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152 Cards in this Set

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Four categories of cells

1. Muscle

2. Nerve

3. Epithelial

4. Connective

Functional units

--Subunits of an organ

Three types of muscles cells

1. Skeletal

--Help limbs and skin move

2. Cardiac

--Movement of heart

3. Smooth

--Dilation of blood vessels

Internal mileu

--Interstitial fluid

--Also refers to the main component of the the extra-cellular fluid

--The fluid that surrounds the tissues and organs

Walter Cannon on homeostasis (3 features)

(1) Homestatsis doesn't occur by chance (its a coordinated system)

(2) The regulatory system that maintains homeostasis consists of cooperating mechanisms that act simultaneously or successively

(3) Resisting change (negative feedback)

Three parts of negative feedback

1. Sensor

2. Integrating center (decides what to do with the change)

3. Effector (releases hormones etc. to fix)

What does your body do to thermoregulate when you are cold and need to raise body temperature?

--Constriction of blood vessels (why your face goes white)

--Decreased sweating

--Increased shivering

Two things that dictate direction of rxn for a reversible one?

1. Principle of chemical equilibrium

2. Law of mass action


Things that dictate how fast a reaction will go

1. Concentration of reactants

2. Temp

3. Enzymes/activation barrier

Enzyme regulation (1) allosteric modulation

Can be an activator or inhibitor

--Non-covalently binds to regulatory site (not covalent bond like with covalent modification)

Enzyme regulation (2) covalent modification

--Enzymes catalyze a bond between chemical group and enzyme molecule

--Changes the active site

Total body water

2/3 ECF

--ECF made up of mostly Interstitial fluid but also plasma

1/3 intracellular water

Main things ATP is used in

1. Movement

2. Membrane transport

3. Molecular synthesis

Two ways to produce ATP

1. Substrate-level phosphorylation

--Don't need O2

2. Oxidative phosphorylation

--Depends on O2 for the oxidative reactions in the mitochondrial environments

Four steps in glucose oxidation

1. Glycolysis

2. Linking step

3. Krebs cycle

4. Oxidative phosphorylation


--1 glucose --> 2 pyruvates

--10 step process, 10 enzymes involved

--Produces 2 NADH + 2H that are used in oxidative phosphorylation

Linking step

--2 pyruvate --> 2 acetyl- coA

--Pyruvate enters mitocondria

--Produces 2 NADH + 2H that are used in oxidative phosphorylation

Krebs Cycle

--8 enzyme process

--Uses 1 acetyl coA to make 3NADH + 3H and 1 FADH which will go to oxidative phosphorylation

Oxidative Phosphorylation

NADH and FADH donate their electrons to acceptors in ETC and become oxidized

How to make ATP in absence of oxygen? (aka no oxidative phosphorylation)

--Use the glycolysis step only

--Produce 2NADH and 2ATP

--NADH oxidized to NAD+ which makes lactate


--When H+ go from intermembrane to inner membrane space to produce heat but no ATP

Two types of membrane transports

1. Passive

2. Active

Two types of Passive

1. Carrier mediated

--Through transmembrane protein channel

--No ATP

2. Simple diffusion

--From high to low concentration

--Only at short distances

Two types of active

1. Primary Active Transport

2. Secondary Active Transport

Chemical driving force is caused by

Concentration gradient (moves from high to low until uniformly distributed)

Diffusion time is proportional to


What are the two things that the net diffusion flux rate are proportional to?

1. Concentration differences between two locations

2. Proportional to the membrane permeability

What is used to calculate net flux rate?

--Fick's law

Fick's law equation

F = K (permability) x A (surface area) x X (concentration outside) - X (concentration inside)

Is a smaller membrane (more thin) more permeable or not?

Yes, more permeable

What things does the permability constant affected by?

1. Temp (increased temp, increased diffusion)

2. Solubility (more soluble in lipid bilayers when non-polar than polar/charged)

3. Size and shape of molecule (when small, the molecule is able to diffuse more rapidly)

What dictates the electrical driving force?

--The membrane potential of the cell and the charge of the ion

----Opposites attract

Another named for carrier mediated diffusion?

Facilitated diffusion

What is facilitated diffusion?

