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50 Cards in this Set

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The clavicle is ____________ anteriorly, at the medial end and ____________ anteriorly, the lateral end.

convex (at the medial end) concave (at the lateral end)

The lateral border of the scapula is aka the ______________border.


The medial end of the spine of the scapula is called the _____________________


A gliding motion, with the scapula moving toward the spine is known as _____________


The sternoclavicular joint is classified as a synovial ___________________ joint


The most distal projection on the lateral side of the humerus is the ___________________


The movement "scaption" happens equally between the _____________ and the ________ planes.

Sagittal & Frontal Planes

During 15 - 120 degrees of abduction of the humerus, the ratio of movement between the humerus and the scapula is ____________, in favour of the humerus.

2 : 1

During abduction of the humerus, the humerus must undergo _____ rotation, so the greater tubercle can clear the coraoacromial arch.

90 - 120 degrees of abduction

The weak spot in the inferior aspect of the glenohumeral joint capsule is known as the ____________

Axillary Recess

The upper fibres of the trapezius muscle can perform ___________ rotation along the transverse plane.


Rhomboids and middle trapezius both have a medial attachment on the spine, at______________

C7 - T5

What action can latissimus dorsi perform around an anterior-posterior axis?


(True or False) Levator scapula can ipsilaterally rotate the neck


Pectoralis major horizontally adducts the arm along the __________plane.

Transverse Plane

A tight pectoralis minor other presents with a ____________ scapula.


What is the superior attachment of the levator scapula?

TVP C1 - C4

The limbericals can ______________ the MTP's, and _________________ the PIP's and DIP's.

Flex (MTP's) | Extend (PIP's & DIP's)

The dorsal interossei are responsible for what movement of the phalanges.


(True or False) A tight serratus anterior will result in a winging scapula.


(True or False) Supraspinatus can externally rotate the humerus.


What action can be performed by teres major around a vertical axis?


Which one of the rotator cuff muscles has a lateral attachment of the lesser tubercle?

Subscapularis muscle

Which one of the rotator cuff muscles can abduct the humerus?


(True or False) The ulnar notch of the radius is located at the distal end of the bone.


What is the name of the boney prominence on the posterior aspect of the distal radius?

Listser's Tubercle

The small indentation on the superior aspect of the head of the radius is called the ____________


Which ligament in the elbow helps to prevent cubitus valgus.

Collateral Ligament

Which bursa is inflamed if your patient presents with "students elbow"

Olecranon Bursa

Which muscle has a distal attachment of the radial tuberosity?

Biceps Brachii

The theory of the "screw home mechanism"of the knee is: fully _______,the tibia rotates ______

Extended, the tibia rotates Laterally

Which two muscles form a "stirrup"for the foot, bu sharing a common distal attachment?

Tibialis Anterior & Peroneous Longus

Which muscle has a distal attachment of the tuberosity of the 5th metatarsal?

Peroneus Brevis

True/False: Tibialis Anterior and Tibialis Posterior both act to invert the foot


Where there is possibility of friction between a tendon and a retinnacula, there is _______to protect the tendon

Tendon Sheath

Which action is performed by peroneus longus and brevis, at the subtalar joint

In order to stretch gastroncnemius, you need to ______the knee and ________the ankle

Extend the knee and Dorsiflex the ankle

When palpating just posterior to the medial malleolus, which tendon will you locate?

Tibialis Posterior

When gastrocnemius and soleus are considered together, they are sometimes called the ________

Tricep Surae

What action can popliteus perform, along the transverse plane

Medial Rotation

What is the name of the bony landmark on the distal , posterior aspect of the radius

Liters tubercle

Which ligament holds the head of the radius in place during pronation and supination of the forearm


True/False: The radial notch is located at the distal end of the ulna.


Which muscle is the prime mover for elbow flexion, when the forearm is in pronation


What is the superior attachment of the long head of biceps brachii?

Supraglendoid tubercle

Which of the carpal bones is most commonly dislocated


Which muscle is a synergist to triceps brachii for elbow extension


Which of the carpal bones is mostly fractured


What are the medial attachments of the flexor rerinaculum



True/False: Both the proximal and distal radio ulnar joints are classified as synovial pivot joints
