is listed as the first author on an article substantially based on a student's dissertation?
The student. The advisor must discuss publication credit soon and throughout the process. Only in exceptional circumstances may the student not be listed as first author.
If another researcher requests your data for verification purposes, what should you do?
Provide it. You can request cost reimbursement for doing so (copying, etc). Clarify that it will only be used revalidation purposes and must secure written agreement for any other use. Confidentiality of participants must be maintained.
Assessment conclusions, findings, and recommendations must be based on...
...sufficient information, techniques, and personal evaluation to substantiate findings; scientific and accurate testing procedure and instruments
What should you do if you're not able to conduct an assessment examination substantial enough to support sound conclusions?
Document efforts made and results of those efforts; clarify the probably impact of limited info on reliability and validity of your opinion; and limit the nature and extent of your conclusions and recommendations.
Assessment instruments should be chosen and used...
...only for the purpose in which they were intended to be used, with the population upon which it has been normed (or document and limit, if not available); use methods in client's preferred language and competence level unless language is relevant to the assmt procedure; chose instruments with appropriate reliability and validity; of course don't use out-dated or obsolete tests.
Always get informed consent for assessment except when:
* testing is mandated by law or govt regulation
* consent is implied b/c of routine educational/work issues (agreeing to testing to be hired)
* part of the testing is done to assess decisional capacity
Assessment informed consent includes:
* explanation of the nature and purpose of the assmt
* fees
* involvement of third parties
* limits of confidentiality
MUST provide time for q and a
If assmt is mandated by law and/or their ability to consent is questionable, you should...
...inform them about the nature and purpose of the assmt, using language that is reasonably understandable.
If using services of an interpreter in assessment, you must...
...get informed consent from the client to use that interpreter, ensure that confidentiality of test results and test security are maintained, and include in recommendations, reports, and dx or evaluative statements, a discussion of limitations due to use of that interpreter.
How should the release of test data be handled?
Should release appropriate info related to findings (scaled scores that lead to interp and dx, etc.). You may refrain from releasing test data to protect a client or others from substantial harm or misuse or misrepresentation of the data, recognizing that in many instances the release of confidential info under these circumstances is regulated by law (e.g. HIPAA)
Assessment interpretation should be based on:
* Purpose of the assessment
* Test-taking abilities
* Personal characteristics (situational, personal, linguistic, cultural, etc)
* Indicate significant limitations of interpretation
Even if you use a scoring service or automated scoring rather than scoring assmts yourself, you still...
...retain ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of the scoring.
When obtaining informed consent for new forms of therapy, you should...
...inform the client of the developing nature of the tx, potential risks, alternative txs that may be available, voluntary nature of participation (in addition to regular informed consent).
When the therapist is a trainee and legal responsibility for tx resides with the supervisor, you should amend informed consent how?
Discuss trainee status and inform of supervision; give supervisors name.
When you provide services to several persons (families, couples) you should...
At the outset, clarify
* which of the individuals are clients
* the relationship you'll have with each
* your role and probable use of services provided and info obtained
If you have to perform potentially conflicting roles (such as therapist then witness for one party in divorce proceedings) you should
...take reasonable steps to clarify and modify or w/draw from roles as appropriate.
What should you do at the beginning of group therapy, in terms of informed consent?
Clarify roles and responsibilities of all parties and the limits of confidentiality.
If a client is receiving services elsewhere provided by another individual, what should you do?
* Carefully consider the tx issues and client's welfare
* Discuss these issues with them in order to minimize risk of confusion and conflict
* Consult with the other provider when appropriate
* Proceed with caution and sensitivity
When can you have sex with a client?
* Under unusual circumstances
* Two years after therapeutic relationship has ended
* Bear the burden of proving there has been no exploitation
* Don't have sex with clients' close relatives, friends, etc. either and don't terminate therapy in order to do so
Can you accept clients into therapy with whom you've had sex in the past?
When and how should you terminate therapy?
* When it becomes clear they are no longer needing service, are not likely to benefit, or are being harmed
* When threatened or otherwise endangered by a client or associate of the client
* Unless you are precluded by client's actions or third party payors, provide pre-termination counseling and offer referrals for alternative services within the community.