--No ATP

--Used to bring ions and such through the membrane when low permability

--Open and close

--Are effected by same factors as diffusion except this also has a saturable rate because it can be full

Primary Active Transport

--Hydrolyze ATP to move things against their electrochemical gradient

--Move Na out of the cell even though there isn't alot in the cell to begin with

--Used to counteract the leaks

Secondary Active Transport

--Don't directly hydrolyze ATP but use the gradients that are formed by other ATPases which facilitates movement

What are transporters used in? What are the different types?

1. Cotransporters -- unidirection

2. Countertransporters -- bidirectional

What is calculated with the Nerst equation?

--The equlibrium potential

--The equlibrium potential



--Total SOLUTE particle concentration

--An increase in osmolarity is a decrease in water concentration

--Osmosis moves in direction of higher osmolarity


--The function of the concentration of non-permeating solutes (basically the stuff that is unable to cross the membrane)


--Permeating solute, something that can move into the cell and create an osmotic driving force for the diffusion of water

Epithelial Transport

--Transport across entire cell layers

Apical vs. Basal epithalial


--Faces the lumen

--Uses cotransporter (secondary transport)


--Faces the intersitial fluid

--Uses primary transport (Na2+/K+ pumps etc.)

How is water transported across epithelials?

--Not by water pumps (only solute pumps exist)

--Need to have a osmotic gradient (Active transport of solutes) and then the water will flow due to osmosis

Explain how cells would secrete fluids:

1. Solute transported against concentration gradient (from low--> high) to create an osmotic gradient so increase the concentration of non-permeating solutes outside in the interstital fluid

2. The water will flow from cell to interstital fluid on the basolateral side (down its concentration gradient)

How would taking in fluids differ?

--It would be the opposite

How do cells communicate with one another?

Intercellular chemical messengers

What are the three types of intercellular chemical messengers?

1. Hormones

--Secreted by endocrine cells to target cell

--Target cells must have a receptor

--Slow acting

2. Neurotransmitters

--Secreted by nerve/pre-synaptic cells


3. Autocrine agents

--Used for local homeostatic response

--Short distances

--Reach target cells using diffusion

Four features of a signal transduction pathway

1. Able to amplify

2. Receptor specific

3. Desensitization/adaption

--Can pull receptors away, stop responding

4. Integration

--Doesn't have to be one input, can be many inputs

What increases cell strength? (essientially, what increases the number of receptors that are bound)

1. Presence of messenger

2. Number of receptors on the membrane etc.

3. Affinity between receptor and ligand

Two types of receptors that can bind to messengers

1. Intracellular receptors

2. Membrane-bound receptors

Characteristics of intracellular receptors

--Act as transcription factors

--Can be either located in the nucleus or in the cytosol

--If they are in the cytosol then they will bring the ligand with them and act as a transcription factor

Three types of membrane-bound receptors

--All respond to lipophobic messengers

1. Channel-linked receptor

2. Enzyme-linked receptor

3. G-protein linked receptor

Exocrine vs. endocrine glads

--Exocrine: secrete to products outside like ducts etc.

--Endocrine: which secrete products directly into the blood stream

Four things that show that the endocrine and nervous system interact

1. Endocrine glands are under nervous control

2. Some HORMONES are released from NEURONS rather than from endocrine glands

3. Depending on where they are in the body some substances may act as a hormone (when in circulation) or as a neurotransmitter in the brain

4. Hypothalamus-Pituitairy COmplex

--Neuro-endocrine interface itself

Substance that acts as a neurotransmitter and a hormone depending on where it is in the body


Examples of secondary endocrine organs

--The heart, liver, stomach, skin, intestine

Three classes of hormones

1. Amines

2. Protein + polypeptide hormones

3. Steroid hormones

Precursor of catecholamines


--Depending on available enzymes, they will make certain catecholamines

T3 + T4

--Regulate metabolic rate and growth

--Derived from tyrosine

--Secreted from thyroid

--Are amines

Proteins/polypeptides that act as hormones

--GH (Released by anterior pituitary)

--Atrial naturetic peptide (released by heart to regulate sodium reabsorption by the kidneys

Preprohormone vs. Prohormone

Prohormone: as it leaves the golgi

--Gets cleaved to become hormone

Preprohormone: after gene transcription

--Gets cleaved to become prohormone

Steroid hormones

--Are hydrophobic/lipophilic

--Can diffuse membranes to reach the intracellular receptors

--Produced by gonads (sex stereoids), placenta and adrenal cortex

What needs a carrier in blood stream?


How do hormones effect their target cells?

