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143 Cards in this Set

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probably studied barbary macaques classification based on phenotype of tails
encountered african apes, they threw rocks at his boat, he called them "gorilae"
anatomist, dissected barbary macaques, published books that became important references for anatomy
father of zoology, published first book not focused on anatomy but also studied/described behavior
first publication of "orang-outan"
tyson e
father of primatology
came up with the taxonomical system
natural selection
1) variation within population
2) variation can be heritable
3) limited resources
4) disproportionate genetic legacy
stabilizing selection
maintaining the status quo
directional selection
a shift in the average over time
disruptive selection
selection against the average
balancing selection
maintains variation in the population by maintaining genetic diversity with different mechanisms
non-neutral evolution
shapes variation in a particular way depending on individual fitness under current ecological conditions
neutral evolution
vast majority of evolutionary changes (at the molecular) are caused by random drift which causes a change over time in the frequency of genes/traits
a trait with a function
direct fitness
fitness is measured by the number of offspring that survive to reproduce
indirect fitness
fitness gained through relatives that pass on shared genes
inclusive fitness
individual's direct fitness + fitness gained through relatives that pass on shared genes
examples of cooperative behaviors in females
co-feeding, allies, alarm calls, grooming, food sharing
examples of cooperative behaviors in males
coalitions, alarm calls, meat
life history theory
organisms have a limited amount of time and energy to devote to growth, reproduction, etc.
life history decisions
-reproduce now v. later
-short juvenile period v. long juvenile period
-parental investment v. mating effort
-r strategy v. k strategy
specialized trait
selection for some special function

ex. loss of clavicle = run better
generalized trait
not modified for any special function

ex. five digits/retained clavicle = climbing
primitive characteristics
a trait which has been inherited from a distant ancestor

ex. body hair in primates, mammary glands in whales
derived characteristics
a trait present in a descendant taxon that was either: not present in ancestor, present in recent ancestor.

ex. loss of body hair in humans, adaptations of bipedality in humans
traits of feet and hands
-grasping hands/feet
-opposable first digits
traits of visual system
-forward-facing eyes
-orbital convergence results in stereoscopic vision
-post-orbital bar
-most have color vision
life history traits
-primates all share features of their life history patterns
-long life span
-long periods of gestation and dependence
-small litter size
-some have long inter-birth intervals
evolutionary grade
level/stage of organization based on overall similarities in morphology, behavior, and lifestyle
evolutionary clade
ancestor and all of its descendants, groupings reflect descent from a single common ancestor
major clades
1) lemuroidea (madagascar): lorises and galagos
2) tarsioidea (southeast asia, indonesia, philippines): tarsiers
3) ceboidea (south america): new world monkeys
4) hominoidea (old world monkeys): apes, humans
may be ancestor to primates, but differ in many ways:
heavy reliance on smell, tusk-like incisor, eyes on the side, no post-orbital bar, small brains, no grasping hands/feet, claws instead of nails
arboreal hypothesis (smith + jones)
traits evolved to meet demand of life in trees; ability to judge distances and grasp branches; sense of smell not helpful, so lead to expansion of visual system in primates.

problem: many other animals are fine without primate traits
visual predation hypothesis (cartmill)
traits allowed primates to be effective predators of insects: the vision was used to stalk and catch insects.

problem: again, other animals eat insects but this only happend to primates
angiosperm hypothesis (sussman)
traits co-evolved with flowering plants that produce fruits (which produce big brains); nocturnal primates eat fruit; you need to see the fruit in the dark: expanded vision.

