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5 Cards in this Set

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River preserved

New parts of city are built on top of old parts

Houses and workshops were uncovered

Made of wood

Timber streets - covered in mud

Wood, leather, wooden utensils, instruments

Had beresty

We think the houses were 2-3 story log cabins, each yard enclosed with fence, each had its own privy


Bark manuscripts

Household records, government records

Gave explanation of literacy level, lifestyle, and business of the population


Toilet located outside

Spears in Germany

No one believed this at first because prior research believed hominins didn't use spears that early on

Fossilized, butchered horse bones were also found

Both spears and bones are perishables

Were kept in mud which is anaerobic

Spears were produced using spruce trees

This meant that they traveled because there weren't spruce trees close

Stone tools were used to make smooth

Went on hunts to kill horses (not sure how killed or where)

Old interpretation showed communal kill and fire hearths

New interpretation shows no communal kill and no fire hearths

Bones showed multiple, small hunting events

Steps regarding spears

Recognize group needs food

Use wood to make wooden tool

Use wooden tool to flintknap stone tool

Travel to get spruce tree wood

Use stone tool to carve tree branch

Go on hunt and kill horses