1. Directly (activating or inhibiting cells)

2. Indirectly (having permissive effects which are like altering the sensitivity (up/down regulating their receptors)


--Oxytocin and vasopressin

--Released from vesicles in the posterior pituitary

--8 AA



--Anterior pituitary

--Posterior pituitary

Hypothalamus -- pituitary portal system

--Neurosecretory cells in hypothalamus release TROPIC hormones into this area and stimulate the release of different hormones from the anterior pituitary


--Suppresses prolactin


--Not a tropic hormone

--Used in reproductive functions, promotes breast development, milk production, suppresses ovulation


--promotes glucocorticoid release from adrenal cortex in response to stress


--promotes IGF-1 release to promote growth (insulin-like growth factor 1)

--Alters protein synthesis and carbohydrate + lipid metabolism


--Stimulates sex hormone production and promotes ovulation

Short loop vs long loop negative feedback

Short loop: from anterior -- hypothalamus

Long loop: from adrenals etc to anterior or hypo

Adrenal cortex secretes

(1) Mineralcorticoids

(2) Glucococorticoids

Chromaffin cells are located in and secrete

--Adrenal medulla, secrete mostly epinephrine and

Beta blockers

--Are epinephrine receptor antagonists (decrease) so that when epinephrine is secreted is cannot bind to the heart (decreases heart rate, blood pressure etc.)

Pancreas alpha cells

--Stimulates glucose release into the blood in response to a fall in glucose


Pancreas beta cells

--Stimulates glucose re-uptake using insulin

Diabetes Type 1

--Destruction of beta cells


Diabetes Type 2

--Resistant to insulin because there is so much glucose in the fluid

--Change diet etc.


--Precursor to t3 and t4

--released from follicles in the thyroid

Thyroid organ

1. Secretes T3 + T4

2. Secretes calcitonin

Parathyroid gland

1. Secretes calcitonin

--Used in metabolic rate

How does the heart act as a secondary endocrine organ?

--Secrete ANP

--Responds to heart stretch, regulates Na2+ reabsorption by the kidney

How does the liver act as a secondary endocrine organ?

--Insulin growth factors are released in response to GH which is used to stimulate growth

How does the kidney act as a secondary endocrine organ?

--In response to change in O2, causes erthopoietin which causes blood cell proliferation



-- = sum of the multiple effects

-- the sum is greater than the effects

Glial cells (90% of cells in NS) have functions

1. Structural integrity of NS

2. Homeostatic regulation

3. Acts as myelin to insulate

4. Used in local intercellular

Bipolar neurons

--Typically sensory neurons

--Cell body between neurons and dendrites

Pseudo unipolar

--Cell body off to the side

--Axon and dendrites appear as a single process that extends in two directions but the dendrites actually functions as an axon

--Peripheral axon

--Central axon

Peripheral axon

--Modified dendritic process

--Originates in periphery but actually transmits APs

Central axon

--Extends in CNS, forms synapses w/ other neurons


--One axon, many dendrites

--Cell body at top and many projections

What is an efferent response of a somatic response?


What is an autonomic response from the efferent division?



Afferent neuron, terminate as CNS

Pseudo-unipolar, afferent

Receptors in periphery (2)

1. Sensory receptors

2. Visceral receptors

Example of visceral receptor


Efferent neuron

--Multiple polar neuron that enters PNSq

Glial cells in PNS



Glial Cells in CNS

--Oligodendocytes (same as Schwann in PNS)




Why does myelinated make them faster?

--Reducing ion leak

Two things that determine Vm

1. Concentration gradients

--concentrations of ions like K+ and Na+

2. Permeability of ions

--Moving across

Two types of electrical signals

1. Graded Potentials

2. Action potentials

What is summation and what type of potential does it occur in?

--Spatial -- Multiple interactions

--Temporal -- One interaction


Do graded potentials have refractory periods? Why does this make sense?

--No, makes sense because spatial action potentials occur

Absolute refractory period

--Corresponds to depolarization and repolarization

Relative refractory period

--Corresponds to hyperpolarization

What are GPs

--When dendrites open their dendrites

--Let ions flow in

--Signals then propagate

What can't an action potential occur in the absolute or refractory period?