problem: the first appearance of certain traits and flowering plants doesn't match, and doesn't account for variability in primates' vision
locomotor hypothesis (crompton)
combination of leaping and finding small objects lead to visual specialization to break through camouflage.
snake detection hypothesis
predation by constrictors lead to visual development in early primates.
x-ray hypothesis (changizi + shimojo)
important to see in a leafy environment, convergent eyes allow for the ability to see past leafy visual barriers.
two families:
1) omomyids
2) adapids
where are primates found?
typically in tropical regions, between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn
how do primates coexist?
1) sociality: predation may influence things like dispersal patters and group composition. more eyes = less predators.
2) distribution: species may overlap each other, may divide forest.
3) stratification in forest use: some live in trees, some live on the ground, etc.
role of primates in their environments
act as both predator and prey, act as pollinators/seed dispersers for the plants.
primate ecology
scramble competition
efficiency competition, happens when:
1) foods are mobile/can be eaten rapidly
2) foods occur uniformly through a patch
3) foods are evenly distributed through a range
contest competition
get food through active defense, happens when:
1) foods take a long time to eat
2) foods occur in discrete areas within a patch
3) foods occur in discrete patches within a range
competition occurs at two levels:
1) intergroup feeding competition: between groups
2) intragroup feeding competition: between individuals within a group
reproductive contraints (females)
reproductive success based on access to resources because having the baby monkey is energetically costly, which is why they arrange themselves according to resources, are choosy about mates (intersexual selection)
reproductive constraints (male)
reproductive success dependent on access to females, less energetically constrained, distribute based on where females are and compete for females
different types of social systems
-solitary foragers
-monogamous pairs
-one male, multi-females
-multi-male, multi-female
-fission/fusion groups
-multi-level groups
solitary foragers
females have overlapping home ranges, male ranges overlap female territory.

females travel with young, female territoriality varies, both sexes disperse
monogamous pairs
mating pair share a home range, do not overlap others ranges.

territorial, pair travels with offspring, both sexes disperse, variable paternal care.
one male, multi-female group
males and females share large range, both travel with dependents, males disperse when sexual maturity is reached, highly sexually dimorphic, high infanticide rates, variation in male reproductive success (highly aggressive), males may bond with other males in bachelor groups, females are not closely bonded.
multi-male, multi-female group
both share a large range, both travel with offspring, males form dominance hierarchy, male-based dispersal, varying degree of sexual dimorphism
type of multi-male/female group.

share a large range, form and splinter whenever, female based dispersal, males are all related, males cooperate to defend, male/male competition, reduced sexual dimorphism
multi-level groups
many multi-groups form temporarily while foraging or sleeping.

may occur due to rarity of sleeping sites, may reduce cost of female dispersal, little interaction of members between groups even when gathered as a band.
4 theories as to why primates live in groups
1) predation
2) food competition
3) infanticide
4) dispersion/foraging efficiency
examples of how primates cooperate
1) territorial defense
2) cooperative infant care
3) cooperative antipredator defense
why cooperation is important
1) need to learn about predators
2) development of alarm call specificity (ex. chlorocebus)
3) how to find/process food
4) co-feeding and learning food selectively
5) how to behave
6) cultural traits
7) ways of resolving conflict when in contact with another individual
how are hierarchies determined?
1) avoidance
2) supplant (displacement of another)
3) dominance
4) aggression
what governs male relationships
1) distribution of females in time and space
2) ways to access females/how they compete
ways males gain access to females/how they compete
1) defense of resources (solitary foragers, monogamous pairs): aggression towards other males.
2) mate defense (m-ff, monogamous pairs): agression towards other males.
3) social dominance (mm-ff): complex male relationships, often sperm competition.
what males cooperate over
meat, territory, status
what resources are important to females?
help, safety, food
morphological characteristics of strepsirhines
1) grooming claw
2) postorbital bar
3) less complex visual system
behavioral characteristics of strepsirhines
1) mostly arboreal
2) most are solitary foragers
3) most nocturnal
4) rely heavily on non-visual signals
5) many show female dominance
6) some baby park, some carry
7) some undergo torpor
8) many are good leapers
geographic: c africa + se asia

primary predators: barn owls, snakes, chimps, genet
subfamilies of lorisoidea
1) galaginae
2) lorisinae
3) perodictinae
geographic location: madagascar

