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58 Cards in this Set

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4 types of tissue

Epithelium, Connective, muscular, neural

epithelial tissue is what kind of vascular

avascular which means there is no blood supply

all epithelial tissue is attached to what

basement membrane

endothelium are found where?

heart, BVs, and lymph tissues

mesothelium is found where and is what type of cell

peritoneum, pleural, and pericardial (simple squamous epithelium)

secretes mucus

goblet cells

fingerlike projections that increase surface area to increase rate of absorption


what does coughing and sneezing do to cilia

it speeds it up

what makes up the entire GI tract

non-ciliated simple columnar epithelium

epidermis is what kinds of cell

stratified squamous epithelium that is keratinized

what does epidermis function

protect from abrasion, waterloss, UV light, and foreign invaders

where is transitional epithelium located

bladder, ureters, urethra

what does transitional epithelium have ability to do?


glandular epithelium does what


What makes up connective tissue

bone, cartilage, tendons, & blood

connective tissue is how vascular

highly vascular

what are fibroblasts

they secrete fibers & ground substance to extracellular mix. MC connective tissue. Maintainer of CT

what are the most abundant CT in the body

Collagen fibers

macrophages are what

large eaters. type of white blood cell and help clean up the cell


fat cell that store triglycerides


forms all types of CT

Reticular Loose CT is found where

STROMA of liver (supporting framework)

Cartilage CT is what?

resilient ( returns to original shape)

fibrocartilage is found where

strongest/ found in pubic symphsis, intervertebral discs, and menisci

in liquid CT extracellular matrix is what

blood plasma

voluntary muscle


involuntary muscle

cardiac muscle and smooth muscle

tight junctions are found where

stomach,intestines, and bladder

cell junction that resist separation

adherens junctions

anchors cells to basement membrane


integumentary system includes

the skin which is the largest organ in the body

what are the 6 functions of integumentary system

thermo regulation

stores blood (8 to 10% of body's blood)

protects from external environment

detects cutaneous sensations

excretes & absorbs substances

synthesizes Vitamin D

epidermis is composed of what

Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

what are keratinocytes

make up 90 % of dermis, produce keratin that protect from abrasions, heat microbes and chemicals

what is melanin

creates pigment absorbs UV light

immune response against microbes


detect touch

merkel cells

list the 5 layers of the epidermis from superficial to deepest

Stratum Corneum

Stratum Lucidum

S. Granulosum

S. Spinosum

S. Basale

What happens is Stratum Basale

all new cell growth

Where skin sluffs off

stratum corneum

what happens in stratum granulosum

apoptosis (cells start to die)

keratin is formed where

stratum spinosum

epidermal ridges are found where

stratum lucidum (not thin skin)

meissner corpuscles

touch receptor

Hypodermis is also called

subcutaneous layer

pacinian corpuscles

pressure & vibration

involuntary muscle that makes hair stand up

Arrector Pilli

thermoregulation glands found in forehead,palms, and sole of feet

eccrine glands


Blue (decrease oxygen)


yellow( increase bilirubin in liver)


red ( increase diameter of capillaries)


pale (fear shock or anemic)

injury to only the epidermis

epidermal wound healing

injury extends to the dermis

deep wound healing

what phase does blood clotting occur

inflammatory phase

A,B,C,D,E of skin cancer

A (asymmetry)

B (borders)

C ( color uneven)

D (diameter >6mm)

E (Evolving)

3rd degree burns also known as

full thickness (destroys all three layers)

rule of 9s

head 4.5 (front and back)

arm 4.5 (F&B)

upper torso 9 (F&B)

lower 9 ( F&B)

leg 9 (F&B)