Sodium channels still inactivated

Trigger zone

--Axon hillock

Explain the conduction and axon diameter relationship

--Increased conduction with increased diameter

--Resistance to action potential is inversely related to axon timer

Three benefits of myelination

1. Saves surface area

2. Metabolically cheaper

3. Higher conductance

Axosomatic synapse

Axoaxonic synapse

--Synapse between cell body of post-synaptic neuron and pre-synaptic dendrites

--Synapse between axon of post-synaptic nueron with terminal arms of pre-synnaptic neurons

Where do electrical synapses occur?

--Neuron to neuron, neuron to glial

Where do chemical synapses occur?

--Can be neuron-neuron or neuron to effector

Two types of receptors a neurotransmitter may bind to

1. Channel-linked receptor (ionotropic) receptor


2. G-protein coupled (metabotropic) receptor


Two types of metabotropic receptors

1. Direct coupling

--Indirectly activates an ion channel

2. Second messengers

--Indirectly activates by binding to enzyme

--Second messenger might phosphorylate etc.

GABAa receptor is a ____ receptor, what does it let in and what happens when it does


--Let Cl into

--GABA released at inhibitory synpases

--When bound to GABA then hyperpolarizing happens

Three things that affect neurotransmitter release

1. AP frequency

--stronger stimulus, might activate more frequency, more calcium in neuron when AP freq release

2. Autoreceptors

--on pre-synaptic neuron, may inhibit/ promote

3. Presynaptic facilitation/inhibition (modulatory synapses)

Parts of forebrain

Cerebrum, diancephalon

Parts of diancephalon

thalamus, hypothalamus, pituituary gland

Part of brainstem

pons, medulla, midbrain


--CN 9

--Motor control of swallowing and salivary glands

Vagus nerve


--Afferent of thoracic + abdominal

--Motor control of larynx + pharynx

Partellar Tendon Stretch

--Only monosynaptic stretch

--Muscle spindle senses the stimulus and synapses with afferent neurons which will relay info to CNS and efferent neurons

--Excitatory connect to contract quad, inhibitory to relax hamstring


--Stepping on something makes hamstring contract and quad relaxed

--Nocireceptors transmit info to spinal cord where they can have excitatory synapses and transmit to other side for efferent neurons on the other leg

--in order to stabilize leg then you have the quad excited and the hamstring inhited

Pacininan corpuscle

Type of mechanoreceptor that responds to vibration


--Detect BP, regulate heart


--Detect O2, CO2, pH

Sensory unit

--A single afferent with all it's receptors

Receptor potential

--GP induced by a stimulus in a sensory receptor

Second-order neuron

Third-order neuron

--Spinal cord to thalamus

--From thalamus to cortex


--Temperature sensitive ion channels that underlie temperature sensation


--Binds to temp receptor

--Eliciting a hot response


--Protein that detects light

--Influences g-protein that regulates the opening of ion channels

Presence of light

--Reduction of AP, activate G-protein, close Na, hyperpolarize, reduce stimulation of bipolar cells

Anatomy of SNS Pre-ganglionic fibres

--Cell bodies are in the brain stem or the spinal cord

--Thinly myelinated and go towards the autonomic ganglion

Anatomy of SNS Post-ganglionic fibres

--Cell bodies in the autonomic ganglion

--Unmyelinated and projects to visceral effector organs

Anatomy of PSNS Pre-ganglionic fibres

--Cell bodies in the brain stem or sacral SC

--Ususally travel through CN

Anatomy of PSNS Post-ganglionic fibres


--Cell body in autonomic ganlion

NT in pre and post synaptic synapses in PSNS


NT in pre in PSNS


What breaks down Ach


Two types of Ach receptors

1. Ionotropic/ Nicotonin

--Nicotonic receptor

--On all post-ganglionic neurons (activation of PSNS)

2. Metabotropic/ Muscarinic

--Expressed at effector organ

Three places where SNS may intervate pre and post

1. Sympathetic chain

--Travel through spinal cord to synapse in symapthetic chain

2. Collateral ganglion

--another place where they might synapse

in SNS when post-ganglionic is short

3. Chromaffin cell

Final transmitter of SNS (usually)


Adrengenic receptors

--Binds NE and E


--Effector organs of SNS

Two classes of adrengenic receptors

A class

B class

A1 pathway

--NE/E bind to metatrophic receptor, activate g-protein, bind to enzyme that use PIP to result in phosphorylation

A2 + B pathway

--NE/E bind to metatropic receptor, activate/inhibit G protein, ATP used to make cAMP, cAMP elicit a response