predators: raptors
families of lemuroidea
1) lemuridae
2) indriidae
3) lepilemuridae
4) daubentoniidae
5) cheiroglaeidae
subfamilies of lemururidae
1) lemur
2) varecia
cheriogaleidae genera
1) phaner
2) mirza
3) cheriogaleus
lepilemuridae genera
1) lepilemur
indriidae genera
1) indri
2) propithecus
3) avahi
daubentoniidae genera
1) daubentonia
lemuroidea general diet tendencies
a) primary
b) variety of diets
lemuroidea activity pattern
a) variety: some are diurnal, some are nocturnal
lemuroidea social organization
a) variety of social systems; very social
non-malagasy strepsirhines
1) all nocturnal
2) solitary foragers
3) slow or fast moving
4) similar diet: fruit, insects
malagasy stresirhines
1) highly seasonal breeding, some have litters
2) some show seasonal changes in activity
3) some exhibit seasonal changes in sociality
4) female feeding dominance
5) lack of sexual dimorphism
6) fill a variety of niches
energy conservation hypothesis
harsh environment of madagascar has led to extreme f-f competition over resources during key times
evolutionary disequilibrium hypothesis
recent extinctions of raptors and large-bodied lemur species allowed extant taxa to shift to diurnal activity pattern
morphological traits of haplorhines
1) exhibit more derived characteristics
2) all but tarsiers have fully closed postorbital plates
3) greater orbital convergence
4) larger relative brain size
5) reduced olfactory system
6) no rhinarium (dry nose)
7) no tapetum lucidum (eye shine)
8) fused frontal bones
9) fused mandibl
10) more complex molars
11) larger bodies
behavioral traits of haplorhines
1) almost entirely diurnal
2) more herbivorous
3) inability to synthesize vitamin c (need fruit)
4) less leaping
5) most live in social groups
6) greater sexual dimorphism
morphological traits of tarsiers
1) mostly closed orbital plate
2) very large convergent eyes
3) no tapetum lucidum
4) fused frontal
5) dry nose
6) mobile eyers
7) 2 grooming claws
8) specialized ankle/leg morph
9) sharp, simple teeth
10) unfused mandible
11) no tooth comb
12) discoidal, haemochorial placenta
13) primitive uterine morphology
14) multiple sets of nipples
behavioral traits of tarsiers
1) nocturnal
2) specialized vertical cling/leap
3) solitary foragers
4) baby park
5) faunivorous
2 possible classifications of tarsiers
1) grade (prosimii)
2) clade (haplorhini)
how are adapoidea like lemurs?
1) grade: similar molars, snouts, skulls, postorbital bars
2) clade: small, spatulate upper incisors, derived ankles/wrists, one species with grooming claw
how are adapoidea different from lemurs?
1) no tooth comb
2) usually have fused mandibular synthesis
2 types of adapoidea
1) genus cantius
2) genus notharctus (best known adapoid)
how are omomyoidea like tarsiers?
1) small body size
2) unfused mandibular synthesis
3) most with large eyes
4) short snouts
5) leaping adaptations
6) similar placement of olfactory bulb
type of omomyoidea
1) genus teilhardina
why are lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers today restricted to madagascar and nocturnal niches of africa/asia?
1) madagascar split from africa early and the only primates to get there were lemurs
2) competition with rodents, monkeys, apes pushed lorises and tarsiers into nocturnal niches
morphological characteristics of cercopithecoids
1) bilophodont molars
2) large diastema
3) sectorial lower canine that sharpens upper incisor
4) ischial callosities
5) sexually dimorphic
behavioral characteristics of cercopithecoids
1) uniform dispersal/dominance patterns
2) some are highly terrestrial
genuses of cercopithecidae
1) colobus
2) pilicolobus
3) semnopithecus
4) presbytis
5) nasalis
morphological characteristics of platyrrhines
1) distinctive nose shape (flat nose)
2) three premolars, small/no diastema (space between teeth)
3) some have prehensile tails (only nwm)
4) some have claw-like nails
5) polymorphic color vision
6) many show reduced pollex opposability
behavioral characteristics of platyrrhines
1) highly arboreal
2) all live in groups
3) lots of female dispersal
4) scentmarking common
5) all diurnal except owl monkey
6) cebus uses tools
7) polyspecific associations common
8) headcocking (owm)
geographic distribution of platyrrhines
africa + s america
primary predators of platyrrhines
1) harpy eagle
2) jaguar
3) tayra
4) ocelot
5) boa constrictor
6) anaconda
7) crested eagle
3 families of platyrrhini
1) atelidae
(genera: ateles, alouatta, brachyteles)
2) cebidae
(genera: cebus, aotus)
43 callitrichidae
(genera: saguinus)
morphological characteristics of catarrhines
1) narrow, downward facing nostrils
2) 2 premolar (platyrrhines have 3)
3) visual acuity (strongest sense)
4) all trichromatic
behavioral characteristics of catarrhines
1) all diurnal
2) all but one of them live in groups (except orangutan)
3) many are more terrestrial than nwm
4) larger bodied
5) use the ground more
6) many rely on visual cues of estrus instead of olfactory (sexual swelling are cues of estrus)
morphological characters of cercopithecoids
1) bilophodont molars
2) large diastema
3) sectorial lower premolar
4) they are fruit eaters so the have a long small intestine
5) cheek pouches
6) sexual swelling
behavioral characteristics of cercopithecoids
1) fairly uniform dispersal/dominance patterns
2) highly terrestrial
3) most are highly arboreal
4) almost entirely male based dispersal
5) dominance hierarchies vary in strength/means
genera of cercopithecoids
1) colobus
2) presbytis
3) cercopithecus
4) papio
5) theropthecus
2 tribes of cercopithecines
1) cercopithecini
2) papionini (includes macaques and baboons)
cercopithecines: genus macaca
cercopithecines: genus papio
dietary tendencies of cercopithecines
1) fruit eaters
2) simple stomach and digestive tract
3) large incisors
4) low rounded molar cusps: budidant teeth
5) really good manual hands
6) cheek pouches
activity pattern of cercopithecines
1) quadrupedal walkers and runners, some are good leapers
social organization of cercopithecines
1) alloparental care: after 6 hours of being born, the mother lets other females take care of them
2) most live in single m or multi f
3) social life revolves around matrilines and female hierarchies
life history pattern of cercopithecines
1) no very small species
2) almost all are sexually dimorphic
3) most reproduce one offspring every 2-3 yrs
4) compared to strepsirhines and nwm, they are fairly uniform in morphology and behavior
4 types of cercopithecidae)
1) macaques (large mm/mf groups with female philopatry)
2) red colobus (males cooperatively defend against chimps)
3) hamadryas baboon (males are more philopatric)
4) silvered langur (males defensive of females, not resources)
first anthropoids
1) oligopithecidae
2) propliopithecidae (much more similar to living anthropoids)
found in bolivia, 26 mya: earliest nwm.

