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12 Cards in this Set

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O: Lateral condyle and upper and upper lateral 1/2 tibia

I: Medial plantar surface of first cuneiform & med plantar base of metatarsal 1

A: Dorsiflexion & inversion of foot; support s med long arch

Extensor digitorium longus

O: Lateral condyle, upper 3/4 of anterior fibula

I: Middle and distal phalanges of toes 2-5

A: Dorsiflexion of foot and extension of toes 2-5

Peroneus Terius

O: Distal 1/2 of anterior fibula

I: Mediodorsal metatarsal 5 and base of metatarsal 4

A: Dorsiflexion of foot, eversion of foot

Extensor hallucis longus

O: Medial and mid fibula

I: Base of distal phalanx of hallux

A: Dorsiflexion of foot and extension of hallux


O: Posterior lateral and medial condyles of femur

I: tuberosity of calnaneus ( Achilles tendon)

A: plantar flexion of foot

flexion of knee


O: Head of fibula, posterior 1/3 of fibula, soleal line of mid tibia

I: tuberosity of calnaneus ( Achilles tendon)

A: Plantar flexion of foot


O: Lateral posterior condyle of femur

I: tuberosity of calnaneus ( Achilles tendon)

A: Plantar flexion

flexion of knee

Flexor digitorum longus (dick)

O: Proximal mid tibia

I: distal phalanges 2-5 via median malleolus

A: Plantar flexion

flexion of toes 2-5

supports med longitutional arch

inversion of foot

Flexor hallucis longus (harry)

O: Inferior 2/3 of fibula (posterior)

I: Base of distal phalanx of hallux (via sustentaculum tali)

A: Plantar flexion of foot

Flexion of hallux

support med longitudinal arch

inversion of foot

Tibialis posterior (tom)

O: Proximal fibula

Lateral mid tibia

interosseous membrane

I: plantar surface of navicular, cuneiform 1-3, metatarsals 2-4 (via med malleolus)

A: Plantar flexion

inversion of foot

supports arches

Peroneus longus

O: head and prox 2/3 of fibula

intermuscular septum

I: base of metatarsal 1 and first cuneiform (via lat malleolus)

A: plantar flexion

eversion of foot

Supports transverse arches of foot

Peroneus brevis

O: Distal 2/3 of fibula

Intermuscular septum

I: Lat base of metatarsal 5

A: plantar flexion & eversion of foot; supports lateral longitutinal arch