likely terrestrial.

hard to assign to modern clade, fairly generalized.
theories about nwm origins
1) n american route (descended from omomyoids and somehow got to s america but there was no land bridge and the currents were going the wrong way)
2) asian model (eosimias was an ancestor, no anthropoid fossils in n asia, ocean currents still a problem)
3) antarctica (warmer 40 mya: maybe land bridges)
4) african origins (likely by rafting, ocean less expansive, more islands existed then, ocean currents go the right way!)
1) preceded the colobinae/cercopithecinae split
2) low rounded cusps and likely frugivorous and ate hard seeds
3) eating foods closer to the ground implies terrestriality
4) has ischial callosities
morphological characteristics of hominoids
1) adapted for below branch brachiation
2) highly flexible shoulder
3) top of humerus is bigger and rounder, for swinging
4) clavicle is longer
5) rib cage is deeper
6) greater flexibility in wrist
7) lack of tail
8) brain differences
9) y-5 molars, 5 cusps, y-shaped groove (only on bottom)
behavioral characteristics of hominoids
1) below-branch suspensory movement
2) orthograde posture
3) sleep in nests
4) variation in social organization
5) slow life history
6) cognitive skills
7) highly frugivorous (except gorillas: folivorous)
family hylobatidae of hominoidea
distribution: se china to sumatra
diet: frugivorous with leaves, insects, flowers
activity pattern: diurnal, arboreal brachiator
social organization: monogamous, both sexes disperse, live in ranges that don't overlap much
life history pattern: slow
unusual traits: both m/f come in both colors (black or camel), no paternal care, feed while the hang below branches
monogamy traits of hominoids
1) close proximity and distress when separated
2) monomorphism (m/f look the same in terms of canine and body size
3) territoriality
4) coordinated displays
4 theories of monogamy
1) dispersed females (male can only protect one female = reproductive success higher)
2) male defense (male must protect while females forage)
3) paternal investment (female reproductive success suffers without male assistance)
4) infanticide (monogamy minimizes infanticide risk)
folivore paradox
folivores tend to be large, large animals require less energy per unit mass than small animals even though their absolute energy requirements are higher. according to the jarmen-bell principle, the more abundant the food, the larger the group size. but folivorous primates tend to violate this.

1) food may be more limited
2) predation pressures
3) higher infanticide risk in larger groups
family pongidae
includes great apes, excludes humas.

strong sexual dimorphism as males are 2x size of females.
family hominidae
gorilla and pan and humans
pan troglodytes
primary food: fruit, but mostly herbivorous.
social: live in groups but forage alone, males patrol.
tools: to access certain foods.
fission-fusion societies/complex social relationships: grooming.
life history pattern: first reproduction at 14/15 yrs, interbirth interval is 5 yrs, lifespan is 53 yrs.

highly territorial, mate throughout year, different cultures in different populations.
variation in fission-fusion societies
1) ateles and p. troglodytes: males dominant over females, lots of male aggression between communities, females more solitary, fluid subgrouping.
2) brachyteles and p. paniscus: more egalitarian inter-sex relationship, less aggression between communities, females more social: form coalitions against males, more stable/large mixed sex subgroups.
how to proconsulidae differ from living apes?
they lacked the brachiating complex of all living hominoids
what shared traits do proconsulidae have with living apes?
many primitive traits shared, shared derived traits (no tail, proximal humerus, more rounded), details of the thumb and big toe.
"enigmatic ape"

has brachiating complex, pelvis has bipedal characteristics, but feet do not.
from early miocene of moroto in uganda

50 kgs, ate fruits/seeds, has a palate that looks like a large proconsul, but its lumbar vertebrae are more hominoid-like than proconsul, more rounded shoulders also.
asian clade: sivapithecus
similar to orangutan

postcrania presents an interesting problem: mix of quadrupedal/brachiation adaptations.
african clade: dryopithecus
teeth are chimp like in size and morphology, probably ate soft fruit, skeleton like ape but not adapted for knuckle walking.
how are humans physically different from other primates?
1) modified pelvis and knees (sexually dimorphic pelvis shape)
2) loss of body hair
3) changes in dentition (parabolic shape in teeth, canines largely reduced, thicker enamel)
4) changes in cranium (prognitism nope, huge skull vaults because we lost our brow ridges)
5) changes in brain size (certain parts better developed)
how are humans behaviorally different than other primates?
1) lots of fish/meat in diet
2) heavily reliant on tools
3) cooperative hunting
4) sexual division of labor
5) midwifery (assistance in childbirth)
6) significant alloparental care
7) language
8) unusual life history pattern (long post-reproductive period, go through menopause, can reproduce rapidly, don't have reproductive overlap)
9) fission-fusion social organization
10) territorial
3 examples of subsistence strategies in humans
1) kenya: agro-pastoralist kipsigis: maize and cattle
2) tibet: high-altitude farming, estate passes to eldest son
3) congo: pygmy hunter-gatherers
3 examples of mating systems in humans
1) polygyny in kenya (82% of pop)
2) polyandry in tibet (1% of pop)
3) monogamy in congo (17% of pop)
3 hypotheses on why bipedalism evolved
1) walking on two legs is an efficient form of locomotion
(humans v. chimps = equally costly, but locomotion in humans more efficient)
2) erect posture allowed hominins to keep cool (thermoregulate)
3) bipedal locomotion leaves hands free to carry things (may travel greater distances while carrying things: advantageous when food is in a dangerous place)
paranthropus (megadont)
large molars/premolars, robust jaws, sagittal crest like gorillas.

features like humans: reduced prognathism, reduced brain size, more human-like hands, found in e and s africa.
earliest humans: changes in limb length, brain size, dentition
a. anamensis (4.2-3.8 mya) = bipdal, primitive jaws + teeth

a. afarensis (3-3.6 mya) = fully bipedal, teeth are very mediate between humans and apes, primitive skull

a. afarensis (2.4-3 mya) = less prognathism, canine reduction, bicuspid premolars, parabolic dental arcade shape

paranthropus (2.3-1 mya) = megadont features + reduced prognathism, larger brain, more human-like hands

homo habilis (2.5-1.9 mya) = smaller jaws/teeth, larger brains, still small-bodied

homo eragaster (1.8 mya) = larger brain, smaller teeth, long legs

homo heidelbergensis (600-400 kya): looks like ergaster/erectus but larger brains. in europe --> h. neanderthalensis. in africa --> h. sapiens.
earliest tools in humans?
h. habilus found with oldowan tools (2.5 mya)

used tools to get foods

h. ergaster used sophisticated acheulean tools 1.5 mya
summary of hominin evolution
a) human-chimp split = 6-8 mya
b) bipedalism = 4.2 mya
c) dentition changes = 3.6 mya, modern = 2.4 mya
d) brain sizes still small, cheek teeth enlarging now
e) radiation of hominids: tools v. megadont = 2.5-1 mya
f) modern limb proportions/brain sizes increase/first tool cultures = 1.8 mya
g) hominids out of africa = 1.7 mya
h) lca of humans/neanderthals = 600 kya
i) lineages appear in europe/africa = 200 kya
j) humans move out of africa = 45 kya